Welcome to the "Zoey 101" Message Board - the place to discuss anything and everything about "Zoey 101."
Feel free to discuss the show in general, the individual episodes, the cast and characters, and any other aspect of the show. Make Actingbiz.com your place for expressing your thoughts and communicating with others who share your common interests.
hi my name is savannah I'm 13 nearly 14 i have brown hair to my shoulder ,brown eyes ,tallish and slim.
I would like to be on a Nickelodeon show but i haven't go any experience tho
Posted by savannah (2012-06-10) 6546
please my dream is to he discovered. I can sing and act just ask my parents and my friends! Please let me be on Zoey 101 or ed-least another Dan Schneider show!
Posted by valerie (2012-04-03) 6371
hey im natalie plz mail me iv always wanted to be an actor and singer so mail me thanks(: plz i wanna try bad<3
Posted by Natalie (2012-02-03) 6137
hi you guys I'm Ariana Taylor and i would love to be on your show.I'm 15 years of age and 5'6and 3quarters and i would love for to give me a shot of the spot light
Posted by ariana taylor (2011-12-11) 5924
i met Matthew Underwood, the guy who plays Logan, today!
at the I-X Center in Cleveland! i heard about auditions today for the show.. did anyone else happen to hear about that?
Posted by Catherine (2011-11-06) 5741
please zoey i want to be on zoey 101
Posted by brianna (2011-09-03) 5044
hi im naudia. i am almost 15(sep. 22, 96) i love ur show i would just love to be on it. my dream is to be an actress. i have acting experience and i was a contract winner in the american mall model search, but i didnt get my pictures in on time. i am usually a presistant person though. this show is my favorite i watch it every day i can. i wish it woould come back though. with new shows. there are ways around stuff i think, but i still want Jamie spears to be in it. i know she had a kid. but this is my favorite showw ever. i would love for it to come back and for me to have a chance to be on it. i love the whole cast zoey(jamie) chase, michael, quinn, logan and lola(tori vega) there are more characters but i cant sit here and list them all. i love this show and would love to be part of it
Posted by naudia iannuzzi (2011-09-01) 5032
i wanna be on zoey101 i look so much like zoey!!
Posted by Rylee (2011-08-18) 4959
hello my name is makela mason and i really wan to become and actress so i was wondering if u have a role for this movie its not just for me it for my family just don't want to make acting my job i want to make it my life i will love to be and fameous super star one day thank you
Posted by makela mason (2011-08-12) 4902
Hello my name is Aliyah and any part would be fine for me. Zoey 101 is actually my favorite show but i am not sure if it is still running. god will determine my fait and i would be honored to have the oppertunity to try. god bless.
Posted by Aliyah (2011-06-22) 4562
all three of us can be friends
Posted by tyeisha glass ,hanny (2011-03-26) 3900
Hey , My Name is Quentanett Tidwell. I Have Always Wanted To Act On This Show , I am a quick learner, Energetic And Willing to make change.
Pleases Give Me A Chance !!!!!
Posted by Quentanett Tidwell (2011-01-15) 3705
hi, im kelly mitchell and i would like to be on the show. i would do anything. i would rarly ever fool around, i would keep my mind mostly on what part i am working on. If you want me to do something,i`ll do it, no questions ask and no talking about it, i would just do it. im good at acting(a lot of people say), i can keep a serious face for a long time. im really good at it, you should see everyone thinks its cool. you can have a funny face and i wont laugh.If you choose me i will do anything.
Posted by kelly mitchell (2011-01-15) 3693
Hello :) My name is Morgan Johnson and i am very interested in being an actress. I can sing and i can act really well. i am very exsperienced in both areas. I am a 12 year old girl. for me, acting is very fun. I love to sing and every one thinks i have a strong and beutifull voice, so do i please mail me back with a chance to have a role thank you very much :) :)
Posted by Morgan Johnson (2010-11-12) 3489
Hi, im nydia and 13 years old. i love to act and i hope there's a part there for me. ive wanted something like this for awhile, and I hope i get something apart of this. Please contact me If theres anything. thank you bye.
Posted by Nydia (2010-09-10) 3355
hi i am 16 years old and i would love to have a chance to be on zoey 101 pay/or no pay it dosent matter i need to fill out my resume so i will love to do this
Posted by Shakeria Gibbs (2010-06-29) 3096
hi may name is Tamery i am 9 years old and i am a big fan of zoey 101 i dont have acting experienc but i want to try it out contact at this email adrees thanks
Posted by Tamery Putnam (2010-06-25) 3077
if zoey 101 was to come back on the show i would love to become an actress on it i used to & still do love the show i just wish one day my dream of acting will come true please please let it come true. and im 16 years old
Posted by Takea M (2010-06-07) 3018
The names Christina and I would obviously like an acting part, however small or large it may be (pay or no pay). I'm 16, 17 on the 28th of June. Currently in California, but will be moving to Arkansas shortly. Would gladly come in for an audition of any sort, just let me know.
