Welcome to the Angelina Jolie Message Board. Get in touch with Angelina Jolie to voice your support, appreciation, or opinion.
Can you imagine how much snail mail and email a celebrity must get? Most simply don't have time to go through all of it and even less time to respond. So, for this reason, we've created this shout-out message board. It's a far simpler way to communicate with your favorite stars and celebrities.
Try to keep your messages short and sweet. No one wants to read your entire life story. We don't know if you'll get a response, but if enough people post a message, these celebrities won't be able to ignore them all.
i have a very interesting in cinema acting i am also 18 years old indian i am so interesting cinemas acting please any giving opportunity please medam my family so poor family
Posted by sivananda (2016-02-27) 4989
hi this is MG , i can't use my name , it's a bad situation that i''m in , anyway, i am hip hop writer and screenplay writer , i am at the middle of this , i'm umder 20, living far from usa , and i need some help...
Posted by M.G (2014-08-17) 4844
hi angelina my name is matthew and you are a very good actress on the kung fu panda films and the kung fu panda holiday special i love tigress because she is my favorite dreamworks character in the world and tigress also on the kung fu panda tv series on ytv and nickelodeon and tigress is very funny on the kung fu panda tv series tigress hates kids on the kung fu panda tv series but tigress loves kids on the kung fu panda films thats all i can say bye angelina you are awesome
Posted by matthew (2012-08-18) 3837
hello Angelina,
I do not want to bombard you with a whole bunch of idolizing and questions. Honestly, I don't know what to say but your an amazing actor and I love how strong you and your characters are. You're on the top of my list as the female actress I want to work with. If that ever happens... wooo... then I know I've made it. Hope to work with you one day, hopefully soon.
Posted by Alexsis (2012-05-26) 3751
Hi, Angelina:
I have a very interesting true story that I hope you would be interested in making a movie about, Trust me it is good and true. I hope you will want more information, if so please send me a message me. Thank you!
Posted by Kemberely Chaudhry (2012-03-20) 3674
Angelina makes me want to vomit! This moraless home wrecker has now claimed another victim, Johnny Depp! It's not enough to sleep with her mother's boyfriend, brother and other women's husbands but not proclaiming to be "Mother Theresa" she still cannot set a better example even for the sake of her children! You can't pay me to see this slut in another movie or anything else! Brad got what he deserves . . . if they'll do it with you they'll do it to you! Brad is an idiot!
Posted by Joanna (2012-02-18) 3615
Hello Ms
Am surching jobs ( personal driver for you and your family ) Onlly for Europe am in Bulgaria
Best regards.
Posted by Brenndeorfer (2012-01-26) 3572
Hi ,I don't know if the Angelina Jolie to see my message ,but My name is Grazzy ,I from Brazil , I'm actress and Angelina is one actress thats my inspiriration ,I don't speak english very well ,in the yours see!hahaha
I want so much one day work in one movie with her,Brad Pitt,Penelope Cruz ,Al pacino,Edward Norton,Jude Law ,Jhonny Depp,Meryl streep ,Clint Eastwood 'n' Demi Moore,I want so much ,see!?hhaha
But the fact for I'm Brazilian is half complicated ,but I gonna my dreams come true and I gonna fight for this and I gonna find my real place and If Want God,I gonna work in the Job thats I want wish!
Grazzy Damasceno .
Posted by Grazzy Damasceno (2012-01-19) 3557
Watching your 60 minutes interview, I completely changed my opinion of you. I previously thought of you as just another Hollywood bombshell, but you really care about so many other things. The Bosnia story needs to be told. You are impressive to tackle such a subject.
There is another story of oppression that has never been told.
The genocide of the Armenians at the hands of the Turks, starting in the 1890's and ending near the start of World War I. To this day, the Turkish government denies anything happened. Thousands and thousands slaughtered, in very violent ways, too violent to describe here. I am not Armenian, but I have friends who are, that describe how their Grandparents were killed and other men, women and children murdered, including unborn children.
