How to get Discovered

by Anthony Smith

Man looking for candidates

Aspiring actors often ask, "How can I get discovered?" One way that many actors get discovered is they POSITION themselves to be discovered!

How is it that some people get discovered as actors? Why does it seem like they don't have to work so hard to get the attention of agents, directors and casting directors? Why do some people get all the good roles? There is a reason for everything!

It's easy to say, "They're just lucky." Or "They were just in the right place at the right time."

Aspiring Actors often ask the question "How can I get discovered?" The answer is simple and logical, but on the other hand being discovered as an actor it is far from easy to make happen. At the same time, however, let's not mislead anyone. Being discovered out of the blue without any preparation or without having done any work is about as likely as winning the multi million dollar lottery. Some people play all their lives and never win.

One way that many actors get discovered is... Are you ready? They POSITION themselves to be discovered! That's right, and here's how.

By POSITIONING yourself to be discovered I mean:
  1. Start training and don't stop no matter how good you think you are or how good others tell you are, so that when you do put yourself up in front of the right people, you will be ready!
  2. Study the industry. Find out how it works. Find out who casts what, what agents look for in an actor, what the unions do, what the current issues are in the industry, etc.
  3. Figure out what your type is. This is a concept you need to be familiar with! It will help you funnel you marketing efforts.
  4. Learn basic business, networking and self-promotional skills. So important! You need to make sure you stand out from everyone else. You need to be delicately tenacious as well!
  5. Learn how to audition. Auditioning and acting on set are two different beasts. Auditioning is like the serve in tennis. It's completely different from the rest of the game.
  6. Surround yourself with people who are already doing what you want and not with people who are trying to get what you want. You are more likely to learn from people who are already doing what you want to do. So go find them and learn from them!
  7. Talk to both working actors, who are making a living from acting as well as to aspiring actors who have been talking a lot over the past couple of years and really haven't done very much. You can learn from both groups! From one you learn what to do. From the other, you will learn how NOT to be.
  8. Stay curious and never ever think you know it all. Be humble. You can always get better, whether in your acting technique, auditioning, sharpening your monologue delivery, on-camera technique, learning about the industry or whatever. You never stop learning!
  9. Once you start to achieve some success, help others who are in the same position you were once. You'll see that it will pay off.
  10. At some point during all this you should ask yourself (and be honest) if you really, honestly and truly have the passion for acting to DO WHAT IS NECESSARY to succeed. Without that passion much will be lost and it will be difficult for you to achieve the success you desire. And what's more, you probably won't be very happy.
Once you do those things regularly, you will start to intuitively know how to position yourself to be discovered.
Anthony Smith left a successful corporate career as a senior manager in Nike and Levi's after 15 years to follow his dream of becoming an entrepreneur, writer, motivational speaker and actor. While enjoying success in his "new" life, Anthony shares his business insight and acting experience with young actors. Aside from acting work, he has created and his first book, "Acting Career Start-Up: Four Key Factors For Success," is available now.

Copyright © Anthony Smith. Used with permission of the author. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced or distributed.
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Reader Comments

my name is bryce mcgee and my brothers name is blake mcgee and acting was in our blood and i promise we will follow the rules promise and we will do our best and never give up so please i hope you get this

Posted by bryce (2018-11-01) 13005

Hi I'm Elishah and I love acting and am looking for a away to get started. By the way I'm 13.

Posted by Elishah (2018-04-05) 12914

Hi... My name is Djonay. I am from Jamaica. I wish and need to become an actress. I am in high school. In Jamaica it is very hard to get discovered. I love acting. Every movie I watch I even act it out differently. (didn't mention that I love to sing). If I am acting I would love to act movies with people having magic and have tails (mermaids and mermen) or Disney movies. I really need to be discovered. This is my dream. I live and was born in Jamaica and I can't afford to move to America.

