Criminal Minds

About the Show

CRIMINAL MINDS revolves around an elite team of FBI profilers who analyze the country's most twisted criminal minds, anticipating their next moves before they strike again.

The Behavioral Analysis Unit's most experienced agent is David Rossi, a founding member of the BAU who returns to help the team solve new cases. The team is lead by Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, a strong profiler who is able to gain people's trust and unlock their secrets.

Other members include Emily Prentiss, the daughter of high-powered diplomats who used to work with Hotchner; Special Agent Derek Morgan, an expert on obsessional crimes; Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid, a classically misunderstood genius whose social IQ is as low as his intellectual IQ is high; and Penelope Garcia, a computer wizard who helps research the cases.

Each member brings his or her own area of expertise to the table as they pinpoint predators' motivations and identify their emotional triggers in the attempt to stop them.

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Welcome to the "Criminal Minds" Message Board - the place to discuss anything and everything about "Criminal Minds."

Feel free to discuss the show in general, the individual episodes, the cast and characters, and any other aspect of the show. Make your place for expressing your thoughts and communicating with others who share your common interests.

hi my name is simon, and i am a generally smart person. i wear glasses and stuff. you know the deal. my favourite colour is blue. i have two younger brothers who have been on my back lately about how much criminal minds i watch. they say its taking up an unhealthy amount of my time. i personally. you see, we are a trio of musicians, we produce and perform music with the help of our father figure dave. you see, my home was destroyed with me and my two younger brothers still inside. we were then transported to los angeles where our dreams came true. we were transported to a record company where we saw a mab rejected so we decided to follow him home. we showcased our talents to him and then after quite a bit of begging, he made a deal with us to sing songs he writes in exchange for shelter. we were then presented back to the record compant and we got stage fright. after we failed and embarressed our father figure we decided to make it up to him by going to the producers mansion and performing for him. we then became internationally successful. the next year we went to school and got bullied but we overcame that. after that we went on a cruise and flew on a hanglider and got lost on an abandoned island without our father figure. then a volcano eruppted on that island after a crazy girl tried to get us to steal hidden treasure on that island. we eventually got rescued from the island and then went on a roadchip. anyways, my brothers say that im not spending enough time practising with them and im too indulged in criminal minds. i personally think i relate the most to dr spencer walter reid as i am very smart and people dont like it when i correct them. if i were to be accepted onto the show i believe i could be a great and essential asset to the show. i think i could be a new member of the bau or one of david rossi's ex wives. i know the show has ended but i believe i can bring it to life again. i have some ideas if the writers would consider me sitting in and helping. i also think my directing skills could bring some diversity to the show, because if matthew gray gubler is allowed to direct some episodes i think i should be too. i also look really good in headphones. anyways recently i fell ill. i had a bowel obstruction because a acorn got lodged in my oesphagus and made its way down and never came out. anyways im acorn free now and ready to let my acting abilities soar. thank you for your time.

Posted by simon seville (2022-05-03) 10807

Hello there fellow Unsubs.... just kidding..... heh

My name is Spencleigh. It's not my proper name on my birthday certificate, but I chose it because my favorite character on TV is Spencer Reid from criminal minds. I live in Buford in Atlanta with my family. I don't talk to my family because they treat me like an unsub. I know the show has ended, but I have a lot of ideas for a new season, and if anyone who writes the show is looking at this, please contact me to hear about them.

But back to the point uwu. I am an actor. I was in the ensemble when my Middle School did fiddler on the roof, but only because I didn't have enough time to be a lead role, as I was too busy writing criminal minds fanfiction. I am very experience and can cry on cue because of poking my eyes. I actually have quite a rare eye disease that makes them very senstive and red. I was bullied a lot for my red eyes and a lot of people called me a drug addict which i am not!!!!!! i believe in God.

My family and friends don't really get me. I don't blame them because I am pretty unique and different and gifted. a lot of people have told me that I am different from other girls my age. I am 13 but I look more like i'm 14 but can play someone who is 20 or over. i would like to also put myself forward for a new bau member, hamilton drew, who is a person in my criminal minds script. music teacher by day, bau agent by night.

okay. thats it. if any writers or directors from criminal minds are reading this or actors, please email me and i will send you the scritp (it is almost done but not quite done yet)

Posted by Spencleigh (2022-05-03) 10805

I’m Hailei and I’m almost 17. I love to act and have always been told I’m really good at it. I have competed at the national level and was in the top ten teams for witness acting in mock trial. I’m 5’4” and would love to get to act on criminal minds which I absolutely adore.

