Welcome to the "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" Message Board - the place to discuss anything and everything about "The Secret Life of the American Teenager."
Feel free to discuss the show in general, the individual episodes, the cast and characters, and any other aspect of the show. Make Actingbiz.com your place for expressing your thoughts and communicating with others who share your common interests.
Hi, I'm Javonna Hill. I am a 15 year old girl from Canton, Ohio. I'm a sophomore in high school, i have brown hair, brown eyes, and I'm very athletic. I would to play a part in this show even as an extra. I also take great direction.
Posted by Javonna Hill (2011-12-29) 5989
Hello my name is Brittany I'm18 years old and love acting. I'm looking to see if you have any auditions for this show. I'm 5'6" and have brown hair and Hazel eyes and i have already completed high school and can completely relate to this show. while i was in high school I had taken acting classes and was also on the cheer teem for 3 years. Now i am majoring in acting and trying to get my name out there. I am very friendly and outgoing person. i hope to hear back from you and thank you for reading this :)
Posted by Brittany (2011-12-18) 5953
hi my name is denise i am 16 i love to act. i have tons of experience and i would love to be on this show.
Posted by denise ratcliffe (2011-12-05) 5901
My name is Rikki Perkins. I'm 18 years old i have a 1 year old daughter who means so much too me. i have always love watching secret I've cause it reminds me of me. i really would love to be an cast on TV. i live in a small town of wellston Ohio. an never wanted anything more in life. i don't wanna do it for money but for show anyone that can do anything if i put my mind to it. please help me out if u can
Posted by rikki perkins (2011-11-29) 5884
I'm Kenyetta im 13 turning 14 in dec . I've been watching this sence it came out and i love it i want to be an actor for a long time . for my bbday i want to be on that show its my dream .
Posted by Kenyetta Mckinney (2011-11-15) 5787
Hello I'm Destiny and i love this show it teaches my something ever time i watch it and i would love to be one this show and I'm 13 years old so contract me if you can thank you go much for your time
Posted by destiny smith (2011-10-06) 5242
hello i am an 18 yer old teen mother i can relate to how they act on here!!
Posted by mememe (2011-09-07) 5054
Hi, I'm Chloe Dibble i am 13 and going to be 14 on Augest 6th. I love this show, i watch it all the time! It is a show a lot of people can relate to and i would love a chance to be on it. My cousin got pregnant at 15, she is now 22 and has 2 sons. It was really hard on her and she made bad desicions so i didnt get to see her very much, but this show helped me understand how hard it is. I think all the actors are great and i would be honored to have the smallest chance of working with them, i know i am younger than them but i look older. I am tall and often people mistake me for 15 or 16. I dont know if anyone would actually contact me, or if people read these but that would be the best thing that ever happened to me! Thank you, please contact me if you can!
Posted by Chloe Dibble (2011-06-26) 4600
Hi my names Ashley Ruiz, Im seventeen, will be eighteen august 11th. i have to say this show has been one of my very favorites. i started watching this show from the very beginging, its amazing. i'd like to get a chance to be on this show, not becuase i watch it all the time, but also because im pregnant, right now im four months. this pregancy has been very difficult. one because the one i loved and who got me pregnant has just recently left, leaving me to do this all by myself. this is something that hasnt been shown on this show, yes, amy has what we would call a one night stand with ricky but they werent together, and didnt love eachother. He left me and has no intentions on speaking to me again. i think this coud be good for me, and my child. To show others what could happen and how to make it the best thing, even if inside your heart is crashing into peaces. im not sure if anyone would contact me considering this is just a commenting site but its worth a shot!
thank you very much!
Posted by Ashley Ruiz (2011-06-15) 4528
Hi I'm Alondra. I'm 13 and I love to act, dance, and sing. I'm not shy in front of the camera. When I was 7 I was asked to be in a commercial but I was moving and I had to turn it down.. But I would love to make it to the big screen. I'm a hard worker, I follow directions, and I'm very outgoing. I live in North Carolina. I'm a BIG fan of this show I have been watching it since day 1. It would be a dream come true to be in it! So please email me back! It would be a pleasure!
Peace out girl scout (;
Posted by Alondra Ramirez (2011-06-05) 4480
Hi i'm 15 and i love to act and dance and just a little bit of modeling. Ive been acting, dancing, and modeling for 7 years and i'm ready to make it to the big screen. i'm a very hard worker i follow directions and i know this is a job but i do like to have fun. I live right outside L.A. I have an agent he drives me to all my auditions and i'm up for anything so email me back please.