Posted by Djonay (2017-12-29) 12882

Hi my name is Laura Berketh, am turning 17 years old, i am a good dancer, i have my own crew in kenya, mombasa.. I love singing too.. I went for modelling classes but din't stay for long... I wanna become an actor because it's my dream to become an actor, just seeing people in TV shows like nickelodeon and more, so i just thought that in nickelodeon the people acting there most of them are teen just like me, and i felt if they could make their dream come true, so as well i can do the same, i can make my dream come true, and i just don't wanna become an actor because of becoming famous and rich, it's because i really love and enjoy acting, and i love entertaining people, so that's why i wanna become an actor, please make my dream come true.

Posted by Laura (2017-02-18) 10265

Hey, im Robert from Africa. I love acting and music gives me so much soul! I hope to be in Hollywood someday. I study music in school and have some qualifications.....if u can help me please email me I will be eternally grateful !!!! thank you

Posted by kudzai (2015-01-29) 7133

Hello.. Im Mba Teke Amen The Future Star.. I Am Very Confident That I Will One Day Become An Actor.. There Is One Problem And Its Because I Am A Cameroonian And The Country Is Not So Well Developed So Its Very Hard To Find Auditions Or Get Discovered. Please I Nees Your Help To Fufil My Dreams. I May Even Start As A Film Extra If It Will Permit Me Achieve My Dreams.. But I Have Been Practicing At Home And At School. I Am Bilingual..I Speak French And English.. Thanks. I Almost Forgot,i Am 15 Years Old

Posted by Mba Teke Amen Lum (2014-12-11) 7112

Hello, my name is Taylor and I am sixteen years old. I have been in several plays when I was in elementary and middle school, I love to act and I always have ever since I was little. Whenever I am acting a part I always give in to the emotions and it's as if I feel what the character is feeling. It's so interesting to see what types of personalities and styles that they have, and it just amazes me how real they can seem to you and to the audience that witnesses it from a distance.

Posted by Taylor Hilkey (2014-11-01) 7077

hy, am sylviah from Kenya. I have a great passion in acting. I will be happy if you considere me

Posted by sylviah (2014-10-12) 7030

Hi....I.m lisa I live in kensington,cape town,South africa.......I am 20 years old...I love drama I entered eistedfods in cape town for drama I did drama when I was at high school for 3 years I always dreamt of being a actress but it so difficult to make it. I live in a poor area so it isn't all that good....I can sing and dance so I.m actually a triple. Threat.

Posted by lisa (2014-08-02) 6935

I have always dreamt of becoming an actress.i can act and i can also dance please help me to be a philipine actress and also i am a fast learner

Posted by Princess amarachi iheanacho (2013-10-29) 6569

How to get discovered with out a major cost I went to Barbizon school. I went to interface. I did media modeling in school. I was asked to be an extra in a low grade movie. I was told I would make a good model because I'm photogenic friendly polite generous and giving. Kind hearted. I have the motherly type look. I don't look my age. I love to be in the spot light. I love to make people laugh. I been told I'd make a good actress. I love to draw and I use to take clasees in all kinds of dance and acrobatics and I received a standing ovation from walking on my hands from one end of the stage to the other.

Posted by Joanna Shaffer (2013-09-09) 6547

Hi I'm Amber and I really want to become an actress so I was wondering if you could help.

Posted by Amber (2013-02-12) 6415

Hey, I'm 13 and i love to act and i'm not really good at dancing but if you gave me chance i think you would me happy.

Posted by Amber (2013-02-06) 6411

Hi. My name is Cierra. I have always dreamed about becoming an actress and a singer. I absolutely love to sing and act! I am very good at singing. I am in choir and I absolutely love it! I love acting! My favorite movie series and book series are The Twilight Saga and the HARRY POTTER series! I have memorized the train scene in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone ( when Emma Watson's character, Hermione Granger, comes in). My friends and many other people say I sound just like Emma Watson in that scene! Acting and singing are my passion! I know this is what I want to do with my life! To all the others who are aspiring artists I wish the best for you!

