Life with Derek

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My name is Sara I'm 14 and I really want to act my parents are no help so its up to me Ive seen the show before and I'm looking for a break, I wanna be an inspiration in young girls I wanna make a difference I really want to get into acting. (brown hair long - white - green eyes - slim - 5 3)
thank you

Posted by sara (2011-07-24) 4810

i believe i can be a actor

Posted by jordan gor (2011-01-27) 3741

hi, my name is Corina. I have been dying to be an actress since I was 9 years old and I really love Life With Derek!!!

Posted by Corina Szabados (2010-11-26) 3514

Hi im paige and im 12 I love life with derek and personly I think I would be a great match for this show. I love how kacey and derek fight but they always have each others backs. I love to act and when I say love Imean LOVE!!! when I get a role I become dedicated I dont ditch rehaesal for something silly I go because acting is wat I love to do so I there is a part I could try out for on the show PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE conact me and tell me and thx so much
- Paige :D :D

Posted by Paige :D :D (2010-05-19) 2975

hi my name is raven hayes and i have many great talents like dacing,singing,and acting . my dreams have all ways been to become one of the following dancer,singer,or an actress. if i get a part in this show then it will really turn my life around for the better.

Posted by raven (2010-05-09) 2909

I've always loved the show Life With Derek and I'm 13, and still watching it whenever I can. I think I can compare that show to my own life a lot since Derek and Kacey fight a lot like me and my younger sister.
Of course, I love to act but I don't know if I want to be discovered yet. I want to wait for the right moment when all my acting has paid off. Although, having small roles would be nice but I have other talents rather than just acting. I'm not urging to become famous but having my acting be seen would be nice.

Posted by Fiona (2010-05-05) 2902

Hi, I love too act my family said I can sing but I don't think I can and I know yah won't really take this not or message seriously but I wanna be on a show ever since I was little have wanted too be on a show , I am in the 7th grade and I am 13 . I was in some plays at school and one when I was little but acting everyone thinks is so easy I mean it's hard work but it does have those worthwhile times and I just wanna know if you will pick me so ttyl me on my email!

Posted by Kirby Taylor Whitt (2010-04-24) 2862

Hey I'm joey Birchfield I'm 13 years old I want to be a movie star I think it will be Fun and I want to start off small shows then go on to big one like Life with Derek us a look show I should like to be on it I always want to be a actor but I just do not how please please help me I want to be a actor.

Posted by Joey Birchfield (2010-03-12) 2679

hello. I am a 12 year old girl who dreams of standing on a T.V. set i go online and search for roles for hours each night. I LOVE acting and i hope to one day become an actress that young teens and young girls can look up to because she stayed grounded and because she stayed very her age and did what she needed to do for her. I love acting and my dream role would be to be on Degrassi or on Law and Order : SVU I LOVE life with derek i am up watching it every night i have the theme song memerized and if i could get an even an audition it would drive me to tears . I look thirteen have brown hair with blonde highlights. I am exactly 5 feet. I get A's and B's in school. I love to dance. I have a great outgoing personality i would be making youtube videos if i was allowed. If someone reads this pease try to let me be on a show. Anything a movie extra. ANYTHING! I am willing to do WHATEVER!!! it takes to achive my dream. I believe hat everything has to be worked for and I will continue to strive for my dream untill i get it! I promised myself that by the time i die people will know my name, and i intend to keep that promise that i made.

Thank you for your time and for reading this!!!!!!!!! (thanks a LOT!!!!)

Corissa C.!!!!

Posted by Corissa Carmona (2010-02-05) 2544

My name is Jessica Belzile. I’m 17 years old from Ontario and I speak English and French. I’m very outgoing, confident, and courageous. One important thing that you should know about me is that I love to act! When I was little, I would make movies with my friends. I would take my parents camera and work hard for months to make a movie. Later, I would edit them and I would show my parents. I still do that now but I want to persue to something bigger! I’m ready to act for real! I also sing, dance, and play guitar and piano. I write songs and invent tunes for piano and guitar. Then I add words. I take music classes at school and I'm in a school band where we play at several community concerts. I also presented a few of my songs in front of the school. I sing in front of large audiences and I’m involved in my school plays so I have experience. I did very well on my video project for French class and I won 2nd place for a class audition in English where I played the role of Higgins in the musical Pygmalion. I had to speak with a British accent. My drama teacher told me that I should be an actress. I’m dedicated and determined to improve. I would love to have a role or extra in Life with Derek. I watch the show all the time and it is for sure the kind of show that I am interested in being in. If I got the part, I would work extra hard to succeed.
Thank you very much for your time.