Posted by Hailei (2021-05-23) 10538

Hi my name is Abbygale (I prefer Abby) and i'm 12 2 more days and i will be 13. I love watching criminal minds, Reid is my favorite character. I don't have any experience in acting or modeling and i'm really clumsy. I don't live in LA (i think that's where criminal minds is filmed) and we don't have the funds to get there, but I am willing to be a murder victim, the killer, or the person that's about to be killed. I cannot cry on demand but i can probably pretend to be passed out. I don't have much to offer, but i am willing to give it shot. I am kinda tall, I have dark-ish brown eyes, about shoulder length brown reddish hair (I dyed it red for Halloween and know its kinda orangey but not a lot) i'm fairly skinny, and i have light skin that is never really tan, i have freckles more so when in the sun, but they still show. My nails are usually pretty long and rarely painted, and are pretty strong.

Posted by Abbygale (2018-08-29) 9962

Hello fellow friends. My name is Kylie and i am 15 years old. I love acting and being very weird. I think being an actress can be very amazing. People I have seen on screen inspire me so much. I love making people smile. It makes really happy to see people having a blast of laughter and excitement. Criminal minds inspire me to be my dramatic, funny and i love the excitement of action. With my mom, she thinks i need to lower my voice when I'm outside like being at wall-mart or something. I fight with my mom all the time when I'm out in the open world and not being on my phone or laptop. I usually listen to music and dance around the store being very weird and my mom says I have to much energy. It's true when I'm outside, only when I'm getting bord. I love to do so many things in life. Except camping. To many bugs. But it is nice being out in nature. But i would rather be at home so i can draw, craft, and go to school where I can be around my friends and go to art class, drama, and cosmetics. Also, i love being around my sister and nephews. Even though my nephews are really energetic. But I still love them. Even though they get into my art stuff. My favorite medium for art is markers/colored pencil's. I also love to do my make-up, nails, and even my hair. My mom dislike's when i cut my hair on my own, but i always tell her that a persons has to learn some how and i couldn't get into cosmetics last year in school. This year I can. Last year though, i got to go into drama class. I flipping loved that class. It is so much fun and i found a really good way to exercise my mouth to speak better and remember words that I have to say in drama class. It's by practicing to say tongue twisters. I also like to massage my mouth and all over my face to try and say them better. My life is all about making people laugh and having people around me because it makes me feel important in life. I have had a lot of bad memories during my life. Ever since i can remember, is that one of my sister's kept on bullying me and bossing me around. I even watched one of Mathew Gray Gubler's videos on youtube saying he had also been bullied when growing up and still the same goofy self. I have moved in with my mom a while back and my sister that likes to bully me stayed living in my grandmas house. when i was living with my dad we were also living with my grandma, but then a whole lot of crap went on in my life that i had to go to a bunch of different mental hospitals (which i like to say because... i don't really know i just like to say it that way) that actually helped me a whole lot because if i haven't had gone to the furthest from where i used to live had them take an EEG to see if I was epileptic. And it turns out i am. Still on medication which sucks because sometimes at least one of my pills would get stuck in my throat and I would puck it all up and then i would have to take them all again. It only happened twice though. Then i got into a really awesome school that has so many electives that i can choose from. I am now in 10th grade. and hoping one day i can get into acting. I meet really cool friends too. And the most greatest of all, i also meet one of the friends I meet in one of my mental hospitals I went to. which is very cool because he is a really cool guy. And when i heard this one quote from Criminal Minds that says "Everything happens for a reason..." which i believe. Because if I have not went to so many hospitals I would have not come across of me having seizures. The type of epilepsy that I have is very, very, very rare. It is called Micturation Epilepsy. It really does suck because, the seizures that I have has my brain to lose control of my bladder. Really sucks. But I am getting through it. My seizures are going away. Slowly though. But I know I am a little shy... just kidding I am like a medium shyness. But, by being in thearte, I am sure i will get over it. I am mostly shy by meeting knew people. But, I am working on that. I am glad that I got to type out this comment. I love acting. And sharing stories. Good-Bye fellow friends. Thanks for reading. Love all of you. Even if i don't know you, still love the nice people out there.