Posted by Cierra (2012-11-26) 6340

Hey guy, am name is Raven pakis am 13 year old am realy good in acting, singing but dancing not realy good at that. if you could give me a chance i will be very greatfull and i will never fail always ready any time any were .

Posted by Ravenpakis (2012-10-28) 6320

Hey, i am 14 year old girl and i love to act<3 i cannot sing(even though i try), but i love to dance too!!! if you give me 1 chance i am sure you will be very happy with me:)
<3 lauren

Posted by Lauren (2012-07-19) 6263

hi my name is karen an i am 41 yrs old i feel like susan boyle

Posted by karen giles (2012-07-14) 6202

Hi guys,my name is Mumu am 23 years old and am from Africa, zamia to be specific. I would really love to become an actress, but I don't know where or how to start.
I love to write short stories, I love to day dream. I would love act or see one of my stories on screen because i feel and know that am a talent that is yet be discovered.

Posted by Mumu (2012-07-13) 6160

hello i'm 23 and m an aspiring actress,i also sing.i just want to show my talent.Help me get started in something-i have a lot to offer

Posted by kudzie (2012-07-04) 5944

i can act and sing i will do ether and a little dancing pleace i love acting i will do anthing to do it.

Posted by tyler (2012-06-30) 5936

I would first off like to say how AMAZING this site is. It gives you so much information, it's great.
well, I am an aspiring singer,actress, and dancer all three are my life passions with out them I'd be nothing without them. I just ask that someone will help me take the first steps to my career. Please, I promise I will be the most determined and dedicated client.

Posted by Alexsis (2012-05-26) 5896

Hi I'm a natural i can start in small roles i dont care. i love to sing and act i want to be a actress / singer. im a really good singer and funny actress. i love to act im 22 years old and thats my passion to be a hollywood star someday. i love the glamorus dress and makeup and the glamor life. i have the talent. im a brown eyed hair beauty too. thanks.

Posted by adriana (2012-05-24) 5892

hi im karla im turning 15 in one month im really into dancing and acting and the music business id likeo get started in something any ideas please do tell

Posted by karla (2012-04-28) 5830

hi im amya im a grest singer and i KNOW i can make YOU happy just give me one chance cause thats all it will take.
LOVE amya johnson

Posted by amya (2012-04-22) 5758

hi im 13 and i ama great singer and i KNOW i would make YOU super happy just give me one chance cause that is all it will take thankyou.
LOVE amya johnson

Posted by amya (2012-04-22) 5757

For the moment acting is my dream. After much work however, it will be my reality. Thank you for helping me find just one more bit of knowledge to add to the accumulation I am acquiring. You'll see me out there some day - I promise.
-Kara Moore age 19

Posted by Kara Moore (2012-04-18) 5751

Hello, My name is Breanna Womble you can call me Bre, I want to discovered as a an actor. I have loved the stage, lights, cameras since I was able to walk. I am 13 and live in Conneaut Ohio. My Mother is behind me all the way, but we just do not know who to contact or what direction to go in. Any help would really be appreciated. I would like to thank you in advance for your time.

Posted by Breanna Womble (2012-03-25) 5708

I am 34 I am from east Texas but live in Spokane WA. now. I have been everything from a janitor to the vice president of a global corporation. I grew up dirt poor and have a life a book should be written about. I have always wanted to act , my high school drama was fair at best. When you come from where I do you don't have many options. I would love advice or just a chance to prove my many talents. I do thank you for your time.

Posted by John Foster (2012-03-13) 5672

Hi my name is Andrea Valencia. I love to act in front of the camera, with my friends, or just for fun. I'm really nice, friendly, and I always have a smile on my face. I love to be taken in consideration because I love taking new risks, thankyou.