Posted by Christina Greenberg (2010-06-01) 3003
Hi, my name is Madi.I am 8yrs. old and would love to be apart of something great like your show.
Posted by Madison (2010-03-18) 2694
I love to sing/ act and I am so skinny I would make a very good model
Posted by Emily (2010-02-21) 2623
Hello, my name is haley. Im 16 years old and I live in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Im from California and an aspiring actor. I love the show and I think I'd be great on it. I don't know if you all still do the show since jamie lynn had her baby but if so please get me a part on the show. I'm funny, pretty, outgoing and confident. I'm willing to go to travel if i can get the part. Please contact me. Thank you so much.
Posted by Haley Krost (2010-01-08) 2449
Hello my name is Madeleine Dearth but I go by Maddy :)
I am a thin, 15 year old, 5'5" Asian-American girl. I have dark brown hair and brown eyes.
I am extremely dedicated in everything I do and work hard but I still have fun doing it. I am excellent at memorizing lines as well and portraying different emotions. I have only been in a small school play as leading role but please make my dreams come true. I would absolutely love to have a role in "Zoey 101" or any other show for that matter. Email me if you're interested.
Thank you :D
Posted by Maddy (2010-01-01) 2418
Hi my name is Tiffany i am 10 years old and i would like to become an actress i'll do anything even a one word line or a no word line im 10 years old i have brown hair and Hazle eyes and i live in Port Huron MI. please pick me!
Posted by Tiffany (2009-11-17) 2296
hi. my name is jalize. im turning 14 in march, yet i pass for 17. im 5'6 1/2 with black shoulder length hair. tan skinned. my memorilization skills are high, and this is one of my favorite shows. im in an acting school and ive been a dancer for 10 years now. i love going to auditions, i live by new york but i live in new jersey. please let me in on any information, i am willing to work and reach my destination. i love a challenge and living a dream.
Posted by Jalize (2009-11-13) 2275
Hi I am 12 years old. I am Brown, Long dark hair I absolutely LOVE acting. It is my most favorite thing to do in the world. This is also my FAVORITE Show. I always wanted to be an Actress. I know i am young but i have always known i was going to be an Actress someday and if you can make that happen i would be soooo Greatful.
Posted by Nailah H. (2009-11-07) 2256
Hi I am 12 years old. I am Brown, Long dark hair I absolutely LOVE acting. It is my most favorite thing to do in the world. This is also my FAVORITE Show. I always wanted to be an Actress. I know i am young but i have always known i was going to be an Actress someday and if you can make that happen i would be soooo Greatful.
Posted by Nailah H. (2009-11-07) 2255
Hi I am 12 years old. I am Brown, Long dark hair I absolutely LOVE acting. It is my most favorite thing to do in the world. This is also my FAVORITE Show. I always wanted to be an Actress. I know i am young but i have always known i was going to be an Actress someday and if you can make that happen i would be soooo Greatful.
Posted by Nailah H. (2009-11-07) 2254
I love Zoey 101! I am 13 years old with light golden- brown hair, blue eyes, freckles and a bright smile! I love acting! I always have wanted to watch myself on TV, if you have any auditions for me please let me know! I am very experienced, and i can sing/ dance too so please contact me!
Posted by Kristen (2009-09-13) 2081
Dear talent searchers,
no need for anymore searching i am a 13 year with determination . i have meduim light brown hair, blue/green eyes and white skin. i'm willing to do anything to achieve my dreams i'm willing to start out as an extra but im convinced you'll like me and i will most likely move up the entertainment ladder.
thankss :))
Posted by bethen cork (2009-08-28) 2022
Hey :D Allie and I are great actors, and we really, really want to have a start in the acting career. If we got even a small role on this show, it could change our lives. Please, please. :] Thanks, see ya.
