Welcome to the "Gossip Girl" Message Board - the place to discuss anything and everything about "Gossip Girl."
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hi my name is maria alashola and im interested in being part of gossip girl. im 14 years old and i live in new york city. i have acting experience but not television. im dedicated and harworking. i have a fresh face (if i was ugly would i even try??) thank you plz reply
Posted by maria alashola (2011-11-24) 5851
I've never been to New York but would like an opportunity to go there and become a part of the cast or become and extra in Gossip Girl. I have had experience before; if you count drama club, theater class and comedic improvisations as experience. I'm still working on improving my skills, but I'm a very dedicated, hard working person.
Posted by Angel C. K. (2011-09-01) 5031
helloooo im from mexio and im a big fan of GG i would love to be their makeup artist or to be in a tv show :)
Posted by Michelle ramos (2011-07-25) 4817
I have zero experience in acting but I'm a very outgoing and friendly person that would be a great fit for an extra on gossip girl! I'm 5'10 with blonde hair and some freckles. PICK me, I won't let you down :)
Posted by katherine igoe (2011-06-27) 4611
I would love to be in a movie! i do not have any experience, but love to learn new things! I will be 16 in May. I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and i am 5"6. Please email me
Posted by Danielle (2011-03-07) 3835
Hello, my name is Katherine Hernandez. I currently live in Georgia. I aspire to be an actress. I'm seventeen years old. I am of Spanish descent. I speak english, fleuent spanish, and some french. I am 5' 4''. Forgive me for being immodest but despite my short size, I still draw a lot of attenton thanks to my exotic look. I'm slender but not too skinny, I guess you could say average seventeen year old body type. I'm a huge fan of the show and I would love to be a part of it. Please consider me for a role in this amazing sitcom.
Thank You,
Katherine Hernandez
Posted by Katherine Hernandez (2011-01-08) 3659
hey me (14) and my older sister (17) have been into gossip girl since the very beginning!! im a media student at my school and it would be awesome to appear in the show even for a bit. being in media has helped me so i do have some acting experiance but plenty of room to grow it would be greatly apprectiated if i was contacted about me or my sister being in the show!! -xoxo emily!!
Posted by Emily Fry (2010-11-20) 3498
It takes one step to follow your dreams. They may not come true instantly, but really, I need to start somewhere. Hello, to whoever is reading this. I am almost 16 years of age. I am 5 foot 11 and a natural blonde. I live in the Great Lakes State. I have been very interested in acting. School plays are very enjoyable. It is a passion. I never get bored or annoyed when i am acting. Sure you may say my 8th grade school play isnt much acting, but again, i really want to start my steps to becoming more serious. this would be a EXCEPTIONALLY GREAT way to start.
Thank you for your time,
Posted by Nicole Schmidt (2010-08-11) 3299
Hi i am Meshawna Garrett i like this show because it really relates to a teen age life style and the drama that gose on but now or days it more to it.I really hope someone looks at this because i really want to show my talents all my friends and family think im funny i like to act this has been my dream to become a actor since i was 6years old please if you think i could be a good actor please email me. thank you sign (Meshawna Garrett)
Posted by Meshawna Garrett (2010-07-22) 3239
im 16 iv wanted to be an actress since i was little im 5'4 110 pounds, blond, and i love the show so please let me know
Posted by Sadie Ball (2010-06-03) 3008
Hi, my name is Desi I am 20 years old. I was attending Buffalo state college where I was a Political Science major. Now im thinking tha Political Science is not for me and I would like to be an extra in a movie, tv show or something I would just like to jump start my career.Please help ,me.
Posted by Des (2010-05-23) 2984
Hi my name is taylor and ever since i was a little girl i have wanted to be an actress, because i find that i can take all of my trubls and emotions and put it into my acting and make it my own. i have been told many of times that i have a gift that many people dont have because i can do these things. when i was 12 i was taken away from my mom and my sisters and they went to foster homes and i went to my dads whom i had never met before. my sisters would have came with me but we all have differant fathers. that was in north carolina but then we moved right hear to iowa i am now 16. so as you can see i do probalby have a lot of fellings and emotions to put in my acting . when im acting its like theres notiong else aroujnd me but those peopole with me and the seane.