Posted by Jessica (2009-09-27) 2134

Hi,my name is Andrew Ellis I'm 13 5 foot 10,tan and would love to be an actor. I would like to have a shot because I've always dreamed about being an actor. Please get back!!

Posted by Andrew Ellis (2009-09-14) 2084

HI my name is dana and i have a talent for singing and acting i've been siging since i was 3 with profeesinal training and i also dance im a triple treat im 11 years old hazel eyes, brown hair, tanned skin im very athlletic love sports have 4 years of acting exprience 5.6 (hieght)

Posted by Dana (2009-09-12) 2071

I'm Steph, I'm 14 and live in Minneapolis Minnesota. I've been acting since I was 5 in school and church plays, and also out of school plays. I'm 5ft 4in and weigh about 113. I can sing act and dance. I'm a mix between, South Korean, Indian, and Caucasin. I've got long brown hair, with green-brown eyes. I'm a very out going, young, dertermined and focused actress, and I'm also a Model. I believe in myself, but not enough to be cocky. I'll do whatever it takes to do this. I'm not afraid of rejection, I can take it, it just makes me stronger, and helps me fix what I need to fix, inorder to be even better. If you are interested in me, pelase contact me, I can send you pictures, and contact info. Thanks for your time.

Posted by Steph (2009-08-16) 1974

Hi, I am a preteen looking for spotlight in the showbizz :) I live in Hamilton On !

Posted by stefani (2009-07-24) 1833

My name is Jenna and i'm 13. I live in Newfoundland, Canada. I would love to become part of the life with derek cast. I have shoulder length dark brown hair, blue eyes, and I love to dance, sing and act. Hopefully you email mee..Thanks!

Posted by Jenna (2009-07-10) 1754

My name is Natalia and i've been wanting to act since i was 10. I take singing lessons, i have a manager, i take piano lessons, and i do very well in school. I'm 16 now, and i've been trying to get my big break SOON. I'm 5'2", i have red hair with blonde streaks; natural; and i'm pretty skinny, i work out a lot, and i try to exceed in what i do. I've been dreaming about this for a while, and i'd love to get my big break here. My family and friends are all very supportive. I also have green-blue eyes, and I have good features on me.

Posted by Natalia Zarnowski (2009-06-08) 1550

Alloo! My name is Brittany and I'm 18 years old. I live in Calgary and would love to become a part of the Life With Derek cast. I'm 5'5, athletic, blonde hair, green eyes. I would love the opportunity.

Posted by Brittany (2009-05-21) 1475

Hello! My name is karissa and, i know the show well, but i think its a grate production, and im looking for something, to start with, i know how to act well, and i think ill do well. Im 14, and skinnny, nice, brown hair/eyes, five foot two

Posted by karissa (2009-04-18) 1326

Hi, I'm Tiara, I'm (5'5'') and I'm 14. I love your show, it's very funny and I've taken drama class before, I'm outgoing and love to meet new people. I am looking to be in life with derek being any type of role or extra. It would be really fun to work with you guys and I hope you email me!
Thank you!

Posted by Tiara (2009-04-01) 1233

Hi, I'm Jessica (Jess) just wanted to say i love this show and I'm interested in being in it. I'm 16, will be 17 in June, I'm about 5'8". I've always wanted to be an actress but haven't done much to start out yet.I have been in a school play before, have taken a drama class, but other than that haven't had much experience in acting. I was just wondering if there was any casting calls for any type of role, even an extra?

Posted by Jessica (2009-03-27) 1211

Hello. My name is Mallory and im 12 from IL. I've been in 3 drama productions. I'm a very nice person. I love this show! I listen to directions and catch on fast. I can memorize things quickly and I just hope you can give me a chance. Thank you.

Posted by Mallory (2009-03-25) 1196

Hi guys, I'm Jake im 10 and I live in milwaukee and im looking to be in shows such as Life With Derek, Suite Life On deck and im game for just abut anything. My talents are acting and singing I'd love to be on the show I am a very nice kind person to work with

Posted by Jake (2009-03-08) 1108

Hey guys, I'm Andrea. I'm 15 from New Jersey. I lovelovelove watching Life with Derek, and I think I might have enough talent to be on your show! I act and I sing (well, I hope!) I'd love to be on your show(:

Posted by Andrea (2009-02-16) 1016

hi i am 14 years old. ever since i discovered acting i have always wanted to star in a show. i love your show and all my dreams would come true if u were to give a chance to audition for a role. i have many talents such as acting,singing dancing and playing soccer. i feal as though if you were to give me a chance i would not let you down. thankyou.