Posted by Mikala (Kayla) (2010-12-05) 3530
Hi, my name is Morgan Mari Smith. I love acting and i love this show. So i though it would be nice to be a co-star in it. I can play the ages of 14-16. So if you ever need a co-star please do email me. I am willing to travel.
Posted by Morgan Mari Smith (2010-07-15) 3205
i love ur show in ben is cool
Posted by chazade (2010-07-04) 3182
Being in this show would be amazing. I think the idea of Secret Life, Teaches young adults alot. I would do anything to show up in this show. If you have any spots. If you have any questions, or would like to know about me. You can message me on my email and i'd feel free to send in a picture or detail on what i look like. Thanks so much.
Posted by Brittany (2010-06-30) 3101
hi im 16 years old and will love to have a chance to be on secret life. i am a young girl trying to fill out her resume so i will love this great deal. pay or no pay thanks
Posted by Shakeria Gibbs (2010-06-29) 3097
My name is jessica i love this show i started watching it when i was pregnant with my son at 16. i am 18 now and i would love to be on the show with my son. to help give the message about teen pregnancy and how to deal with it and also how it can be avoided.! i love the message you guys give to these younger girls. my teen pregnancy worked out but like alot of young mothers it doesnt. i want to help the ones who need it!
Posted by Jessica Bradley (2010-05-21) 2981
I love watching Secret Life. Its very suspenseful and I relate to all the teens individualy because I'm in High School and I'm watching a lot of this happening. In High School its hard not to fall into peer pressure and do things you'll regret in the future and personally I think the Show helps you see many consequences. I would love to be in or even audition in Secret Life.
Posted by Benita Ovwurie (2010-04-24) 2863
Hi my name is taylor and ever since i was a little girl i have wanted to be an actress, because i find that i can take all of my trubls and emotions and put it into my acting and make it my own. i have been told many of times that i have a gift that many people dont have because i can do these things. when i was 12 i was taken away from my mom and my sisters and they went to foster homes and i went to my dads whom i had never met before. my sisters would have came with me but we all have differant fathers. that was in north carolina but then we moved right hear to iowa i am now 16. so as you can see i do probalby have a lot of fellings and emotions to put in my acting . when im acting its like theres notiong else aroujnd me but those peopole with me and the seane.
Posted by Taylor Walters but everyone calls me bella (2010-04-20) 2844
Hello my name is montiana wilder and i am 14 years old and u have looked at this show ever since it started and i always wanted to be an actress on a T.V. show
Posted by Montiana Wilder (2010-03-26) 2726
Hey i am 13 years old. I live in a small town in Colorado. I know everyone watches Secret Life so i thought this would be a great experience for an acting career. I hope you can consider in me so i can get up and going on my dream... the acting life
Posted by Adilene B (2010-03-22) 2707
Hi. My name is Levie Gates. I am fourteen years old, and I am very good at acting. I've been in school plays, and etc. I can show any possible emotion there is. I am tall; 5'7, and I have brown hair and brown eyes. This show is a real inspiration to me, and I think that the message of the show is really hitting a lot of teens. I can be really good at any part you give me, since I have actually experienced a young friend being pregnant. I think this will be really great for my future. This show can show many teens what having sex can actually do to their future, and that they don't always have to do it. This show and casting role really means a lot to me, and I really hope that I can be on The Secret Life one day. If you even consider me, please, just let me know.
Thank you.
Levie Gates.
Posted by Levie Gates (2010-03-12) 2678
i would love to audition im 19 years old and i would love to be apart of the show.
Posted by shakia allen (2010-01-22) 2495
My name is cortlin nd i like da secret life been watchin it since da 1st episode nd i want a chance to act in it nd im not a regular person im a person dats struggles nd watches theyre mom cry nd my sister is like amy had a baby in high school nd her boy friend is like ben steppin in when the real dad is nothing nd im da uncle dat trys to help like ashley nd i figured i could get a part in da show are atleast a chance in a call to come audition i fill like no one stepped up in da show to be ashleys boy friend nd i can be da one to step up not trying to direct anything but i hope you guys take da time reading this and call me thank you.