If you want to do another Bosnia type movie, you should check it out.
Best wishes,
Your friend,
David A Willard
Posted by David A Willard (2011-11-30) 3488
hi, angie i realy love ur movies special tomb rider and sait.. wow u good on acting i admire u so much.
Posted by musimani lahiah k (2011-11-27) 3475
hi aj, i realy love your movies alot, i am studying acting in namibia africa, and watching your movies gives me inspiration to act, thank you for being who you are and a role model, and i hpoe to be in hollywood in the future.
Posted by josephat tjiho (2011-11-27) 3473
I think that you should have left Brad alone. If he and Jennifer had already broken up, that would be another story, but you shouldn't have gotten involved with him while he was still with his wife. I think both of you treated Jennifer badly by not having Brad officially end things with Jennifer before starting his relationship with you.
Posted by Tammy (2011-11-07) 3396
Hi Angelina,
I am a huge fan and I just want to say that I do want to go into acting as well but is questiong my talent is that normal?
Thank you,
Posted by chrissy (2011-11-06) 3393
Hi Angelina,
I like your movies.....you are so good actress.....i am in my early forties, and i would like to become an actress,.....what steps should i take.....thank you......Valentina
Posted by valentina (2011-08-19) 3274
You are a beautiful soul, really you are. I just watched the Cambodia clip featured on yahoo today. I was a neighbor of yours in New Orleans for a while and wanted to make sure you know about the Insectarium in the quarter. The have edible bugs there, pretty sure crickets too! :)
Love to your family.
Posted by Stacey (2011-07-19) 3211
Hi ANGELINA J i want become one of ur actress am from poor family plz help me out become some body plz
Posted by fatmata musa (2011-05-02) 2830
My sweet Jolie,
My name is babujee from india. I am intested in becoming in your movie, Hope to hear a reply from you soon.
Posted by babujee (2011-03-15) 2736
Dear Ms. Jolie,
I am writing to you to ask for your help. Governor Cuomo is proposing to make drastic cuts and changes that will have a negative impact on children birth to three in the state of NY.Please help us in stopping him. These changes will be disasterous !!!!
Posted by irene (2011-02-15) 2714
hi angela, my name is sabrina bell and i am interested in becoming in your movie, i have been exepted for many auditions i have done, so if you want to see me audition i garentee you that you will take me into the show buisness
Posted by sabrina bell (2011-01-07) 2690
ANGELINA-GOSHA please contact me URGENTLY, thank you from the other side.
Posted by Natasja (2010-11-08) 2641
To the parents of Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne,
My wife and I are retired teachers. I taught elementary school for more than 35 years, and she taught in a Montessori pre-school for eighteen. Believe it or not, we still enjoy working with children. We are the parents of three grown children and have two gandkids. We are both big fans of both of you. We love to travel. Would really be interested in being of service in the capacity of tutors/nannys. Please contact me if interested. Thanks.
Posted by John Valvana (2010-10-08) 2611
dear angelina jolie. i love to be an extra in your movies. i dont have acting exper. i need somebody to train me. i am your big fan of yours and idol. i love to act and do movie scene. i need to learn how to read a script an act it out. love to hear from your fan. toronto. canada.
Posted by theodoros sitziris (2010-09-29) 2604
hi there, why am I not on your casting list in these feature movie. I am hafcast, speak bosnian and actress?? any way wish you all the best!!