Posted by tabitha sloane (2009-01-28) 940

i love acting alot at just so fun and i like at i just will do my best on acting i just like at alot i will have a good day i just be in acting

from deshon signal

Posted by deshon signal (2009-01-21) 910

Hey i am 12 years old, white, blonde hair, blue eyes! I have always wanted to act since i was 7 or 8! I can sing and act ( i can be very dramatic) ! Please email me if you have any casting calls!

Posted by Brittnee (2009-01-19) 901

Hi Everyone,
I'm very interested to act on the show Life With Derek. I am great 13 year old actor with loads of potential. I've had many acting jobs. I've been in the movie New York Minute alongside the Olsen twins. I've also met and spoke with Ashely Leggat and she told me to give it a try.Please contact me as soon as possible because I think I'm the best person for the job.

Posted by Rayan Hazam (2009-01-12) 867

hi my name is Leslie I'm 16 years old I,m living right now in Montreal Qc but I'm mexican and I lovee to have an opportunity to be an actress and I love life with derek and I relly want to have one chance so well thank you and I just want to say that is my dream and I will very happy to be considerate

Posted by lesliie (2009-01-07) 847

Hi, my name is Karina and I'm 14 years old. I'm Caucasian, 5'3" and I've always wanted to be an actress. I live in Ottawa, ON. I have the looks and the personality to be an actress. I am willing to do whichever part is necessary, whether it be an extra or an actual role. I'll be happy with any role I'm given. I just really want to have this great experience and try being an actress. It's something that I think I have talent for and could deliver my part very well. I'm very outgoing and love camera's and I am very convincing on screen. Please give me a shot,



Posted by Karina H. (2009-01-03) 778

Hi,my name is janae' and i always watch life with derek. i would like to be on this show because seeing the characters on the show, they are themselves. the characters are fun. acting is not all serious but when it comes down to the point of becoming serious and dramatic i can do it. i am 12 years of age and words can't examplain my love for acting.i dont want to act because of the fame or money, but because of the love in my heart for it! ! !

Posted by janae (2008-12-30) 730

Hi, My name is Caroline. I am a 14 year old aspiring actress, although i do look older than 14. I have brown hair and I am 6 feet tall with an athletic body type. It has been my dream for many years to be on television. I have never been on televison but i have been in various comunity and school stage productions. I can sing act and i have a little dancing experience. I would love the opportunity to be even an extra on this set. Thank you.

Posted by Caroline Hinckley (2008-12-21) 695

Hi my names nikki dnilov i love to read i have a gift for writing reading and acting and sisnging ever since i was 10 i pretened to be the character behind the screen so ya im 5.0 brunnette athletic i have long legs and hazel eyes andmy name is nikki danilov so remeber thx lovya ;)

Posted by nikki danilov (2008-11-15) 570


Posted by Monica (2008-11-15) 565



Posted by AMBER MORRIS (2008-10-25) 500

I would love to be on this show more than any thing in the world im good at acting and im realy funny!!!!!!

Posted by richardson (2008-09-28) 421

hey its tanner i really want to be on this show and will do about anything to be... i will do any audition just email me please

Posted by tanner (2008-09-24) 397

hi my name is kalia! All these people who want to be on life with derek has no chance to me. I am fun, hip, sassy, and boy do i have talent. I also watched every episode of life with derek so i would know where to pick up. Im good at memorizing and understanding my lines. And im a rising star!
please i would love this and im easy to get along with

Posted by kalia (2008-09-23) 389

Hello I'm Marrissa. I'm 14 and I have some expirience with acting and singing and I would love to be on the show. It's always been my dream to act and my friends say I do it quite well so please e-mail me if you can have me on the show sometime. Thanks.

Posted by Marrissa Hutton (2008-09-15) 368

Hi my name is Yarbi. I am 13 years old. My dream since i was 2 was to be an actress. Being on this show would make my dreams come true.

Posted by Yarbi Thornhill (2008-08-31) 318

HEY! i'm kenya munson, an average girl today and a star tomorrow. I sing and act so you should choose me to be on your show because you need a girl like me on life with derek.
i am 13 years old.

Posted by kenya (2008-08-29) 304

i am 11 years old i am a very talented actor,singer,and dancer and i would be so happy to be an actor in life with derek because it i one of my favorite shows and would be a perfect fit into any roll.

Posted by argenis santiago (2008-08-23) 269

Hi, I've always wanted to play a role in Life With Derek ever since i was ten years old. My talents are i can sing, dance, act, and i do gymnastics. All I've ever wanted to do was act in my favorite T.V. show, so please consider me to be a part of your show. Thank you so much for your time.

Posted by ariana (2008-08-15) 240

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