Posted by Andrea Valencia (2012-02-26) 5561

Hey my name is Darcie. I am 15 years old and have been singing for 10 years. I graduated from the Tavaci singing academy 3 years ago, and would love to put all I leard there to work. I have been acting for 4 years and have been in 10 plays. I am very good at memorizing lines and I love to learn new things. I also have all A's and B's in school and I love to work hard. I also play guitar, violin and the piano( I have played those for 5 years). I know ALOT about music and singing and would love to show you. All I want is a chance to stand out and show people how fun and unique I am. I would love to show you what i've got, hope to hear from you.

Posted by Darcie Dennis (2012-02-11) 5492

I m 17 years old guy and I m jst 5.5 ft so m scared that cuz of my height I may not be able to get into films,I really wanna work in Bollywood movie and I can do what ever it takes to get a role there,please help me regarding my height and i think i have what it takes to become an establish actor!

Posted by Ethan Kuki (2012-02-08) 5486

Hi, my name is Dalton Dixon and I am 13 yrs old. I would love to do acting/modeling. I went to new orleans two weeks ago and did and audition and they love me wanted me to come back but we were unable to go that next day but I know I am what yr looking for. Please email me.

Posted by KimberlyDixon (2012-02-03) 5472

I live in Cairns in Australia i am 13 years old and I really really lovveeee!!! ACTING!!! soooooooooo much it is my dream to move to America and become a teen actress but my parents think it is just a phase in my life but they are WRONG! Please help me pursue my dreams!

Posted by Pamela James (2011-12-19) 5294

Hi my name is Eleanor but people call me ella,i'm14,i love music,acting and talent was discovered when i was 9.i just want to show my talent to the world and my dad keeps on encouraging me.i have been practising to bring out the best in me,i know that right now all i need is an agent and if there is any thing up like auditions pls i want you guys to help me.thanks.

Posted by customzedjerseys (2011-11-22) 5231

Hi my name is Eleanor but people call me ella,i'm14,i love music,acting and talent was discovered when i was 9.i just want to show my talent to the world and my dad keeps on encouraging me.i have been practising to bring out the best in me,i know that right now all i need is an agent and if there is any thing up like auditions pls i want you guys to help me.thanks.

Posted by Eleanor AN (2011-10-18) 4919

Hi! I have been looking everywhere as to how to get an acting career started I have loved acting since I was 6 years old. I have watched all the movies and plays I could get my hands on. I am now 18 years old and find myself with a ged and have no money to go to school with. I am afraid if I dont start with something soon that my acting dream with be over before I can off the ground with it. If you now some one who can help me please call me.

Posted by Fineta (2011-10-11) 4903

Hi my name is Marissa i'm hard working and have an amazing singing voice and acting skills. I am currently in Intermediet school in HorsheHeads. Please pick me for an acting job. If this happens I realy will believe that dreams can come true!

Posted by Marissa (2011-09-28) 4822

hi my name is Maki i love to sing. every time i see people talk about the way they have become a stare has made me want to know how i can become one. I've been singing since i was 6. when i had seen that Debby Ryan was able to join the cast on sweet live on deck it was a chance for me to go and sign up. i really want this please e-mail me back thank you.

Posted by maki (2011-06-23) 3507

hi i am a 15 year old male....i am very talented in acting i can fake a tear,an injury,any thing from normal to mixed emotions, i don't really know much about the acting business but i would like to be discovered and played in a big movie one day. please e-mail me!!!

Posted by Angel Zendejas (2011-04-28) 3028

eh! rong! the correct answer is people are pretty. and people arent. its not fare. its luk. but i think this mite b 1 of the most useful things so far but i didnt really read it but im original ,spunky, funny and i can cum up with many millions billions of things to do that no1 else has dun. ZOMBIES EATING PANKCAKES! CLOTHES TALKIN TO EACH OTHER! ALITL BOY HAS FRUIT FOR FRIENDS! IMA VEGETABLE! SQASH! WA! IM N A PICKLE? ITS DARK IN HERE! AH! I GOT LEMONS INMY BLOOD! O IT STINGS! LETS PUT THE BULLDOG ON THE TRAMPOLINE AND BOUNCE! email me! please!