Posted by Brianna && Allie (2009-08-20) 1986
Hey!~ My name's Jess, I'm 12, and I live in MA. I really want to be an actress in a movie or on television. It's my dream! I will commit 110%. I love this show so much! Victoria Justice is my IDOL! haha! Wish the show didn't get cancelled off of Nick. That stunk. Pretty please cast me! I'll be all that and a slice of pizza LOL!!! ^^
Posted by Jess Stone =P (2009-08-09) 1919
Hey my name is laura and it has always been my dream to be a reality tv star. Jamie lyn spears is my idol and i hope to follow her footsteps. i am the avarage blonde hair blue eyed girl, pretty but not the prittiest girl to ever walk i am skinny and around 4 foot someting so please reply if there any jobs avalable or maby i could send you some pictures and you could decide then. thanks for reading bye..xxx
Posted by Laura (2009-08-03) 1886
i luv zoey 101 i seen all the episodes
Posted by chrystal thomas (2009-07-27) 1845
Hey whats up my name is Kentrell and I'm looking for a role on Zoey 101. I am 12 year old boy, black, and is very nice to people. I really hate to hurt people's feelings, though. I was kinda wordering, what if I can be Reese's little brother. Everyone can be like: I didn't know you had a little brother and stuff like that. I really hope that tgis message will bring the show back. Thanx, ~Kentrell~
Posted by Kentrell Braxton (2009-07-14) 1767
hey my name is hayley i love the show zoey 101 and i wanted to watch alot more but its not on and i know why but i look alot like zoey 101 and i will do it if yall think about and i can act i was in a business with John Robert Powers. A acting and modleing company i was the best in the class and i have a great aditude and act just like zoey or jamie lnyy spears what ever yall call here now and i have a friend who play the part of Lola she is awsome her name is rylee she looks just like her to and one more person his name is trevor he could rock the part of logan and he like always looks just like him and thats it maybe u will like me so yeah im sure alot of poeple talk to u but i want to save the show for all those poeple out there who also would want the show to be saved and im serious get back to me please maybe we will have a deal and im eleven and so are my friends and ZOEY 101 CAN LIVE if u guys would like to please please please please please please please please please please !!!!!!!!!please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please!
Posted by hayley (2009-07-12) 1761
im 12 and i would love to be on that show. i have dark blond hair and i am willing to do what i need to do.
Posted by sabrna sowanick (2009-06-16) 1591
i am turning 9 in october . but i want to be a actor some day. but i don't actualy know how yet .if you can give me advice please let me know i would really love to be a actor in a play!!!!
Posted by gabrielle wright (2009-06-15) 1580
im 10 and i wold love to be on zoey101 i could be michel' little sister.
Posted by essence (2009-05-29) 1514
hi, i have been acting since kindergarden. i am now 14 and looking to expand my carrer more then school productions and community theaters. ive seen zoey 101 and always thought it would be cool to be on the show. so if u need another new supporting role, new major character, or smaller role let me know
Posted by Sean Mahar (2009-05-18) 1465
Im 15 turning 16 in august. I want to play a role that is not just an extra. I want to be a new character in the show. Let me know if you are interested in having a new student at PCA!
Posted by Chris (2009-05-12) 1443
My name is Jessica and I have been watching Zoey 101 ever since it came out and i really love the show. I am 13 years old, I turn 14 in September and I'm in 8th grade, soon to be freshman. I live in Iowa and i really want to act and model. I don't care if i don't have a line or not I just really want a part. I'm a committed, caucasian girl, physically fit and I'm 5' 7". I have brunette hair, (used to be blonde, but open to changing) and I have blue-ish green eyes. I'm most definentally not camera shy, I like becoming a character and taking pictures, and just being a teenage girl, but I'm also very responsible for my actions. I've been a model ever since I was 6 and I love it, but I want to do both modeling and acting. My hobbies are sports, dancing, reading, listening to music, acting, watching t.v./movies, taking pictures, hanging out with my friends, and much more. I just really want to act and I would love getting a part. I haven't done much acting at all, but you have to start somewhere, and I just really want to act.
Posted by Jessica L. (2009-05-08) 1429
hi i would love to be in this show i like to act it is my dream i want my dream to become an reality so if you can message me back that woul'd be awesome so thank you very much please make my dream become an reality
Posted by Karee (2009-03-29) 1219
Hi, I'm Jessica (Jess) just wanted to say i love this show and I'm interested in being in it. I'm 16, about 5'8". I've always wanted to be an actress but haven't done much to start out yet.I have been in a school play before and try to do a little acting on my own. I was just wondering if there was any casting calls for any type of role, even an extra?
Posted by Jessica (2009-03-27) 1207
Hello my name is (Marty Jefferson) im 16 years of age. Acting and music is my every thing i've been doing since dippars, i've also acted in school plays and plays at recreation centers.This has aways been my dream and im tryna get my feet wet because life is just to short and tommorrow isnt promise.I know im right for the part hope you pick me you just dont know what good actor u got on your hands.
Marty Jefferson
Posted by Marty Jefferson (2009-03-25) 1194
This show is good. i would like haveing a small part in here.Maybe as zoeys older brother who just got back from college in another country. or something. it'd be cool. =D
Posted by Mike Todd (2009-03-02) 1079
Hi, my name is Evan and I'm 15 and i love to act, I'm really good at it too. I don't know much about the show but i can learn. Im hoping to become a professional actor one day and this would really help me out.