Posted by nancy (2010-09-18) 2598
i appreciate the way you help "good" people understand their ignorance. i hope that doesn't sound rude
Posted by johnson (2010-09-08) 2592
Little Shilo is dressing like a boy because she identifies with her father which is great according to the animus animi theory. If there are marital problems, little girls naturally sympathize with the father. She Little Shilo is such a magnificent child. I read something today that disturbed me. Sweet shilo likes to dress like a boy. According to the animus animi theory, this means that she is identifying with her father....which is the best thing she can do. He needs to learn to treat her like the delicate little flower she is, and the media should leave her alone. This baby is learning her place in this world, and it is NOT our place to tell her! If there are marital problems, let it be known, that little girls naturally are more compassionate toward the father. She resembles him a lot, and she may be acting as the father to gain the mothers attention. Please. I read something today. That baby should never be treated like there is anything wrong with her. She is so beautiful and perfectly normal. No, I am not a fan. I just felt compelled to deliver this MSG. (fan in the sense that I look at you as anything more than someone whom I admire). I have 4 babies of my own and shilo is just a darling little baby. Just like my own.
Posted by Nikki (2010-09-04) 2586
Hi Anjelina my name is FeyiJimi Akin-Lewis im 20.I come from Nigeria in West-Africa.I am in America now on holiday and i want to become an actress,i want to act with you.i realy have the talent for it.Im tall skinny,i have black/brown eyes and brown hair i have a crush on you even though i am a girl,someone from my country acted with you In Salt,he was the one that helped you to escape at the end.I would apreciate it if you sponsor me to act and live in America,i could live with you if you like.Please contact me on my email,i will be expecting your reply Please dont let me down love you GOD bless you
Posted by FejiJimi (2010-08-25) 2579
You are a fine example of a person under intense media scrutiny successfully rising above the petty jealousies of your detractors to do noble and important work. I can't imagine what it must be like to have your personal life judged and sold for a cheap buck. That you are able to focus maturely on important goals and develop as an extraordinarily decent human being is a strong example to many. Wishing you the very best of luck in all that you do. Your children will grow up proud to know that you are not afraid to face all that is wonderful and terrible in this world. I am sure that your partner, friends and family feel priviledged to stand by your side and support you.
Posted by Dena (2010-08-17) 2565
Hi Angelina
I'm offering a free pair of custom shoes if you wear them to your next major event and get my name out there. Just have your agent contact me. Thank you so much and enjoy.
Posted by serpentevelenosa (2010-08-08) 2547
Posted by THEODOROS SITZIRIS (2010-07-16) 2521
Angelina, well i have nothing to ask u. what could i say than people haven't said already? im a big fan blabla.. i want to tell u about my country PARAGUAY. i heard that u wanted to adopted a southamerican child or something like that.. well in case you have changed ur mind it's a shame but i really like you to invite here to know.. i am 16 and i love kids but older people often forgets them here.. here it's more about money there is a lot of corruptions.. and the education is poor.. the children are in the street cleaning cars or asking for money.. it makes me so nervous.. i don't know what to do if i open a center for the moment i cant im not old enough i don't have the money and the parents of the kids don't let them go because theyy want they to work.. maybe if you have the time to write me and give some advises or don't worry if you can't. (excuse me for the english im doing my best). well if someday u can come it will be great.. i also want to say that u inspire not for ur movies(no offense) but for the person u seem to be.. someday i will be like you.. maybe i won't be famous, u won't ear my name but i will be helping people around the world.. RESUMING: i think if you come here that you will change people or their ways of thinking.. well i don't know but i think you will make a change.. if someday you have the time.. think about it...
Posted by gaby (2010-07-01) 2495
hi angelina my name is marisol well im just like you my parents have fought ever since my oldest sister was born and they are finally getting divorced.... and im interested in modeling and acting i wanna be just like you nd hope im 13 years old and my mom really incureges me allot too and i just got my braces off haha my question i how did u do it i would just really want to know please if you wuld answer dis back i would aprciat it allot.... and yeah i have big lips too just like you my mom says im goona have them just like you haha.
Posted by marisol (2010-06-28) 2489
Is there a reason you have chosen to do a very large percentage of your charity work OUTSIDE your own country? What about doing goodwill and charity work here in your own backyard in the USA?