Posted by Kylie (2018-08-10) 9958

Hi, I am Abby. I am 5'4 and currently 14 years old.I am also Caucasian.I love Criminal Minds. In my opinion,I believe Criminal Minds should be the most watched show in the world. I mean, c'mon, it's addicting. If I had to choose a character I couldn't, it's way to hard. This is coming from a person who watched every episode more than once for 12 seasons. My friends might say I'm crazy but they don't know the climactic moments in every episode. For example, when the catch the unsub. Who can forget the "pretty boy", Dr. Spencer Reid or "Baby Girl", Penelope Garcia. I could go on and on about the characters. I live in Pennsylvania. My friends always say I am an actress with how I act around them. What am I saying you probably hurd this a million times. I love acting around my family but no ones ever going to discover me. I am not even famous, except in my hometown. My family are the only people who actually want me to be on Criminal Minds with how much I love the show, except for me of coarse. I would just love to play the girl who gets saved. I could play any character from ages 13-17. It's my dream, and my moms, for me to go and actually be on the best television show, with the best actors and actresses, and be known by someone. If someone actual reads this thanks and don't give up dreaming of meeting your favorite person.

Posted by Abby (2018-07-09) 9956

Please consider the BAU team doing an investigation in Jamaica. I am not an actress but it would be my dream to be an extra or victim in Criminal Minds - my most favorite program ever. I would be most grateful.

Posted by Debra (2018-07-08) 9955

Hi, I'm Bridgette and I would love to be on Criminal Minds. I live in South Dakota and have played the main part in many plays around my county. I can play any role between the ages of 13 to 15, and would be satisfied with any role. It would be an honor and a privilege to meet the cast of Criminal Minds. Thank you for the opportunity to do this.

Posted by Bridgette (2018-06-09) 9954

Hi, i’m Kaileigh. I have blonde hair, blue/gray eyes, and I’m 13 almost 14 years old. I’ve always had a dream for acting or being close to it. And I have always loved Criminal Minds. I really love the cast and the show itself. My favourite character is Dr. Spencer Reid. I love how he is super smart and he can figure out anything.

Posted by Kaileigh (2018-02-14) 9939

Hi I'm Morgan! I am a female Caucasian. I am 15 years old and am 5'2. I have blue/green eyes and blonde hair. I have always want to act in a tv show or movie but never have professionally. I am obsessed with Criminal Minds, Aaron Hotchner always being my favorite character. I am obsessed with each and every actor/actress that has ever been on the show and it would be a great experience to work with such a great crew. I am very convincing and many of my close relatives and friends have said I would be a great actress. I could play any rule that was given to me and would be honored to act in such a great show. I would love to turn this into a career! Thank you!

Posted by Morgan (2018-01-31) 9938

Hi I'm Natalie and I am studying hard to be an actress. I am in many theater and drama clubs studying acting. I am currently 14 almost 15 and to be able to get experience in a popular TV show, Criminal Minds, would just be awesome. I am also 5'5. I am convincing and ready to take on the job if possible. To be able to work with inspiring and influential people would be an experience of a lifetime. When it comes to work such as acting I will always be ready for a challenge and whatever comes my way. I will never stop trying to pursue my goal in acting. I would just like the opportunity to play maybe the victim in Criminal Minds or even a small part. The cast of Criminal Minds has been one of my inspirations throughout the years and to consult with them for a short time on the show would be great. I have admired Matthew Grey Gubler the most and his ability to act and direct, which I find incredible. So, for a chance on this popular tv show would be amazing. Hoping to get a part for a start in my dream! Thank you!

Posted by Natalie (2018-01-12) 9937

Hello! My name is Hope, I am a female Caucasian actress. I have green eyes and brown hair. I’m very short (4’6) and can play a role from the ages of 8 to 11. I have been acting for my whole life, in 6 plays, the cover of a magazine, and I was in a movie at age 2. I’m a YouTuber, and I LOVE acting! I am very outgoing, and I have been searching for opportunities to show my talent! I started on season one of Criminal Minds in 2017 on Netflix and I am already up to season 13. I would love to have any role, even an extra! I am a HUGE fan of Matthew Gray Gubler, my IDOL!!!!!! it would be an out of words honor to be cast in a Criminal Minds episode even if I have no lines. Thank you so so much for considering and I really hope I can get chosen, please give me a chance!