Posted by Taylor Walters but everyone calls me bella (2010-04-20) 2839
Hello My name is Curtis Ware. I would like the opportunity to do a casting call for you guys. I am 18 years old, Mixed Male, Black Hair, 5'10'', and athletic build. I have been in 5 years of football, 6 years of track, 5 years of basketball, 5 years of band, 1 year of choir, 1 year of speech where I have done dramatic Interpretation, Scripted Duo. I am currently working on my school play "Camelot" which we will perform on April 20-23 In Connersville, Indiana.
Posted by Curtis Richard Ware (2010-04-06) 2781
Hi my name tajjmiere graves and I'm 13 year and I want become actor .
Posted by Tajjmiere Graves (2010-03-28) 2728
Hi!!!!!!! i'm rebecca and i love to act and would appreciate an opportunity to show people my skills. I'm 5"2.5 i have semi- long brown hair and brown/hazel eyes. I take a theatre class at my high school that prepares me for opportunities such as this. I wait with great anticipation for your response. Thank you very much for listening.
Posted by Rebecca Frederick (2010-03-23) 2710
Hey Im a 15 year old looking for a jump start on my career as an actress im 5"1, asian, and has long black hair
Posted by Lydia (2010-03-01) 2644
Hello, my name is haley. I'm 16, 5'6 and I live in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. I love the show and i've read all the books. It would be amazing to be on the show. I really want to become an actor. Not a major movie star I just think it would be a great experience. All my friends tell me I should become an actor because I'm funny can make good voices and I'm quite pretty. Please contact me when you read this. I'll send in pictures if needed, what ever I need to do. Thank you so much. contact me.
Posted by Haley Krost (2010-01-08) 2447
hi my name is shaquilla o'neal iam 15 years old and iam a young actresses on the rise i had so many doors shut in my face and now iam hoping that you don't do the same i love the show gossip girl and i always act out the parts as if i am on the show.now that i see that i do have a real oppertunity to be on the show i think that it's great so iam hoping to hear from you noone believe's in my but i believe in myself and i hope you can believe in me too.
Posted by shaquilla o'neal (2010-01-07) 2446
5'4, tall slender blonde female, interested in a wide variety of different types of characters. Blue eyes, live in OH.
Posted by Maggie (2010-01-01) 2419
Hello, I'm Lila. I am 14 years old, and Gossip Girl is one of my favourite TV shows. I watch it every Monday and would love it if I could have a part in it. I have gone to many acting and drama schools since I was about 5 years old.
Thanks so much,
Posted by Lila Sidhwa (2009-10-13) 2177
Hi my name is Brittanie Johnson. I am 14 yrs old and live in Buckeye, Arizona. I have been watching Gossip Girl since season 1, and i am a big fan. I just recently realized how much I love acting.Im not looking for a big part, just somewere to begin. However I can play any part that you would like me to play. I would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this comment. I hope that I will recieve an email from you again thank you very much.
Posted by Brittanie Johnson (2009-09-20) 2106
Hello, my name is Rachel Miscia I live in Pequannock, NJ I am Hispanic and I was born in Santiago Chile and adopted.I am 5'0" tall and I weigh 98lbs. I will be seventeen this September and I will be a junior in high school. Acting is something I started out kind of late but I love to do it I started out when I was thirteen in my middle school musical and I have been just participating in the musicals in my high school and middle school ever since then. I really enjoy Acting Singing and Dancing and I live about 45 min. away from the city as well. I also cheer lead and play field hockey i try to keep active all year. People say that I have spunk and that I can pull of anything that I set my mind to. I have always loved the spotlight and center stage but I would like to branch out into television and movies I love the show gossip girl and I know that I am not meant to live in a suburban town my whole life and when I visit the city I feel like I am at home the same goes for the stage and when there is a camera on. I am not camera shy and I would love to be apart of a show that is a teen phenomenon. Please consider what I have to say and consider me for a part on Gossip Girl. "Dream as if you'll live forever,Live as if you'll die today"-James Dean. That is a quote to live by and stick to because you never know when you might go. I want to say I would love to be a part of Gossip Girl. I would not hesitate for any thing and I would dive head first into my role and take it seriously but still I would have fun and let my interpretation of the character shine though. If there is any information you need please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.