Posted by cortlin wallace (2010-01-18) 2488
hi iam shaquilla o'neal iam 15 years old and working hard on my career to become an actress i watch every episode of the secret life and i always act out amy's part's as if iam on the show and now iam contacting you so that i can get started and be on the show forreal not just in my bathroom mirror so please i promise i wont dissapoint you i have a great personality,iam a wonderful actresses and i believe that the people would love me.i believe in myself so now it's your turn to believe in me.
Posted by shaquilla o'neal (2010-01-07) 2445
Hello my name is Madeleine Dearth but I go by Maddy :)
I am a thin, 15 year old, 5'5" Asian-American girl. I have dark brown hair and brown eyes.
I am extremely dedicated in everything I do and work hard but I still have fun doing it. I am excellent at memorizing lines as well and portraying different emotions. I have only been in a small school play as leading role but please make my dreams come true. I would absolutely love to have a role in "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" or any other show for that matter. Email me if you're interested.
Thank you :D
Posted by Maddy (2010-01-01) 2415
My name is Kylan
I am 15, I have red hair, and a very petite.
I memorize line great. I am a cross country runner and did gymastics seven and half years.
I would love to be a extra or have a role in this show " The Secret Life Of An American Teenager"
or in any other thing. Email me.
Posted by Kylan Lau (2009-12-21) 2384
I LOVE THIS SHOW. being on this show would be such and honor. oh my goshhh. i am 5'5" with brown hair and BIG eyes. i was in an acting class so i know the basics. i am bubbly and cute, but i can play a serious person. please give me a chance. you would be making my dreams come true! oh im 16 btw. :)
Posted by Alexa (2009-11-17) 2299
hi. my name is jalize. im turning 14 in march, yet i pass for 17. im 5'6 1/2 with black shoulder length hair. my memorilization skills are high, and this is one of my favorite shows. im in an acting school and ive been a dancer for 10 years now. i love going to auditions, i live by new york but i live in new jersey. please let me in on any information, i am willing to work and reach my destination. i love a challenge and living a dream.
Posted by Jalize (2009-11-13) 2274
Hey i luvv ur show. Me and my cousin watch it all the time! if you have any spots i wuld love to be on the show. im 5 ft 4 in im brown with black,brown & red curly kinda long hair and dark brown eyes. I;m quite dramatic as everyone i now says. I'm a very unique and random person. Thanks for reading this atleast!!! =)>
Posted by Nichelle Underwood (2009-09-20) 2109
Dear talent searchers,
no need for anymore searching i am a 13 year with determination . i have meduim light brown hair, blue/green eyes and white skin. i'm willing to do anything to achieve my dreams i'm willing to start out as an extra but im convinced you'll like me and i will most likely move up the entertainment ladder.
thankss :))
Posted by bethen cork (2009-08-28) 2019
HI my name is Jesseka i am 14 years old but look alot older. I have been acting sence i was 5 years old anywhere from school plays to tv commercials. I love to act and i am really good at it. I hope to become a great actress and succeed in this carreer. Thank you!
Posted by Jesseka Salazar (2009-08-22) 1993
Hi! I am 12 years old but i can be 13 or 14... I love this show very much!!!!!! I dont care what role it is but i am a good actress. I wont put you guys down if i am on the show. I live in Claremont CA. I have brown eyes brown/blonde hair!! I been in some movies at my school. I am really great with babies and animals. so i pray to god that you pick me......Thanks for reading this bye
Posted by Hailey Konop (2009-08-22) 1992
hey, im lea. i am 13, but am mature for my age. i am not going to brag about myself on this thing, its a waste. if you want to get to know me, message me or not. one things for sure, i love to act. and i love to watch this show. i am a pretty easy going gal. so yeah, pretty cool if ya ask me! (:
Posted by Lea (2009-07-27) 1842
Hi my name is Emily I'm a 14 year old girl ready to commit to a role in acting. I have performed on stage for a program called Upstage and I really enjoyed participating in it. I have played the main role in a school production and perfectly memorized all my lines. I have a little bit experience with singing for the Upstage program and did very well. I have not performed on live television before, but I think if i was chosen for a role in this show or as an extra I would absolutely love to partake in even more auditions. I will admit I am a bit shy, but being chosen for a part would really give me that extra push to come out of my shell. Please pick me! Thank you.
Posted by Emily (2009-07-23) 1822
I want to be on it so bad!!! I won future oscar winning actress in my class.... Im 11... I really want to act!!! I would so commit!!! My life long dream is to be on the show!! Pick me for a little part or a bigger part!!