Posted by Violet (2011-03-15) 2949

Hello, my name is Ashley an I have a BIG dream. I want to get my foot in the door of Acting, Modeling, Dancing and more. My mom was a professional photographer so growing up around the camera an loving the camera. I've been dancing since I was 6 years old. Helped choreographed the dances at my high school and feel free when I dance. When the music starts, I can't help but to move my feet. I see all the new movies/TV shows coming out and they inspire me to act. I'm determined, driven, inspired and a hard worker. It sends chills just thinking about possible getting my dream started. I hope you give me a chance and contact me. I'm 21 and want to work an learn. I will give nothing less than 110% and more. I'm not a quitter, I'm a fighter.

Posted by Ashley (2011-03-09) 2918

I'm Julia. I live in the Philippines and I'm looking for the chance, anywhere here at anytime. i wanna be a singer so bad, so if you can please help me look for any agents around here. I'll accept any opportunity you can give, just please :)

Posted by Julia (2011-03-05) 2912

Hi I've been singing sense the age of 11 and I'm really good at singing, dancing,and acting.

Posted by Ja'Colby (2011-03-03) 2907

Hi im tori an i am trying to get discovered for singing an acting.. an i really am waiting for someone to come down to the hawaiian island to come discover people here cause there is for sure gonna have talent here

Posted by Tori (2011-02-10) 2863

Hello my name is Kris,I'm a 13 year old girl,I live in Los Angeles area,and of course I want to be an Actress,Model,and Singer.Acting and singing have always been both of my best and loved passions.Acting is my main passion,Acting to me is like an unknown world to me where I can just be my self not have to worry about tomorow,and to express feelings without feeling.Acting plays a serious role in my life.When it comes to acting I like to play ALL of my roles very well and serious.When I get the opportunity to do something I really love I make sure I finish it and get a pat on the back,and yes I'm greatful for whatever role I get,it can be a boy,grown man,anything you name it i'm going to play the role,I have NO choice but to.People from different states and cities try out for this stuff everyday,and of course everyone is in to the same thing but,what makes you different,are you unique?Are you really talented?Are you serious about this?You have to ask yourself that everyday.PRACTICE EVERYDAY THE MORE YOU PRACTICE THE MORE STRONGER & BETTER YOU COME OUT! I wish everyone good luck,break a leg and remember be thankful for whatever role you get :)

Posted by Kris (2011-01-13) 2830

Hello! My name is Ashley. I am a great listener and i guess you could call me talented in such as Cheerleading and Acting. I am very easy to get along with very energetic and i love my friends and love to be silly but when it comes down to buinesses i get serious!!! I've always wanted to become famous and i found my love " acting " !!! I hope you guys can help me !!! I wish everyone the best of luck ! ;)

Posted by Ashley (2010-12-01) 2797

Hello! My name is shalena and i'm 15 years old. I'm very energetic all the time and love to have fun. My dream is to become an actor. I've always wanted to be an actor but didnt know how to get started. Hopefully you guys can help. I have been told by everyone that i know, that i should become an actor because i have such a personality. Please help me persue my dream!

Posted by shalena franklin (2010-11-21) 2787

Hi I'm Jessica and I am 13 years old. I am fun and outgoing and I really love acting but I don't know how to find auditions close to where I live or anything please help me! :)

Posted by Jessica Lynn q. (2010-10-26) 2755

Hello there. My name is Ashley Ellis i am now 16 years old. I have been taking singing and dancing lessons since i was 6 years old. I want to model sing and dance. Its always been my dream, and i hope one day ill be discovered. To show the world what i got.