FYI ~ I ask this same question to Oprah and Madonna as well. And any other celebrity who seems to make a name for themself doing goodwill and charity "abroad" yet they were born right here in the US of A.
Posted by Audrey (2010-06-16) 2450
hii angelina,
i am from somalia'(east afrika), live in amsterdam. i am 23 female.
I want to start a kidz clothing line..my designs are really great!
The thing is i wanted to send you my collection. plz LET YOUR AGENT CALL ME
ABOUT..on which agent adress i can sent you.
Posted by ebby (2010-05-12) 2398
Hi Angela
Posted by Mark kadans (2010-03-19) 2288
I second alice dales suggestion of heading up a push to quality orphanages under your direction. I am very concened about children with disabilities in Haiti. I would like those children part of the safe travel to US for waiting families. Over 200 families are approved and waiting for placement of children with Down syndrome, all cleared loving families. Seems a no brainer to shift the care of those children here to families who are ready and willing to take on the responsibility.
Thank you, Mary
Posted by Mary (2010-02-10) 2241
Hi angelina
Would you please consider opening orphanages around the world - I know how much you love children and how much you would like to see all children have a better life. Why save one child when you can save so many at one time and visit them all via webcam etc please think about Angel - it's certainly would be better all round and you and Brad won't fight any more - you are so well suited - I love you both - you both have the dis-advantaged at heart so think about Angelina please thanks
Posted by alice dale (2010-02-09) 2239
i was wondering if you was looking for young actors.
Posted by Antvaian Kelley (2010-02-01) 2235
I really do want to become an actress but i dont have any support. my parents want me to become a doctor ( which i cant, because i faint when i see blood). But i really want to become an actress and entertain people. Just wanted to know if you could help me and give any tips. Dont worry if you cant :)
Posted by bowrnamey (2010-01-14) 2198
hi angelina
I just wanted u to no that u and brad are in my prayers for some reason I feel like your going through tough times just remember Jesus loves u!
Posted by michael dunham (2010-01-04) 2194
Dear friends,
Ladies and gentlemen you've never heard of me until today,
Writing this letter desperate to talk to you about my America, so much suffering and so beautiful
I'll tell you how it seems to be an enchanted place a kind of heaven.
My Latin America is more beautiful than the pictures of Botero.
More sometimes is as sad as the paintings of Frida
It is as intense as the tango
It's as happy as Brazil,
My Latin America has everything has sea
It has rivers,
There are waterfalls,
It has desert and technology,
There are people happy, people have suffered,
They are communists and capitalists
My beautiful America has Indians of all ethnic groups,
It gypsies, blacks and whites,
It has history, this has been through,
And an uncertain future
It has natural resources,
My America is a poor little rich girl,
My Latin America every day is violated its natural resources comes every day fading into a terrible capacity very fast!
After this confession I think I can perhaps naively call you friends,
More is how we behave in Latin, or rather, most of us like that.
More like not everything is perfect ,....
You know friends I am Brazilian
The Brazil and Latin America has it all I said is a country that looks more like a continent
Why is it you see all races and everything all mixed together, everyone has the blood of Indians,
Many like me have European blood, with African and a fantastic mix of people and religions are many and each day appears once for composing the beauty and diversity of my country,
In my country every day comes a new alien, foreign or new they are welcome ...
My country is not as violent as it seems he is more comfortable than you think,
He is so cozy that has a beautiful forest say it is full of enchanted beings who have not even been, discovered more we know that there are
You people who live alone as more than 509 years why our forest is enchanted.
And more than that say that our rainforest is the lungs of the world and be part of our being deserves love and respect
I will ask you friends, and perhaps even for those who do not want to be none, to help us make our Amazon and our people free of any destruction
Caused by foreigners and even ashamed mind of timber, rice,
and all these people here, the son of our land blood of our people, young children of the forest that deplete it,
Destroy our beloved homeland, Brazil!
With love and affection faith that our voice will be heard Denise Gramelick.