Posted by Jenn (2009-07-19) 1795
I would love to be on "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" I'm 14 yars old and I have been acting since i was 4. That would be my dream to be on the show!
Posted by Bryce (2009-07-16) 1777
Wow, i love The Secret Life of the American Teenager because watching it it makes me feel intertained and also, it makes me feel like be careful because something can and will happen! lol, well i would love to be in a small part but i no icant because iv never even thought about acting there for im simply not prepaired! im 13 and love the show blonde too! haha, well thank you for your time and bye bye!!
Posted by Cecelia (2009-07-16) 1775
My name is Asia Marche and I am 14 going on 15, I am star material because I believe I can entertain America. I always wanted to be on television and I believe that I am a very good actress because I can make the character I transform into believable and I want the world to see what I can do.
Posted by Asia (2009-07-09) 1749
heyy:) this show is no less than amazingg. i watch it ALL the time. my name is kristin i have dark brown hair and blue eyes. i would love to be an actress and act on this show. im easy to work with and i think the cast is amazing. thank you for your time and consideration, byee.
Posted by Kristin (2009-07-08) 1741
Dear Talent Searchers
hello my name is rasheda i am 14
i would love 2 be on the show
i am funny, and hard working
i am 5'4 brown eyes black hair,and i am light skinned ( i look older than my age )
u will not be sorry if u put me in ur show
thank 4 ur time
Posted by rasheda (2009-07-02) 1716
Dear talent searchers,
no need for anymore searching i am a 16 year old good looking girl with determination and spunk. i have long dark brown hair big brown eyes and white skin. i'm willing to do anything to achieve my dreams i'm willing to start out as an extra but im convinced you'll like me and i will most likely move up the entertainment ladder.
One day my name will be big trust me
Mary Regan
Posted by Mary Regan (2009-07-02) 1703
hi my name is jordyn.. im 13, my dream is to become an actress and singer.my dream also includes to be on the secret life.its my favorite show ever, i have expierience in acting and singing in school plays.... i think that i would be an excellent extra for the hit show because because i am really good with babies and i love everyone on the show they are my inspiration and my idols...thank you for youre time
Posted by jordyn collins (2009-07-02) 1701
Dear Talent Searchers,
I plan to try my hardest to get to an audition for the ABC Family hit show "Secret Life of an American Teenager"....My goals are starring as an extra first,just to use to being on set, and then go in for a major role.But before all this,I am taking acting classes and in search of an agent.
I am 14 5"3' milky brown skin,dark brown shoulder length hair,and medium brown eyes.
Shadia Taylor
Posted by Shadia Taylor (2009-06-29) 1690
Well I have been a fan of this show since the begining because I wanted to see what kind of message this is giving out to teens. I'm a lot like Grace (in the 1st season) except I'm a guy. But I'm a devoted Christian, and I have an Abstinence Ring. And I have a rather calm, collected personality like Ricky
I'm 17, 6"2' with dark brown hair and light blue eyes, a little hefty built. People would describe me as "A Geek in a Jock's Body"
Posted by Kevin (2009-06-26) 1672
My name is Mariah McNamara.
I am 12 years old though i could pull off for a 14 years old.
I am african american and white mixed with hazel eyes and brown hair.
I would love to get a roll in this show or even be an extra.
PLEASE respond!
Thanx so much!! :D
Posted by Mariah (2009-06-24) 1653
Hi i'm brielle i'm 11 years old and i live in tampa Fl and i love secret life of the american teenager i've seen every episode and i pray to god every night that i would make it on the show like one of the characters that stay on the show like amy aka shailene woodley i hope i get picked. ive been in plays before at schools.
Posted by brielle (2009-06-23) 1646
Hi i'm brielle i'm 11 years old and i live in tampa Fl and i love secret life of the american teenager i've seen every episode and i pray to god every night that i would make it on the show like one of the characters that stay on the show like amy aka shailene woodley i hope i get picked!
Posted by brielle (2009-06-23) 1645
hello im roxanna im 16, hispanic and 5'2.
i havent had much experience but school plays.
i take direction very well, im good at paying attention, i love challenges there something i enjoy.
Posted by roxanna (2009-06-19) 1606
Hey, My name is Megan Shalane Brown, I am thirteen years old, about 5'5, and I have no acting experience whatsoever...except in the small shows me and my friends make. I always practice acting by memorizing and saying lines from a book, trying to at bring that character to life. I have Blonde hair and blue eyes, and, if ever casted, i think a role I could play woud be Ashley's first- ever actual friend!