Posted by Rachel Miscia (2009-08-31) 2035
Hey! Am Samantha, and I am 15 years of age, going to be 16 february 1st. I am known as the "drama princess" i just dont like the word queen. I have been in step up drama club {acting class} and am also in my schools drama club. I do have reccomendations from people i know. I take my job seriously. I love gossip girl, very interested in being a part of GG. Am very good at acting, i promise you would not be disappointed, i live in nyc, really want to start off filming in nyc first. need anymore inf. contact me. thanks.
Posted by Samantha Dhanwar (2009-08-16) 1970
I love Gossip Girl I watch the show all the time And I would love to be able to audition for the show im 15-in a half and I love to act and sing, I have wanted to act since I was young and I would love to be able to audition for the show. I have a good personality and I persevere,I have allot of determination and im willing to work hard because this is somthing I have always wanted to do.
Posted by jessica v. (2009-08-16) 1969
Hi, I'm Erika. I'm 15 years old soon to be 16. I'm 5'3 and around 115lbs and Hispanic. I LOVE to watch Gossip Girl. I've become really passionate about acting. I really haven't really had experience with the acting biz except my school plays, but once I set my mind to something that I'm crazy about, I give it all my time and effort and turn out to be a natural at it. I will soon be getting into acting lessons and my school's drama club to improve my acting. I will be delighted to act whatever script you assign me with. I won't disappoint you. If you want any pictures of me, just e-mail me please. Thank you so very much for taking you time to read my comment!
Posted by Erika Jazmin Ibarra (2009-08-10) 1934
Hi my name is Isaballa and im 16. I really like watching gossip girl and would love to be in it.
i have done lots of plays and have taken many acting classes and am well experienced.
im just looking to be an extra or whatever may be available so please email me!
Posted by Isabella (2009-07-30) 1859
Hi, my name is Holly, i am 14 years old. I am brunette with hazel eyes and i am 5' 7. I live in Florida. I love the show gossip girl and the city new york and it would be amazing if i could guest star on the show. I dont have much acting experience but i've done some theatre before.
Thanks for reading! :)
Posted by Holly (2009-07-29) 1856
I wanted to know how to get an audition and if 14years old is too young?
Posted by Cathy Garcia (2009-07-27) 1844
Hey I'm 12 but almost 13. Anyways I love gossip girls and I really wanna be part of it. I love acting and I'm a little shy but I got out of that phase. I would like to be an extra or a speaking role on gossip girl. I've been in plays before and I've acted and sang in front of people. I probably would like to be like friends with one of the main characters. My friends says I'm very talented and said I could do a lot of things and acting is what I wanna do. I hope you'll email me. :]
Thanks a lot!
Posted by Michelle (2009-07-17) 1787
Hey! My name is Darian, and i am 17. I think i would be great for gossip girl. maybe a new friend for jenny? or new flame for Nate? :) im a very good actor. and i have been in all my school plays. Let me know! :)
Posted by Darian Vickery (2009-07-07) 1733
hello, i am 17 years old and i love gossip girl. i feel that i would be very good for a role in the tv series. i love acting and it would be great if i could have a chance at this. i have a huge amount of tenacity and a tendency to see things through.