Posted by Denise (2009-12-18) 2174
Hey Angelina Jolie I am a 14 year old girl I have always dreamed on begin an actor and making my parents proud of me, and I would really want your help on making my dream true. Please Angelina Jolie I know you can help me. Your an amazing actor and person. I know you have gone through hard times but at the end you heart is still gold so please help me make my dream come true. I will be happy acting on any type of movie, show, Disney Channel, TeenNick, or anything that can help me become famous like you. You are my role-model because you have helped so many kids and people in need. and i promise you that if I ever become famous I will annoce you as my role-model and I will also help many people in need.
Posted by Xiomara Torres (2009-12-13) 2172
I just watched the video clip in angelinajolie.dormitory that she gets naked for a photo shoot with another women in a movie. What a huge sacrify she did for the art of movie!!! I am crazy for her actually.
Posted by joyce123 (2009-11-23) 2156
i think you are a wonderful actress and im interested in becoming an actress is there any things you tell me on how to become noticed and what to do if you are new to the acting scene.thank you for your time!
Posted by jamie oltmer (2009-11-13) 2147
I love AJ. Worked for the UN for peace as we all should. Trust your inner talent and feelings and you will be a great success.
Posted by Joe (2009-09-29) 2122
Become an Actor, Actress or Extra by joining the world's leading acting community. Find acting tips, casting calls, audition notices, career networking tools and links to SAG-AFTRA talent agents.
Post your profile, photos, resume and video clips online and you could be discovered by top casting directors and talent scouts around the world. You might even get a chance to work with Angelina Jolie and other famous stars.
1984 (1h 58m) - Streaming on Netflix
Indiana Jones, his young sidekick and a spoiled songbird get more than they bargained for when they go to India in search of a missing magical stone.
This sequel took home an Oscar for its eye-popping array of special effects, from monkey brains to molten lava. Source Netflix
2009 (1h 54m) - Streaming on Netflix
All grown up in post-apocalyptic 2018, John Connor must lead the resistance of humans against increasingly dominating militaristic robots.
Oscar winner Christian Bale stars in this high-octane continuation of the popular Sci‑Fi franchise. Source Netflix
2002 (1h 35m) - Streaming on Netflix
Based on the H.G. Wells classic, this adventure follows Alexander Hartdegen, a scientist and inventor, who's determined to prove time travel is possible. Testing his theories with a time machine of his own invention, Hartdegen is hurtled 800,000 years into the future, where he discovers that mankind has become divided into the hunter and the hunted. Source Netflix
2016 Series - Streaming on Amazon
Once a powerful lawyer, Billy McBride is now burned out and washed up, spending more time in a bar than a courtroom. When he reluctantly agrees to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against the biggest client of the massive law firm he helped create, Billy and his ragtag team uncover a vast and deadly conspiracy, pitting them all in a life or death trial against the ultimate Goliath. Source Amazon
2015 Series - Streaming on Amazon
A con man (Giovanni Ribisi) on the run from a vicious gangster (Bryan Cranston) takes cover from his past by assuming the identity of his prison cellmate, Pete, "reuniting" with Pete's estranged family, a colorful, dysfunctional group that threatens to drag him into a world just as dangerous as the one he's trying to escape - and, just maybe, give him a taste of the loving family he's never had. Source Amazon
2018 Series - Streaming on Amazon
When CIA analyst Jack Ryan stumbles upon a suspicious series of bank transfers his search for answers pulls him from the safety of his desk job and catapults him into a deadly game of cat and mouse throughout Europe and the Middle East, with a rising terrorist figurehead preparing for a massive attack against the US and her allies. CIA analyst Jack Ryan uncovers a series of suspicious transactions that take him out from behind his desk and into the field to hunt down a powerful new threat to the world. Source Amazon
I want to be an atress please somebody should help me out.
Posted by Sandra ben (2016-04-20) 4993