Posted by Hope (2018-01-02) 9934

I don’t really know what I want to do with my life, but I’ve always wanted to be in an episode of criminal minds. I am 16 years old and about 5’ 2. I’m probably too late, & don’t know how to send an audition but I’d love to be in an episode. It would be cool to be a killer or victim. I would make a good killer because I have strong facial expressions & love sarcasm. I’m good in heels cause I am very short.

Posted by Kaedyn (2017-10-28) 9932

Hi, my name is Chelsea. I am a 28 year old writer, poet and published author. I live in a small town called Orange, Texas. I have been anticipating Season 12 and now that i'm finishing it up i'm wanting more!! But i don't want to watch it on tv anymore, i feel the suspense while i'm watching this show, i cry with spencer and his mom, i sympathize with hotch when he lost his wife but he was a great father that deep down he was afraid he couldn't be before. Rossi used to scare me but that is only because he's focused on the job at all times, jj and prentice are beautiful and intellgent and caring, penelpe is very inspiring as well. I would love to be apart of the criminal minds family and help take the "newbie" title from Luke! When i write i step out of my reality and into another world, i was created to do this, i'm drawn to the cases (i have a paralegal degree) and well my son always tells me i should act. Please don't pass over this comment as another fan; which i definitely am a fan, but i am surely qualified to join your team! Thank you!!

Posted by Chelsea (2017-10-01) 9931

Hi my name is Aly I am 17 years old and I am from Massachusetts. I absolutely Love criminal mind and i am hoping to become an actress and it would be so amazing to get to be on my favorite TV shows with some of my favorite actors and actresses.

Posted by Aly (2017-08-24) 9930

Hey, I know u might not see this but u know what I'm still going to do it. My name is Sara and I live in Pennsylvania. I love watching Criminal Minds and I would love to be an actor on my favorite show. I live THE WHOLE CAST OF CRIMINAL MINDS. I especially like the cast with Paget, Kirstein, A.J, Thomas, Shemar, Matthew and Joey. I know u probably might not see this but I'm still going to put it up anyways. "Everything happens for a reason" RLLY LUV THIS SHOW AND HOPE U SEE THIS AND MAKE ME AN ACTOR! I am twelve but nxt yr I will be thirteen. I also think I can be Paget's daughter.

Posted by Sara (2017-07-25) 9929

Hi! I'm an 18 year old girl from Norway who can act, play the double bass, knit, emdroidery etc. I hope it's not to late for season 13, but I would love to join the criminal Minds crew and do my best if I ever get a role, it would mean the a lot! Your show is the best, and If you ever need an young adult for any kind of part, I would love to help out! I do have acting experience and really enjoy it. Greetings from Norway!

Posted by Amanda Alvheim Krüger (2017-06-24) 9927

Hi my name is ashley i am a big time fan i love crimanal minds i know every episode i have no acting isperiance at all but i will try my hardest at what you tell me to do at every thing i do i give my 150% at every thing.I am 11 hopefuly you put me on i meet your cast in hiland park at the flower shop i hope you cansend me a email if you don`t your missing out

Posted by Ashley (2017-01-01) 9207

Hello! My name is Rachel and I would like to audition for Criminal Minds in 2016. I am 15 and I have lots of experience in acting.

Posted by Rachel Johns (2016-02-03) 7614

Hi, I am Casey. I am 13 years old, and I love the program Criminal Minds! I have never missed one episode! I was just wondering how old you have to be to become a actress on Criminal Minds? I love this show and wanted to work on it right from the beginning of me watching it! xx

Posted by Casey Meakin (2016-01-01) 7612

I am a seventeen year old who loves action and acting. I would prefer martial arts then a stand off.However, I do have a sense of humor and would love to appear in criminal minds. I am currently studying in forensics even though my parents feel it is not my mojo. So i would like to see if a stimulated environment would be appropriate for myself, personally. I live in Clinton township, near Detroit. I am not a professional actor and trying be outgoing and see if the Disney show lab rats would be a second option. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Posted by Christine Wilson (2015-11-09) 7606

hi, i am Lily. I am in 7th grade, and would love to guest star as a kid on Criminal Minds. I am in theatre at school because someday I want to act on a show like Criminal Minds. I have always wanted to be an actress, and I believe that Criminal Minds would be a great start to my acting career. Please let me know if you would like me to be on Criminal Minds. Thanks!

