Audition Basics
by Joshua Siegel

Here's how the audition process generally works and a few tips for actors.
Auditions are a nerve-wracking and difficult experience for most actors, but they are an essential part of the job. Here's how the audition process generally works and a few tips on how to perform your best in front of the casting director or producer.
Getting the Audition
For most roles, you (or your agent) must submit a photo and resume to whoever is casting the production. Occasionally, you may hear about an "open call" where anyone may come to audition. These types of auditions are often called "cattle calls" because hundreds of people show up and are quickly herded through. However, most auditions are invitation only.
If you are called for an audition, you will often receive "sides", which are simply a few pages of the script that you will be expected to read. In theater, you may also or instead be expected to have a monologue and/or musical number prepared. In either case, once you have a script in hand it's time to get down to business.
Read the script. Study it. Find every single detail about the character you will be auditioning for. Lines aren't important yet... just focus on who the character is. How old is she? Where is she from? How does she feel about the other characters in the story?
After you know everything there is to know about the character, then it's time to learn your lines. Use whatever technique works best for you. Although you shouldn't be expected to know all your lines at the audition, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Before the Audition
When dressing for an audition, it's best to dress according to the type of character you're trying out for. For example, if auditioning for the role of a cowboy, you wouldn't want to wear a business suit or old shorts and a sweatshirt. On the other hand, you don't have to go out and rent chaps and spurs. Just dress to imply the part, perhaps in casual jeans and boots.
You should warm up for an audition just as an athlete warms up for competition. Do a few stretches and vocal exercises, and take one more chance to go over your lines. Then relax. It's very easy to get overly nervous before an audition, and that nervousness will show.
After you arrive at the audition and sign in, you'll probably have time to wait for a few minutes until it is your turn to read. There will be other actors waiting with you, but it's best to avoid the temptation to talk and gossip with them. Stay focused... you can always socialize later.
Reading for the Casting Director
The Casting Director is the person who you will most likely be auditioning for. Depending on how busy he or she is, the CD may take a few minutes to talk with you or may just say "hello" and ask you to begin.
Now's your chance to shine. Forget that it's an audition and do the scene as you would in the actual production. Keep your energy up and make it clear that you are this character. And remember that the Casting Director is not your enemy. They want you to be the best person for the role because it means that their job is done.
Here are a few things to avoid when performing for or speaking with the Casting Director.
- Don't suck up. CDs appreciate compliments as much as anyone, but they'll know when you're just kissing butt and will probably be very annoyed by it.
- Never touch the Casting Director. Aside from a friendly handshake, it's best to avoid physical contact. If the scene calls for you to kiss or hit someone, just mime it.
- Don't wreck the office. As stupid as it sounds, some overzealous actors will throw or break things during a scene. If you do this, the CD will remember your performance, but not in a good way.
If the Casting Director likes your performance, you will be given another audition, a "callback". at this audition, there will be fewer actors trying for the role. There will also probably be more people there to see your performance, usually the Director of the production and possibly Producers, Writers, or studio executives.
You should wear the same clothing to the callback as you did to the first audition. Also, you should try to do the exact same performance as you did the first time. Whatever you did, the CD liked it. Don't blow your chances by second guessing yourself and trying something completely different.
However, even if everyone loves your reading, they may ask you to "try it another way". This doesn't mean that they didn't like your performance. They just need to see how well you can take direction.
Treat a callback like any other audition. Do your best, then go home and forget about it. Either you'll get the job, you'll get another callback, or they will go with someone else.
Keep Records
Whether or not you get the part, or even a callback, keep a record of when and where you went to the audition, the Casting Director's name, what you wore, and any other information that may be important.
the same thing over and over again Wow it would be great if that was me My talent is that I can sing very well and I can act super good and im never ganna give up until my dream comes true. it would be an honor to be on TV I hope u utdnrseand
Posted by Real (2014-02-07) 6645