Posted by Jen (2009-06-30) 1697
hi i'm 14 but i know that acting is the route i want to take in life. I know many other people have said the same thing, but i just know i want to make it and i think i have the potential. Im strong-willed and stubborn, but i definitly can act. the most ive done is plays for school and they werent big parts but i still did them and didnt complain. i just want to be discovered (and i know it sounds a little overdramatic) and thats the only thing. i think gossip girl may not be where i should be, seeing as im 3 to 4 years too young, but all i want to do is act. thanks.
Posted by Amy Taliaferro (2009-06-17) 1592
hi im 13 and really wanting to be a extra on gossip girl or even a main role, ive always wanted to be on a TV show and im a huge fan of the cast and love acting. i havent done that much acting but i wouldnt give up.
thanks heaps for your and i hope u email me.
- Lilly
Posted by lilly macdonald (2009-06-10) 1565
hi i am Elizabeth. i'm 19 and i love this show gossip girl is like the biggest talk when it comes to watcg shows for me and my friends and i mean i would love to be an extra or play at main role in the movie if its possible please email me back as soon as you can that would be lovely thank you for your time and i do hope that you pick me
Posted by Elizabeth May (2009-06-07) 1547
You guys are all idiotic to think someone is just going to pick you to be in Gossip Girl after posting a comment on message board.
Posted by Savannah Wilkinson (2009-05-18) 1458
hi my name is Jasmine. Id love to be an actress in your show. Ive been watching your show since it first came out, and I enjoy each episode. I have been acting as a little girl, I will soon be finished with college and I am not ashamed to say that business is who I am, not what I should have went for, lol but acting is my passion. Contact me, I am also attending John R.P agency thank you for future consideration!
Posted by jasmine (2009-05-04) 1405
Hello my name is Kayla, and recently I have decided that I truely want to make my dream come true of being an actress and I honestly believe I can do it. I know you've heard this plenty of times before but I am a mature and hardworking 16 year old girl,( mistaken to be 18 or 19) who would love to be anywhere from an extra to someone with a serious role on your show! Please contact me back, I would love to back from you all, thank you!
Posted by Kayla H. (2009-05-04) 1394
Hi. I was wondering if I could join the gossip girl cast. I'm African American, 16 and 5''6. This show just has so much drama and I'd love to be apart of it. I currently reside in Keller, TX. Please Contact me with an answer. :D
Posted by Yehnar Kiseve (2009-04-22) 1337
hi there my name is brittany delaney and i am 5'3. i have not had much experience in acting, however i have done some modeling and shoots. acting is my passion, and it is in my blood. my dad was a soap star and model so it runs in the family. i love gossip girl becasue of the roles being played and would love a part to jumpstart my career. i am extremely outgoing and an all american southern california girl born at the beach. i no i could do amazing things. any possibilities please contact. willing to do anything.
Posted by brittany delaney (2009-04-16) 1308
Hi Im 18 years old and a freshman in college. Im taking theatre classes in school and trying hard to get acting roles. I would love to be considered for a part in Gossip Girl. Please email me. Thanks!
Posted by Eddie (2009-04-15) 1304
Hi I am 15 years old, 16 in august, although many say I look a few years older. I am attractive and fun to be around. I think I can fulfill the role of an extra on Gossip Girl or maybe even a bigger part. I really appreciate you reading this comment and hopefully you can get back to me soon! I dont want to release my name on this public site so if you want to contact me, please email me. Thanks!
Posted by .... (2009-03-06) 1102
im 16 years old. I can do this
Posted by Jasmine (2009-02-28) 1071
if theres any casting calls please send me a n email...
iam a huge fan of gossip girl....
thank you -k
Posted by Kiki (2009-02-18) 1021
Hi i'm Erin I am 17 years old and I love acting. I would do almost anything to be part of the Gossip Girl cast or even just be an extra on the show.
Posted by Erin (2009-02-10) 990
hi my name is deirdre and i wanted to know how can i be an extra, im 13 and i love to act and people tell me that im really good. Please let me know if you need an extra.Thanks
Posted by deirdre (2009-02-01) 957
Hi my name is leah jones. I am 15 years old I been watching Gossip girl ever since first season I just love all the cast and the clothes that is on the show are so cool. I am a freshman in high school. It's my dream it become an actress.so please tell me when your having casting calls for the next season. Thank you for your time.