Posted by Lily (2015-10-14) 7603

My name is Joyce and I am 31 soon to be 32. I would love to he the next BAU member. I think I would be great. I am in Cleveland, Ohio area. I am a big beautiful woman , and think it would be nice to have another one on the team.

Posted by joyce (2015-05-09) 7569

Hello all cast and fans! My name is Eloise an I would be honored to have the opportunity of being an extra on this show. I have wavy brown hair and brown eyes, I am very energetic, and I absolutely love this show. Also, although I will only be turning 13 in July, I have been told at times that I look 14.

Thank you for considering my offer!

Posted by Eloise (2015-03-05) 7549

The thing that I love most about Criminal Minds is the work-family that they have created. That is something I adore very much. I had something like that once before with my first job, and ever since have been looking for a new work environment that would have that again. The love, respect, and care that they all share is just so admirable. This is the biggest reason why I watch this show.

Posted by Neena D. (2015-02-16) 7544

The thing that I love most about Criminal Minds is the work-family that they have created. That is something I adore very much. I had something like that once before with my first job, and ever since have been looking for a new work environment that would have that again. The love, respect, and care that they all share is just so admirable. This is the biggest reason why I watch this show.

Posted by Neena Dang (2015-02-16) 7543

Hi my name is Melody, St Louis, MO. I am a big fan of Criminal Minds and was so happy your show is premiering again for its 9Th(?) season. You seem to work so seamlessly together, I hope y you are all friendly off screen too! I love Shemar Moore, so handsome,lithe, what Mojo he has. Wish I had the techie skills of Kirsten, but alas that is not my forte. Although Paget Brewster has not been on for awhile, she was a great addition to the cast. Bright and beautiful, kick-xxx to boot! Thomas Gibson is a great supervisory agent. I bet there is a heart of gold beneath do that stony, focused face. The range of emotions that glides across his face is charming. However, I don't think I would want to be on the other side of that looks. Matthew Gray Gubler, the raw data of facts which he speaks so quickly. Is it that eidetic memory or great research? A.J. Cook, a beautiful capable woman. I miss Gideon (can't remembfer his name at the moment) although he has earned some great credits in Homeland although I am not partial to that show. I am not crazy about Jennifer Love Hewitt, she brings nothing to the show,. You could do without her. No disrespect intended. I do believe in behavioral analysis in criminality maybe that is why I like the show so. I am not an aspiring actress, but I believe it would be great behind the scene, or research or write. Kudos to all of you and best wishes for many more series to come.

Posted by I melody Higginbotham (2014-10-30) 7507

My name is Valerie Simeon. I have been in Plays before and I am not afraid to be onstage. I am a great singer and I love to act. I"ve always wanted to be on Criminal Minds! I want to begin my career as an actress and I think this is the best way to start. I do not go on my email alot.

Posted by Valerie Simeon (2014-10-24) 7504

Hi, my name is ariana I am very intrested in becomeing an extra on criminal mindes, I love the show so so much and I really would love to be an extra on it because I also love acting and for a while I went after it but I was too young at the time. But I feel like I'm ready now I truly Think I do have the personality to be an actress in the future and I feel like this would be an amazing start.I live in San Diego, California I am 5'4 and wight about 125 pounds.I would be extremly great full if I got to be an extra or any other role on this show.I would love it if you responded back.Thank you!

Posted by Ariana (2014-09-19) 7487

Criminal Minds is my favorite show on television and I would love a shot at being a guest star or something like that. I am 17 years old will be 18 in October. I am about 124 lbs and 5'5" with black hair and blue eyes. If I was given an opportunity I would make the best of it.

Posted by Taylor (2014-09-09) 7484

My name is Brittany and i have always dreamed of playing the victim in criminal minds where do i audition to be a victim?

Posted by Brittany Schmitz (2014-08-12) 7470

hey I'm hunter , I'm soon to be 15 years old . criminal minds is my favorite show & acting is my favorite thing to do . so to be on criminal minds would be the best thing ever it would make my life ! if I could please audition it would be a dream come true ! thank you so much , I hope you take me into consideration. (:

Posted by Hunter (2014-08-06) 7465

hi. my name is kelsey as stated above lol, & im 16, almost 17 this year but anyways I heard about some auditions close to me, and I would like to try out if i could but its easier to do this online so I'm still in school so i dont have an official acting career but I do some small acting stuff in my school and town and church and whatever, I really love love love criminal minds & you ever need a actress of my age or something, or even a extra or just anything at all, you can contact me. I dont live in CA but i would make tthe arrangements if i had too. i lov you all btw, huge mgg fan. thank you so much for your time.