Posted by Ashley Ellis (2010-10-19) 2750

Hi, I've been practicing acting since I was 10 years old. I am confident that I can be a professional actor in film and television. I even watch movies and practice some of the characters dialouge, personalities, and even their style.

Not only am I into acting, but I also learned to play guitar, piano, and steel drums. Soon I will learn more instruments. I think I would be one of the best actors/musicians ever, but I will not let my guard down.

Posted by Jovan Harris (2010-10-13) 2747

Hello my name is Lauren Scott and and I want to be discovered and be famous and I want to be a model, a singer, and an actress but I can't find a way to be discovered! Can I please get help? I've been dreaming and wishing to have these great careers. Someone please help me.

Posted by Lauren Scott (2010-10-10) 2744

hi folks my name is meionda hall i just love, love, love, love, love, acting it's been my dream ever since i was little when i was born i came with everything singing, dancing, acting are all my favorite thins i hope 2 be on the show victorious i love that show or maybe true jackson vp which ever 1 i love them both so send me a message on my e-mail address oh and also looking for an agent-and acting coach so leave me a message on my facebook my name is meionda hall and i live in riverdale, georgia;)

Posted by MEIONDA HALL (2010-09-08) 2705

I'm lisa an I have wanted to act since I was 12 . I am 14 an yes I have done my research. I want to be able to act but my only problem is my parent. She doesn't like to talk about it at all.every time I mention the word act she cuts me off. I have tried for 2 yrs to get her on board but she just thinks this isn't reality. I hav cried.....and times are tough so she doesn't want to listen......all that research but I have to actually do it. I also love music.....I'm just differnt .

Posted by lisa (2010-08-02) 2654

Hey guys :D

I'm Jenny, I'm 14, and I have wanted to be an actress all my life. Right now, I can't move to LA because my family is poor. When I graduate high school, I want to go to an acting college in LA, and then start do auditions. Wish me luck, and good luck to everyone else like me :D

Posted by Jenny (2010-07-30) 2651

my name is jessica.
i have always wanted to become an actress.
i would appreciate it if you would email me any information about upcoming auditions that i could try out for in new york city.
i am talented, confident, not afraid to perform in front of a camera.
brown hair, brown eyes, slender, :]
i have experience in acting and have taken classes before, its something i love with a passion and something i hope to be able to persue as a profressional career someday.
please contact me as soon as possible through email.
i would really appreciate it.
please and thank you so much.

Posted by jessica (2010-07-23) 2647

My cousin and I are talented and are seeking to be discovered singers. We have written many songs and are wondering if you could give us advice. Please and Thank-You.

Posted by Mariah Sweeney (2010-07-18) 2641

Im 15 years old and i want to become a singer and i really need help of doing so.I dont have that much money to get an agent or sign a record deal because me and my family are struggling.So i need help.But i know for sure that im a good singer and actress im very smart i make good grades and all i like to do is be nice and meet new people.And im very good to work with.So if anyone can help me please contact me.Thank You and God Bless you guys.

Posted by arianna (2010-07-05) 2627

hi i really am a smart girl i am very active and i get good grades i got into jpo which is junior police officer you have to get good grades to get in!!!!

Posted by cheyenne frisbee (2010-05-19) 2542

Hi I am Kevin Barrera, I am seeking an acting career to help me further my interest in who I wish to be. I'm a teenager looking for a career in comedy mostly. I saw most people postig and was hoping to see of it pays off. I am naturally funny and always changing my apperance. If interested please contact me. Bye.

Posted by Kevin Barrera (2010-05-10) 2515

i would like to be discovered in acting and singing.i wrote alot of songs.

Posted by shimerinae swint (2010-05-08) 2509

Hi I'm Matthew Lim I'm a Filipino. I was once discovered for a fast food commercial but my parents agreed that I was too young to go for it, now that I'm 16 my parents allow me to join drama clubs. Acting has been my dream and my passion and desire for acting know's no bounds. If you have any open roles for a TV show or a Movie I'd definitely be interested

Posted by Matthew Lim (2010-04-27) 2493

Hi my name is Debra and i'm sixteen years of age and i love to act.I have the potential to do anything once I put my mind to it and acting is one of them.