Posted by Evan Breault (2009-02-12) 995
Hi, my name is Jalen collier im from GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan, US, yea im a guy im 15 years old im about 6'0 feet umm i will love to be on you show be cuz i have good acting skils and umm i do a a lot of school things like acting,singing and im in the 9th and i go to Ottawa hills and i am a good leader in to sports a lot and trying to make a big future with Zoey 101 .......
Thanks For Your Time To Read This And I Hope im In Luck for your show.
Posted by Jalen Collier (2009-02-08) 981
hi, Zoey 101 is my best show!!!!!!! i am sooo!!! good at acting and if you guys have a small role i wish you guys could call me so i could be on the show THANK you!!!!!!!
Posted by samim (2009-01-26) 935
i love Zoey 101 and i really want to be on the show and meet all the acters because its important to me and i been dreaming everyday to become famous and have a good life.
Posted by Donhaila (2009-01-26) 930
Hi, my name is Alexis.I am 14 years old and 5'4.I live in a little town called Sarasota, Florida.My friends say i'm very outgoing and i would be great for the camera.If you have any kind of role possible that i could play i would appreciate your email.
Posted by Alexis Shepherd (2009-01-22) 919
Hi, my name is Karina and I'm 14 years old. I'm Caucasian, 5'3", fit and I've always wanted to be an actress. I live in Ottawa, ON. I have the looks and the personality to be an actress. I am willing to do whichever part is necessary, whether it be an extra or an actual role. I'll be happy with any role I'm given. I just really want to have this great experience and try being an actress. It's something that I think I have talent for and could deliver my part very well. I'm very outgoing and love camera's and I am very convincing on screen. Please give me a shot,
Posted by Karina H. (2009-01-03) 820
I'm not great at acting, but if I can have just a small tiny part, I would be very appreciative! I know other girls have already asked, but still. I'm 14 and I have blackish hair with some pink/blonde highlights, brown eyes, and I'm Asian.
Posted by Nikki (2008-12-29) 725
this show is amazing and i have off black hair lenth past shoulder and i have brown eyes
Posted by keisha (2008-12-15) 668
Im 14 and i can act and i would love to be on this show to meet jamie she is sooo pretty i also like her sister. im a real nice person and i live in vineland nj. but thats why i can rarely get anything i can also model i would like any posission that you can find ty and i appreciate your time and concideration to read this!!!
Posted by Samantha (2008-11-19) 589
I am a model I do acting and runway and I would love to do the play the part zoey I have blond hair and hazel eyes i just want a part
Posted by amanda (2008-11-13) 558
hi im 13 and zoey 101 is the bomb and if you give me one shot i would not diappoint you.
Posted by kenciah (2008-11-11) 548
i love zoey101 so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would love to becume a actress
Posted by jessica (2008-11-11) 542
Hi i am 11 years old and i love zoey101 i want to be in the show so badly so if there is any part ill take
Posted by alysa (2008-11-06) 525
Hey I'm 13 years old an am looking to be an actress, I have been told my everyone i know that I'm a good actress and singer, so I would love if you allowed me to have a audition. I love your show and would love to be on it too. Thanks- Madi
Posted by Madison Young (2008-10-25) 503
Hi. I would love the chance to audition for a small part in the show. I'm funny and outgoing. I'm taking singing lessons, am 9 yrs old, and have very curly hair - like Shirley Temple, only longer. Thanks. Kaitlyn
Posted by Kaitlyn (2008-10-06) 457
I would love to be on this show more than any thing in the world im good at acting and im realy funny!!!!!!
Posted by richardson victor (2008-09-28) 430
I'd love to be on any part of Zoey 101 and I love to act so just name a part and I'll do it. =)
Posted by Marrissa Hutton (2008-09-15) 367
I am in love with zoey 101 and would love to be on the show
Posted by lizzie (2008-09-14) 360
I would love to get any part in Zoey 101 so please help me out!!!!
Posted by Wesley (2008-09-08) 347
hey every1 i love acting so much i will be on any show plz help me out and give me a role. let me prove my self to you (=
Posted by nyla taylor (2008-09-03) 330
I love Zoey101 and i would love it if you would give me any kind of part.
Posted by Kenya Munson (2008-08-29) 301
im 10 and i have black hair i just want a small part on Zoey 101
Posted by Kayla (2008-08-14) 233
i love zoey 101 it iz ma fav show n plz tell me if yall hav a part 4 me
Posted by marwa (2008-08-04) 174
I want to be on Zoey 101 so much!!!!!!!! I can act!!!!! Do you have a small role on the show I could play??? If you could get me into acting that would be great!!!!
Posted by Madelyn (2008-08-04) 168
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I am very talented. I am a great actress & I actually sing a little. I would like if I could have a part in the show or a small part or anything. I just want to do something I like which is acting! Lots of Love, Tyra Wilson ")
Posted by Tyra Wilson (2012-11-25) 6980