Posted by Kelsey Gossom (2014-07-14) 7456

Hey my name is Crystal I have no acting experience but would love to play even a small role I would not mind the role of a victim I am 18 years old at 5' 2" Caucasian hazel green eyes with glasses but can see fine without them longish very dark brown hair that people think is black live in Massachusetts can't afford to travel out of state love criminal favorite character is Dr Spencer Reid

Posted by crystal (2014-06-27) 7442

Hi, I'm Jessica I am 13 all most 14 and I'm 130 pounds and like 5'5. I have been dreaming about acting on this show from the every first time I have ever saw it. It would be great if I got to and i'll would be so thankful to. I know I'm not that old but I would be so happy and I'm not shy but to tell you I am a every open minded person so I can be mean if I have to be. Please take me into consideration. You can get ahold of me by my email. Thank you!

Posted by jessica gatllin (2014-06-17) 7433

The hit tv series Criminal Minds is just Amazing!All the actors do such a fantastic job! I have acting experience on stage, and i am ready to portray a character on film. Having an opportunity to be on one of my favorite shows is just great. If your looking for an extra or a role with speaking lines please feel free to contact me via email! Thank you for your time!

Posted by Victoria Goatley (2014-06-14) 7431

Hi my name is Danielle, I am 13 years old and I love criminal minds! I have wanted to be an actor since I was 12, but my school doesnt have any acting classes, so I have had some experience with acting, but I don't care what kind of role I get. I am currently on summer vacation and I have been watching this since I was 7 and I LOVE IT! this show actually got me into writing murder mysteries and I still love to write. And I have always wanted to be an extra in a movie or tv show! So thank you! Oh and I check my email often. And I'm caucasion, female.

Posted by danielle (2014-06-11) 7424

Dear CBS Casting Directors,
I am a 16 year old Caucasian, with medium skin town, light blonde hair, and blue eyes. I am 5'7, and weigh 120 lbs. I have some acting experience under my belt, including a 'Basic Instinct' interrogation scene. I am a huge fan of your show, and am currently studying AP Psychology. I am a huge fan of your show, and have not missed an episode. I would be honored to work with such an amazing cast. Please e-mail me with any information on openings for casting or extra work.
P.S. I also am experienced in par core, gymnastics, and martial arts.
Thank You,
Alexandra Ryan

Posted by Alexandra Marie Ryan (2014-06-02) 7412

Heyy, I totally LOVE Criminal Minds! I'm 13 and soooo love acting! I'm really dramatic, well that's what my friends and family say. I have a TON of ideas for episodes on Criminal Minds. I live in the UK, Wales, Cardiff, but I would definitely LOVE to come to America for an audition for Criminal Minds, even if I'm just an extra!.. I have long brown/blonde hair, green/hazel eyes, I would LOVE to be on one of your episodes of Criminal Minds, pleeeeaaaasssseee email me about a role on Criminal Minds, I would be so thankful and appreciative, byeeee!

Posted by Emily Louise Williams (2014-05-15) 7409

I love Criminal Minds! It is amazing! I would love to be on such a great show. Either as an extra, victim, or even the bad guy. It would be such an excellent opportunity for me to work with such talented actors! It would also help me kick start my acting career!

Posted by Sarah Craig (2014-04-19) 7398

my name is Scout and I am 18 years of age. I live in Vancouver, BC and wish to be an actress. Criminal minds is one of my favorite shows and it would truly be an honor to be on the show.

Posted by Scout (2013-12-08) 7303

Hello, My name is Austin Mockridge from Klamath Falls Oregon and I am 23 years old. I would like an audition for criminal minds. I speak 11 different accents and specialize in the Criminal department because of my extreme rage. Many people say this rage would be very useful in the acting department so I figured I shall put it to the test. I am 5' 7", Brown hair, Bright blue eyes, and Extremely Built. My friends call me Tank. I am not always available at this Email, so feel free to contact me via facebook. Thanks for the oppertunity.

Posted by Austin Mockridge (2013-08-14) 7265

Hi, my name is Ayna i am a 13 year old girl and I look like a 16 year old I live in ND. I love acting, acting is my life. I know i might sound crazy but I can't see my self do anything else. Acting been a dream of mine since I was 8. so please take me as a consideration.