Posted by Megan Brown (2009-06-12) 1575
My name is Natalia and i've been wanting to act since i was 10. I take singing lessons, i have a manager, i take piano lessons, and i do very well in school. I'm 16 now, and i've been trying to get my big break SOON. I'm 5'2", i have red hair with blonde streaks; natural; and i'm pretty skinny, i work out a lot, and i try to exceed in what i do. I've been dreaming about this for a while, and i'd love to get my big break here. My family and friends are all very supportive. I also have green-blue eyes, and I have good features on me. I also do take acting lessons
Posted by Natalia Zarnowski (2009-06-08) 1553
My name is Jessica and I have been watching the Secret Life of the American Teenager ever since it came out and i really love the show. I am 13 years old, I turn 14 in September and I'm in 8th grade, soon to be freshman. I live in Iowa and i really want to act and model. I don't care if i don't have a line or not I just really want a part. I'm a committed, caucasian girl and I'm 5' 7". I have brunette hair, (used to be blonde, but open to changing) and I have blue-ish green eyes. I'm most definentally not camera shy, I like becoming a character and taking pictures, and just being a teenage girl, but I'm also very responsible for my actions. My hobbies are sports, dancing, reading, listening to music, acting, watching t.v./movies, hanging out with my friends, and much more. I just really want to act and I would love getting a part.
Posted by Jessica L. (2009-05-08) 1427
Omg i'd love to be in this show i love it! I am a great actress i went to school for it! And ive been told many time like seriously many time im not lying that i look like amy, which is awesomebc she soo pretty! I'd love to pleay a role in it like being her daughter or something, since i do look like her!
Posted by raelene (2009-05-08) 1424
HI!!!My name is Paulina. I'm in the 7th grade, currently 12 years old. It has been my dream to act since i was about 6 years old. I LOVE this show. I have been wacthing it since the summer when it first came out. I've never missed an episode and i both every episode on itunes and have been watching it over and over again. I cant wait until the next season. It's my dream. =)
Posted by paulina (2009-04-13) 1291
HEY! My name is Molly and I want to break out into show biz. I'm in 8th almost 9th grade and I am currently 13 years old. I am not in it for the fame... it is my true dream and I know that's a cleshea but it actually applys to me. i've been watching this show from the very beggining. I absolutely love acting singing and dancing and i am good at all 3. I have been dancing since I was 4 and now I take jazz, ballet, and Irish step and am good at all 3. Singin is my most recent break out and I found that I am good when I got a lead role in my school's mucical in my first year trying out. Acting has always been a passion of mine and I am really good. I have a natural stage/set preasence. Being on The Secrect Life Of The American Teenager or any ABC Family show would fulfill my dream. Thank you for taking your time to help me.
Posted by Molly (2009-04-12) 1280
Posted by Brittney Jones (2009-04-11) 1275
- I've seen every episode of the show, Shailene Woodley is my favorite actress. I think it's well written, and it's a very intriguing show. My name's Lauren, i'm 5'4", 13 and a brunette. I'd love the oppertunity to be an extra on the show, if that's possible. I've always had a passion for acting, and this is a great show.
Posted by Lauren (2009-04-11) 1273
my name is Dara i absolutely love this show.....and i would really love to have a part on this show...so plz if you need anyone extra pick me i feel i would be great for the part.....i am 15....i have long brown hair and hazel eyes....
Posted by dara clayton (2009-04-02) 1238
Hi,im Kallie i am 10 years old i can act I am a big fan of your show and i have wanted to be on t.v since i was little.It is my dream to act on t.v.
If there is a spot open on your show can you please email me i would really appreciate it.
Posted by Kallie Mlynarczyk (2009-04-01) 1232
Uh, hi I'm Tiffany, and I was wondering is there going to be any mailing stuff for extra's? I really really really really want to be it it!! No joke I love this show to much. If there is let me know on my e-mail. And I will definitely be volunteering.
Posted by Tiffany (2009-03-30) 1227
Hi, I'm Jessica (Jess) just wanted to say i love this show and I'm interested in being in it. I'm 16, about 5'8". I've always wanted to be an actress but haven't done much to start out yet, i was just wondering if there was any casting calls for any type of role, even an extra?