Posted by Debra (2010-03-28) 2450

hi im diamond 12 and am wanting to live my dream as a actor and singer and i have don this ever since i was 4 or younger and if u wanna know any thing else just ask i would love to live my dream for once

Posted by Diamond windsor (2010-03-28) 2449

im a 13 yr old girl i really want to get into the bigger stuff like new movies maybe like in a part of the movie eclipse or in breaking dawn because i know a lot obout those books.

Posted by Alyssa bakeberg (2010-02-17) 2363

whats up everyone. if you read this, know that im the best actor the world can ask for. i have had no experience on tv but i have in plays. my first audition for a school play, my very first one i had to do it in front of my peers, and when i was finished, i saw that jaws have dropped, and eyes were popping out do to the emotion, i had brought up, and how i gave my character life. i know they will take me if they find me, but the big problem is that its hard to be found. i need to get my name out there, and maybe one day ill be one of the biggest names in hollywood. i wont do it for the money, ill only do it because ever since i was little i wanted to be famous, and i still do, and im 16.

Posted by sergei (2010-01-03) 2283

Hey im 13 years old and have been interested in acting and singing ever since I was like 5 or younger. I was in a church play in the main role and I always love writing scripts and acting them out with my friends. Sometimes I'd be in my room and act out a scene I saw on tv (: My friends and parents always tell me I have an amazing singing voice and that I am great at acting. I am from a state that people probably wouldn't get recognized from that easily, but everyday i keep telling myself that i can do this and that this year i am going to try harder. There was a time I went to the mall and I wasnt even dressed up like all the other girls at this modeling thing. They had a runway and people were all dressed up in makeup. All I had on was my abercrombie shirt, capris, and sneakers....and I made it to the finals. They told me I had a great smile, personality, very confident, and that i have naturally good looks. That made me feel good because I knew that would help me out. I am not really looking for modeling though, just acting. And Ive also been to many modeling agencies and they all want me in it, but Id never really have that much money for it. I want to ask you to please send me casting information and help me get discovered that would make my biggest dream come true.

Posted by Christine Cermola (2010-01-03) 2278

Hi my name is Keesha Moliere, I'm 13 years old and African-American, and ever since Middle School I have wanted to act. I went to Young Actors studio for 2 years. I love to act and sing. I want to become like Miranda Cosgrove and start my acting career while I'm still young. I want badly to get offered a chance to be discovered but I live in Hudson, Oh and we dont have the money for me to go to California to try to start my acting career. I love to make people laugh and acting is my passion. Each day passes by and I become restless I want to act for others so badly and want them to see my true talent I've already been to and audition it went well but I didn't get the 3rd callback, so please if you can give me any information of casting that might help me be discovereed I would be forever grateful.

Posted by Keesha Moliere (2010-01-02) 2277

As you know my name is Myah, I am fourteen and I want to presue my dream at becoming an actress. I'd love to find out tips, or whatever else that could help me.... This may sound different, but... I don't care this is what I want and I want it so badly..

Posted by Myah McDonald (2009-12-02) 2226

Hi, my name is Mikayla and I am really good at acting/singing and I was wondering do you get an agent for that. I was a baby model and I used to have an agent. Please e-mail me to tell me if you have heard of any auditions for disney os anything like that.