Posted by ayna (2013-07-31) 7238

I'm absolutely in love with Criminal Minds. I can honestly say I've watched at least 2 episodes a day, and lost count on how many times I've watched each episode. My name is Paige Lojet, I'm 16 years old, half Canadian, half German. I'm blonde, hazel eyes, and about 5'5. I'm willing to do anything from a tiny extra role, to an actual role. This would be an absolute dream come true! I doubt this will work, but I'm trying everything! I'm really up for absolutely ANYTHING. Please, please contact me for anything! I am able to do any role, and I strive to do my best at everything. I definitely have an ability to act, and secretly, it's something I really want to do with my life! Muah!:*<3

Posted by Paige (2013-07-16) 7227

Hi, my name is Erin Locsin. Criminal Minds is one of my favorite series. I've always wanted to be an actress and I was hoping Criminal Minds would be my break. I'm 20 years old, 5'1'', Filipina. I still live in the Philippines but I would go to the states if ever. I'm a theater actress, painter, dancer and a graduate in marketing communications. I hope you'll take me into consideration. Thank you for the opportunity.

Posted by Erin Locsin (2013-05-24) 7200

I have been a fan of criminal minds I can recite almost every episoide I've seen i haven't done anything exicting in the 13 years I've been alive.I can look like a young child or a middle teen,i just really want to be in an episoide of criminal minds no matter what please I haven't done anything like auditions but i have many talents and i would like to put them to use.let me atleast adution.

Posted by sarah (2013-05-23) 7199

hi, my name is Benet and I'm i love with criminal minds. i wanted to know if i could audition for criminal minds.

Posted by benet (2013-03-11) 7141

Hi, my name is Kaylee, I live in Mt. Wolf, Pennsylvaina, Im 15 years old and will be 16 in May. Im 120 pounds and 4'11 but i hope that doesnt matter that I am short. I have been dreaming about acting in this show for a very long time and would be so thankful to be in the really good at remembarring lines, and am not nervous or shy. Please take me into consideration! You can get ahold of me by email. Alrighty then. Byr

Posted by Kaylee (2013-02-11) 7127

I am Alexandra Marie. I am a 14 year old, Italian/British, blue eyed blonde. I am fit and 5'5 and weigh 119 lbs. I have been an actress for 9 years as well as a figure skater, martial artist, and gymnast. I am professional in stage fighting. I hope to be in contact with you soon.
Thank You

Posted by Alexandra Marie (2013-01-22) 7111

I am a 14 year old girl, who lives in LA! I am an Itaian and Brit. I have appeared in several criminal minds parodies. As well as the Capricorn Killer. I am a figure skater, gymnast, martial artist, as well as a stunt devil for commercials. (Magic Mountain) I have done several theater productions as well as modeling gigs. If you are looking for a person to play an extra or a victim. Please contact me or my agent Mike Odel.

Posted by Alexandra Marie (2013-01-22) 7110

Hello my name is Eve and I am nearly 16 years old. I really would like to be an actress and I love the series Criminal Minds. I have taken Drama Gcse and I am taking it for a-level as well. I have performed a variety of different genres of scenes so I can perform different roles. I am turning 16 in may and it would be an honour and a dream if you would consider me for a role.
If something comes up then please email me.

Posted by Eve (2013-01-20) 7107

Im Karigan, Im 13 and i love to act. I live in a small town in Kentucky but am willing to travel. I am on my local speech team and have memorized many scripts. I have participated in Talon Falls a haunted house where i acted as a torture victim for 2 months. I would be extremely honored to appear on this show.

Posted by Karigan (2012-12-09) 7021

Hello my name is Lucas, and I am a huge fan of the show. It would be a great honor to be on the show because I can portray a villain-esque character, I can do a great Russian accent and I have an idea for a storyline for two episodes. I love acting, and I love the cast and show.

Posted by Lucas Peclat-Begin (2012-11-13) 6931

Hello my name is Makeila Gonzalez. I live in a small town in Arizona. I am a real big fan of the show and of all the actors and actresses in it. I've been looking for any opportunity I have to do what I love in front of the camera. I like to perform dramatic scenes so any open role for this show would be great. I'm turning 14 August 28th. So maybe give me a chance? Email me or anything would be great.