Posted by Jessica (2009-03-27) 1206
Hello. I'm very interested in playing a role in this television show. If you could contact me, we could possibly find somewhere reasonable to meet. I could show you what I'm made of. It could be a fun experience and I'm really looking forward to hearing from you. Please and thank you. :]
Posted by Karmin (2009-03-25) 1197
Hi. I would like to know if there are any opening roles for season three. If there is could you let me know? I am very interested. I followed every episode for the past two seasons, and I just goot done watching the finale of season two. Thanks, and please let me know.
Posted by Brianna (2009-03-23) 1181
Hello, My name is Brittneey and am 15 years old almost 16 and since i saw season one of secret life i really wanted to be in this show. But anyways I really really want Amy and Ricky to be together beacause he is so cute and hello they are having a baby march 23. & if not hope they might get together in season 3 in July 6
Posted by Brittneey (2009-03-15) 1130
Hello, my name is Jessica. I'm currently sixteen years old. I have blonde hair and brown eyes. I'm about 5'3 or so. I like to act, write, and play tennis. I'm homeschooled, so I'm a lot more mature then most girls my age. I would love the oppertunity to be on the show. If you're interested please email me. Thank you very much.
- Jessica
Posted by Jessica (2009-03-14) 1127
I'm in love with this show and i want to be in it so much, it's my dream !!
Posted by Kiana (2009-03-10) 1116
so basically this so is amazing. i dont watch anything on tv really except this show. amy and ricky should be together, with thier cute boy. and acting is my dream, i would love to succed that in my favorite show.
Posted by heather (2009-03-05) 1101
This show is such a great show for todays youth. it shows the kids today that having a baby isnt as easy as it seems. and being a teenager is deffenetly not the right time to do it. I would love a part on this show just so i can be a part of helping teenagers realise that. its not easy. My mom was a teenage mother at 15. just like Amy.
Posted by Mike Todd (2009-03-02) 1078
hi my name is michaela. i am very talented in acting and singing. the secret life of an american teenager is one of my favorite shows, very entertaining. i have things in my life going on that is happening on the show. I would love to play a role in the show, i have experience and have been told that i can make it far in acting, im responsible and i can memorize lines very well. So please if you can find a place for me, then contact me =]
Posted by michaela (2009-02-24) 1055
Does anyone know if they are casting for a baby to play Amy's son? or have they already got a baby casted? My son is a month old and he is so cute. He could totally play the part! He has dark brownish eyes and silky short black hair. email me if you have any info! :)
Posted by Jazmin (2009-02-23) 1045
i would give up everything just to live my dream by becoming an actress.
Posted by victoria (2009-02-13) 999
Hi im Ashley, im 17 years old. I love this show i watch it every monday! I have always wanted to be an actress!!!! I dont really know where to start but, i'd REALLY love to be in this show at least an extra or something. if you want to know more about me and would like to help me out i'd appreciate it a lot!
Posted by Ashley (2009-02-13) 998
hey Im an actress, and im very intrested in this do any of u guys know how to auditon for this, I look exactly like Amy exept younger!
Posted by raelene (2009-02-09) 986
I am an Actor and The Secret Life of the American Teenager really interests me. Is it possible i could audition for a role, as an extra even??
Does anyone know any information about it?
Posted by Luke (2009-02-01) 954
Hi im Raelynn,i'm 14 about to be 15 and i watch this show every monday and i've always wanted to be in it.....i've been acting ever since i can remember....i have alot of skill when it comes to acting.and it would be great if you could put me on the show,my dream would come true....so if any casting calls,email me!...
Posted by Raelynn (2009-01-28) 939
Hi im Raelynn,i'm 14 about to be 15 and i watch this show every monday and i've always wanted to be in it.....i've been acting ever since i can remember....i have alot of skill when it comes to acting.and it would be great if you could put me on the show,my dream would come true....so if any casting calls,email me!...
Posted by Raelynn (2009-01-28) 938
Hey, I love your show! I am 12 years old, blonde hair, and blue eyes! I can sing and act (and be very dramatic if I need to be) ! I have always wanted to act since i was 7 or 8! If you have any casting calls the please email me!
Posted by Brittnee (2009-01-19) 902
I've wanted to be an actor forever, but i never really focused on getting my acting career started. I'm 15 and I want to get started acting for real now. Watching the secret life of the american teenager has really made me excited to act. Is there any way i can get a role on the show? I'd really appreciate it.
Posted by R3 (2009-01-07) 846
Hello my name is Monique. I am 16 years old and I am from MA. I do a lot of making my own video with my friends. I really would like a part in the show. I wouldn't mind if it was an extra or a supporting role. I really love acting and I love to work hard for the things I love.