Posted by aliya jones (2009-02-01) 956
how can i be an extra on the show?
Posted by bianca pino (2009-01-18) 893
Hello =] i'm 17 and 6'1. i live in houston texas and willing to travel a million miles to jus star in the tiny part of Gossip Girl i am really in love with this reality show . I am very outgoing and i've taken many drama classes and i feel i would be perfect for this show. if you want a photo just email me, please! ! This oppurnity is exciting for me and i really believe i can go far in this business.!!!
IF a photo is Needed email me, please! & have a nice day
Posted by Obinna (2009-01-15) 879
Hello my name is Samantha and I am 15 years old. Currently I live in Bangkok Thailand and will be moving back to the United States in the summer time. I am a brunette and have brown eyes that seem to be a rusty red mixed with a light brown when viewed from close up. I have lived in the State of Virginia for about 14 years then moved to Bangkok, Thailand for my father's job and will be returning back to the state of Virginia. I am half Caucasian half Korean. Unfortunately i do not speak any language other than English. Being a 15 year old seems an appropriate age to be in Gossip Girl. Thank you for taking the time to read my comment and i would love to hear back from you any time you are available.
Thank you again.
Samantha F. Hopkins
Posted by Samantha Hopkins (2009-01-09) 851
Hi, my name is Karina and I'm 14 years old. I'm 5'3" and I've always wanted to be an actress. I live in Ottawa, ON. I would love to be in a show like Gossip Girl. I have the looks and the personality to be an actress. I'm very outgoing and love camera's and very convincing on screen. Please give me a shot,
Posted by Karina H. (2009-01-03) 759
Hi, my name is Daneisha, I am 16 and 5'7''. I live in New York.I love Gossip Girl....along with other CW shows. I love to act, although I've never had much experience. I've done a mini movie last year as a project for my music video class. I played the role of the teacher. I think I did a good job considering it was the first acting thing I've ever done. The video actually went around the school, many teachers and students saw it and said I did a good job. I love to act and be dramatic or sarcastic. I am also a sports player. I play volleyball and softball...also other sports. I love trying new things. My dream is to get a role on a TV show or even a movie. I am plus size and proud of it. I hope you are looking for a proud plus size girl, who is confient and beautiful. More information through email. Thank You. Happy New Year.
Posted by Daneisha D. (2009-01-01) 751
Hi my name is Jazz Bradley. I am 15 years old I been watching Gossip girl ever since first season I just love Blake Lively and the clothes that is on the show are so HOT!! I am a freshman in high school my dream is to be an actress. so please tell me when your having casting calls for the next season. Thank you for your time.
Posted by jazz bradley (2009-01-01) 748
Hey Guys =] i'm 17 and 5'8. i live in south carolina and willin to travel a million miles to jus star in the tiny part of any show. im come a family of performers and i've taken drama classes and drama club. i feel i would be perfect for this show. if you want a photo jus email me, please! have a nice day
Posted by English Douglas (2008-12-15) 672
Hello there, I am looking forward to be part of the casting call, tell me when and where. I could get there been looking to be in a movie since I was 10 and now I am 19. I live in canada ontario ottawa. I'm 5'3 and you want to know more just message me at that address. Thanks. Im looking forward to your respond. I love that show too much to let it go. I rather be part of it then not be part of it. I live like 12hrs away from New York. PLease contact me asap.