Posted by Mikayla (2009-10-17) 2146

hello my name is jennifer. im 15 years old and live in miami fl. to start of, im a shy person. but wait i know tht i can become an actor someday , it has always been my dream. i have been to drama classes for 2 years. and now im in a art school where i picked drama to be my art. my shyness is not gonna stop me in what i want to accomplish. i have been in drama so tht my shyness can disappear. i am also told tht im a very good actor, i just need to be comfortable with the ppl around me , thts all. i love singing, and modeling. all three is what i would like to be. acting, singing and modeling are my life, my dream and my future.

please help me make my dream come true.
thnx you

Posted by jennifer pineda (2009-09-17) 2101

My name is Brenda. I`m 15 years old and I live in Los Angeles CA. When I was 8 I got discovered for my AMAZING acting. But my mom turned them down TWICE because she thought I was too young to become famous and was concerned. Ever since I have wanted to fullfill my dream again so I hope that I can get my wish soon. I really do.

Posted by Brenda Alcala (2009-08-28) 2027

Hello, my name is Priscilla and I have had a dream to be an actress/singer, education comes first and I have plans for my future. I want to go to Harvard Drama School and Harvard Medical School if I ever get the chance to be a vetenerian. I have plans for my singing and acting career of I ever start. If you can help me get started or help me to get auditions, that would be great! I'm looking for auditions for Disney Channel, Nickelodeon or kids' channels where kids can look up to me. Thanks so much if you get the chance to help me :)

Posted by Priscilla Martinez (2009-08-18) 1981

Hey, My name is Joyce and i am very good at acting and singing, and i need help to be discovered. I know i will be discovered someday, i believe in myself and i know i can do it but i still need help so it would mean alot to me if you could just tell me when they have auditions for disney channel or other movies in the houston area. Thanks!

Posted by Joyce (2009-08-10) 1926

I'm 16 and a junior in high school never acted, but I'm very good at making people laugh and i was thinking of doing stand up/ Acting/ improv for starters and getting my name out. Me and my family are low on income I'm not looking at acting as a way out, its just that i have a desire for some reason to act. I have no previous experience in acting. I'm new to this game. But is it to late to start at 16? Ive done my homework and i see that most "actors" are born with middle class parents who can afford acting lessons and taking them all over to make their kids known. My mom and sis are all i have. And we have trouble making it. But through our odds we're making it. Also say i did get it, my family cant move to Hollywood or New York. If your in a low income family then what happens were do you go? Anyway I'm in band right and i play the drums i was going to change one of my electives to drama class. And beginning my career their. Before i wanted to be an actor i wanted to be a doctor or a video game designer. I figure that if i had to choose between those i should choose the one ill most enjoy. So what if you were in my shoes. what would you do?

P.S. this letter is to help me figure out what i should do and thank you for your time.


Posted by Michael Young (2009-06-19) 1611

hi. My name is madelene, i am an 11yr old latino/hispanic girl, and i am looking for auditions for a film or an agent anywhere from pennsylvania to its surrounding states (except deleware). I need some advice. Also, how do you know when auditions are to be held?

Posted by Madelene (2009-04-26) 1351

hi my name is simran and im 12 and ive checked online to see if there is any auditions held in new zealand this year but it says to find an agent and ask them so can you please help me out here i have a talent in singing and i have done lots of plays and 4 productions and 1 massive show in front of 2000 peopleand from that day on i want to show my talent to the world so if there are any auditions for disney or nickolodeon channels please tell me.
thank you

Posted by simran bhinder (2009-04-25) 1350

hello, my name is karissa I have a vary high love for acting im good at it, and love doing it at the same time, i started when i was young, and really i was never shy. So i think i would be amazing at something like this, i relize i have to start small, i just really want to began

Posted by karissa (2009-04-18) 1324

hello i am seeking to become an actress i need some advice please help me.

Posted by morgan (2009-03-27) 1203

Hi wats up my name is genny iknox how 2 sing,dance n acting Hop u choose me byb

Posted by Lil genny (2009-02-14) 1007

hello my name is Pre`Andre Ward and im seeking to become a actor.So please take the time to really think if you should pick me for acting.

Posted by Pre`Andre Ward (2008-12-02) 637

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