Posted by Monique Coelho (2009-01-05) 839
Hej, my name is Sofia Andersson. I am 15 years old, and I live in Sweden, I am really good in american though. I really think the secret life of the american teenager is a great tv-show. My dream has always been to be on a tv-show like the secret life of the american teenager. And I would love to go to america and be a co-star on your show.
I also have a question, where do I find numbers or emails to good agents, and can I have a american agent when I live in Sweden, I sure hope so. I would be more than happy for a answer. It's not easy to make your dream come true, but it helps when someone gives you a shot.
Thank you and keep up the good spirit in your show.
Posted by Sofia (2009-01-05) 836
Hello, my name is Brooke Hall and I am 15 years old and I absolutely love TV shows. I have acted in school plays and I have directed 2 plays. I love to right plays and one day I hope to be a director and producer. Acting is really important to me, though. I have a very outgoing and funny personality. I do the best that I can to follow my dreams and I have succeeded in that task. I have written plays and put them into competitions and won. Please help me to to achieve my next step in following my dreams. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.
Brooke Hall
Posted by Brooke Hall (2009-01-04) 834
Hi, my name is Karina and I'm 14 years old. I'm Caucasian, 5'3", fit and I've always wanted to be an actress. I live in Ottawa, ON. I have the looks and the personality to be an actress. I am willing to do whichever part is necessary, whether it be an extra or an actual role. I'll be happy with any role I'm given. I just really want to have this great experience and try being an actress. It's something that I think I have talent for and could deliver my part very well. I'm very outgoing and love camera's and I am very convincing on screen. Please give me a shot,
Posted by Karina H. (2009-01-03) 814
I love the secret life of the american teenager. Molly Ringwald has been one of my favorite actress since I saw the breakfast club like 3 or 4 yrs ago. and Shailene Woodley is an amazing actress. I am 15 and would love an opportunity to show my talents. I can act and sing. I've had serious roles in school plays and when I'm on stage.. its the best feeling in the world. I feel more at home than my own home.
Posted by morgan (2008-12-31) 733
Hi! I'm Madison (Maddi) I am 12 years old and watch your show everyweek!!! My friends call me an addict! I have been acting for as long as I can remember! I have been the lead in 4 different school plays, and I was a munchkin in the Wizard of Oz production at a major theater! I have no agent, but hope that you do not mind! I love this show and hope to hear back from you soon!
Posted by Madison (2008-11-15) 573
wow, this show is amazing. i love it, it is a very positive show to let girls know to be careful. i have wanted to be an actress since i was four years old, plus i sing and play guitar, i am getting an agent in december, i would love to be on the secret life of the american teenager.
Posted by taylor (2008-09-21) 386
My friend told me that this was a really good show so I watched an episode and it looks like it would be fun to act in. I am 14 and I have some acting expirence and I would love for you to use me in the show. If you have any positions for me or would like me to come in and audition or something please contact me. Thank you. =)
Posted by Marrissa Hutton (2008-09-15) 372
I LOVE This Show!! i've wanted ta be an actress since 6th grade and im now a sophmore... i want to be in this show because i can relate to sum of the events happening .. (not the amy situation) but plz get back to me about the show.. Plz Find A Spot on the show for me next season
Posted by Janikqui (2008-09-14) 361
omg i love this show how it inspires people in the right way girls in general but i would love it if you could find room for my on the set during your next season!
Posted by lizzie (2008-09-14) 359
hi i'm jennifer 12 i'm a huge fan and have always wanted to be on t.v. this would be the best thing to happen to me since my dad died 5 years ago so if anyone can help please please help...
Posted by jennifer (2008-09-03) 327
hi i am a 17 year old girl who is interrested in playing a role in the show. maybe i am told old but i hope not...
Posted by Stacey (2008-08-31) 310
Hey, my name is amanda im a 14 yr old girl soon to be 15.
I have been in every school play since 3rd grade now im a freshman in highschool, acting is my life though my familly doesnt really aprove because how most teen stars end up but i know im different all other auditions i look at have something wrong like im not the right age or color but me and my sister watch this show every week and it blends in alot with my familly.
Posted by Amanda Moore (2008-08-24) 284
Hello! I am Hunter a 14 year old girl who is a GEART actress. I was the lead in my school play and I just loved it. It was the best feeling in the world when I was on the set.
Thank You.