Posted by Nathalie-Anne Allard (2008-11-19) 588
ya im 12 and there were these 3 girlsthat were 12 and also prepy in nver been marcused the one n the middle looked just liike me brunnestte 5.0 with hazel eyes and devisouly long legs i wanted to be an acctress ever sinsce i was 10 now im 12 and tryin 2 make it into show biz so ya this is me 5.0 long legs brunnette hazel eyes tomboy sumtimes girl chuck preppy luv hotdog and summer :) my name is nikkki danilov so ya emember that
Posted by nikki danilov (2008-11-15) 567
I'm 13 years old and I'm really trying to get into the acting business because I love acting. I know that maybe I'm to young to play someone like in Serena's highschool even though people have mistaken me for 17 before. Anyway, I was wondering if you were giving out and small parts to someone young like in "Never Been Marused" where their were about 4 girls my age talking to Serena and Dan. Thank you and please contact back!
Posted by Diana Cruz (2008-10-29) 515
hey guys!Is being 12 a litttle too young for t.v.?
my frend is flying to Hawaii to shoot a t.v. show next week, so I'm inpired:]
I think that being an actress/actor shouldn't be all about the experience and if you're good enough.shouldn;t it be about if someone has the biggest heart for it?
-I know I do-
Posted by Hadar Baron (2008-10-17) 483
I think i'm best suited for television because of my tenacity and my experience . Also my looks I think are television material.
Posted by Robert Shapiro (2008-10-13) 473
hi guys, I'm Dova-Symane and I wanted to know about being a Gossip Girl extra.Is 13 too young for this? Let me know
Posted by Dova-Symane (2008-09-24) 394
Become an Actor, Actress or Extra by joining the world's leading acting community. Find acting tips, casting calls & auditions, career networking tools, and SAG-AFTRA talent agents.
Post your profile, photos, resume and videos so you can be discovered by casting directors and talent scouts around the world. You might even get a chance to appear on a TV show like "Gossip Girl."
2017 Series
Set in 1989, the series follows 9-year-old Sheldon Cooper as he attends high school in the fictional town of Medford, Texas, and tries to fit in the world around him while his family and friends attempt to deal with his unique intellectual capabilities and social challenges. The series is narrated by Jim Parsons. Source CBS
2018 Series - Streaming on Netflix
Magic and mischief collide as half-human, half-witch Sabrina navigates between two worlds: mortal teen life and her family's legacy, the Church of Night. While Greendale readies for a Halloween eclipse, Sabrina faces a crucial decision and Harvey makes an unexpected declaration.
Kiernan Shipka ("Mad Men") stars in this adaptation of the horror comic series by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa ("Riverdale"). Source Netflix
2019 Series - Streaming on Netflix
A hotheaded widow searching for the hit-and-run driver who mowed down her husband befriends an eccentric optimist who isn't quite what she seems. Overwhelmed by grief and anger after her husband's sudden death, acerbic real estate agent Jen meets tenderhearted Judy at a support group.
Christina Applegate earned Emmy and Golden Globe nominations for her role in this series co-starring Linda Cardellini. Source Netflix
2019 (2h 2m) - Streaming on Netflix
Former student turned crystal meth drug kingpin fugitive, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), attempts to outrun his past in this western-style crime thriller. Aaron Paul reprises his Emmy-winning role in this film written and directed by "Breaking Bad" creator Vince Gilligan. Won "Best Movie Made for Television" by the Critics' Choice Television Awards. Source Netflix
1995 (2h 9m) - Streaming on Netflix
Pierce Brosnan takes his first turn as debonair secret agent James Bond, who investigates the destruction of a Russian satellite weapons base.
Pierce Brosnan's first Bond film opened at No. 1 at the box office, reinvigorating the 007 franchise. Source Netflix
2019 (2h 8m) - Streaming on Netflix
After faking his death, a tech billionaire recruits a team of international operatives for a bold and bloody mission to take down a brutal dictator.
Ryan Reynolds leads an international vigilante squad in this adrenaline-propelled action thriller directed by Michael Bay. Source Netflix
Hey em iqra.. From pakistan..
I am 17 years old teen girl..
My height is 5'4 with black long hair and brown eyes and fair colour..
I had ability to do every type of acting..
It was GOD gifted..
Waiting for ur ans..
I won't let u down..
GOD bless u..
Posted by Syeda Iqra bukhari (2012-12-18) 7047