Posted by Hunter (2008-08-23) 271
i absolute love this show!
i just have 2 be on it
i watch it every week when i get a chance
and if i dont i record it
i really think this show gives out a message 2 young teens
so can i pllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssseeeeeeee get on your show!!!!!!!
Posted by autumn (2008-08-14) 235
I like this show and i think 7th heaven is good too. I like Brenda Hampton's shows alot!
Posted by Monica (2008-08-13) 218
I love the show I wish I could be a guest starring/ introducing actress....lng lost cousin. Or something!!!!
But. The Show RawqZ!!!!
Posted by Jamecia (2008-08-12) 213
OMG I wont to be in this show soo much!
Posted by Cassie (2008-08-08) 191
ummmm..... well yea i LOVE the secret life of the american teenager because daren kagasoff is in itttt.
okey and i thnk amy and ricky should be together cuz they should..they're cute together and id like ben w. amy.. so yea :)
Posted by Taylor (2008-08-08) 190
Become an Actor, Actress or Extra by joining the world's leading acting community. Find acting tips, casting calls & auditions, career networking tools, and SAG-AFTRA talent agents.
Post your profile, photos, resume and videos so you can be discovered by casting directors and talent scouts around the world. You might even get a chance to appear on a TV show like "The Secret Life of the American Teenager."
2020 Series - Streaming on Amazon
In 2033, people can be "uploaded" into virtual reality hotels run by 6 tech firms. Cash-strapped Nora lives in Brooklyn and works customer service for the luxurious "Lakeview" digital afterlife. When L.A. party-boy/coder Nathan's self-driving car crashes, his high-maintenance girlfriend uploads him permanently into Nora's VR world. After a self-driving car crash, Nathan is uploaded to Lakeview, his girlfriend's family's digital after-life, where he meets his customer service rep, Nora.
Upload is created by Greg Daniels ("The Office"). Source Amazon
2020 Series - Streaming on Netflix
A four-star general begrudgingly teams up with an eccentric scientist to get the U.S. military's newest agency — Space Force — ready for lift-off.
Greg Daniels and Steve Carell of "The Office" reunite for another irreverent workplace comedy. Source Netflix
2018 Series - Streaming on HBO
Starring Bill Hader as a depressed, low-rent hitman from the Midwest. Lonely and dissatisfied in his life, he reluctantly travels to Los Angeles to execute a hit on an aspiring actor. Barry follows his "mark" into an acting class and ends up finding an accepting community in a group of eager hopefuls within the LA theater scene. He wants to start a new life as an actor, but his criminal past won't let him walk away -- can he find a way to balance both worlds? Source HBO
1997 (1h 56m) - Streaming on Netflix
Hired by a Russian politician to steal the formula for cold fusion, master thief Simon Templar falls for the scientist who has unlocked the secret.
Val Kilmer and Academy Award nominee Elisabeth Shue star in this globe-trotting romantic thriller. Source Netflix
2007 (1h 50m) - Streaming on Netflix
Stunt cyclist Johnny Blaze makes a bargain with the sinister Mephisto to save a loved one. Years later, Johnny gets the chance to reclaim his soul.
Nicolas Cage's hell-bound biker and this Marvel Comics adventure rode to the No. 1 spot at the box office. Source Netflix
1999 (2h 8m) - Streaming on Netflix
Greed, revenge, world domination: It's all in a day's work for James Bond, who's on a mission to protect an oil heiress from a notorious terrorist.
Pierce Brosnan's third foray as the iconic super-agent was the highest-grossing Bond movie of its time. Source Netflix
The finale of the show was awful. There was too much time wasted on reliving the past. I understand it kind of brought people to the present time with the characters, but it was entirely too long. They did not show what happened with Grace and Jack. One moment they are in her living room, Grace is deliberately in a foul mood, Jack says goodbye and boom that's the end of their relationship. What a lousey way to end them. Adrienne and Omar broke up and it was clear he wanted to leave, then he just shows up with suitcases saying she can go to school in New York. She already knew she could do that and had opted not to. The relationship between Ben and Amy was left unanswwered. Does she love him or not? What happened to Ashley the character who was written as a phantom person almost. The adults that we came to love over the years, Ricky's parents, Adrienne's parents, were they no longer important? I wanted to see what happened to them. I was very disappointed in the writing of the show's last episode. It was like a slap in the face after watching for 5 years.
Posted by Sara (2013-06-09) 7208