Posted by MaKeila Gonzalez (2012-07-11) 6658

Hey, my name is Angelica, yeah like the rugrats. I live in Georgia and I am 15 years old. I'm Hispanic and fluent in Spanish. I have brown eyes and curly hair that reaches a little past my shoulders. my hair color changes, so i am willing to have it any color. Criminal Minds is my favorite show and it would be a dream come true to be part of an episode. I am willing to work as any character even one of those people that walk in the background. I'd truly appreciate being chosen, so take it into consideration?
thank you.

Posted by Angelica Tavarez (2012-06-21) 6563

hi, my name is hannah. i live in glasgow, scotland. i would love t o be an actress and to be on the show, i have a little acting experience. i go to a drama grou in the tron theatre and i have been going for 4 years now, i would like to think of myself as a good actress and i do intend on getting better and working my way up... i know your probably thinking what sets me apart from all the others here, well i am extremely dedicated and very pasionate, i know if i work hard i will get whatever i deserve i am very good at remembering lines and "giving myself buisness"i know for a fact...i can be the best. i have brown hair and very blue eyes (which i would say is my best feature).i am short and i have freckles i have a strong glasgow acccent which does not neccesarilly mean it is grubby and edgy but i like to think i speak proper and act proper, there arent many like me in glasgow, i dont belong here i belong in america with an acting job and maybe even a few films if the only part for me is an extra, i'll take it.

everyone needs somewhwere to start, for me i think its here!..

Posted by hannah stewart (2012-05-18) 6492

hi my name is sarah i love this show my favorite character is dr.reid and im 14 in july and i really would appreciate it if u hired me to act thanks

Posted by Sarah Rowsom (2012-05-02) 6467

Hello! I'm Mirva Alice from Finland and I'm 14 years old(15 in August). My greatest passion has always been to be an actress. I've been on TV once before but it was back in 2005 and I've also been on a couple school plays in primary school. My weight is about 143 lbs and my height is about 5"4 / 5"5. I have light brown hair and blue-grey eyes and I've been told my accent is kinda American english-Finnsih (so it's pretty much like American english).

Criminal Minds is one of the biggest hits ever and I can't stop watching it! I love the work that the cast and crew does! IF there would be any, available roles (anything will do) I could take it!

I love acting - so this could be the chance of a lifetime.

xoxo,Mirva and best regards from Finland!

Posted by Mirva Alice Hellbom (2012-03-20) 6335

Hello, my name is Livi Francis-pape. I live in Dorset, England. I'm 13, although I have been told that I can look around 16. I have light brunette hair and I'm 5"3. I have been a part of many small stage productions around Dorset, I have also been a part of many acting companies and other events. Acting is my passion and I try to be a part of everything I can for more experience. I am very versatile and take direction well.
I am a huge fan of 'Criminal minds' and Matthew Gray Gubler, I have been watching for years and being on the show would be amazing, nay, simply indescribable. I am rather positive that this is a long shot, but I am thankful for the opportunity anyhow.
The show is incredible and I am honored to even watch it. I hope you'll consider me. Please email me if you are interested.Thank you.

Posted by Livi (2012-03-07) 6286

i would love to be on this show because i watch it all the time and love action

Posted by jordan (2012-03-06) 6285

Hi! My name is Jenna Trattner. I am about 5"4 with dark brown hair that is about 6 inches from my shoulders. I am 14 years old but I have been told that I can look about 16 or 17. I also have dark brown eyes and olive skin. Acting has always been a very special part of my life and watching Criminal Minds has inspired me to try to enter the official acting-world. Criminal Minds is the most intriguing show that I have ever seen that I would absolutely feel blessed to even possibly be a part of!

Posted by Jenna Trattner (2012-02-27) 6257

Hello. My name is Emily Cutter, I am 14 years old and acting is my absolute passion. I have seen every episode of Criminal Minds, and absolutely love it. I've been acting since I was in second grade, and I've been taking many acting classes. As many other people do, I have a dream to be an actress, and nothing will get in the way of that. I am willing to take any part, and it would be an honor to even be considered for a part in this show. Please email me if you are interested, and please consider me.

Posted by Emily Cutter (2012-02-19) 6218

hi my name is Khatereh Askari and I'm 13 years old. I've been watching criminal minds since the first episode aired and i still watch it. I love the show Criminal Minds more than anything ever i have watched every episode at least 3 times or more. I have a dream of being an actress and nothing can keep me away from that. I would be the luckiest girl alive if i just get a chance to be on just one episode or just meet the cast and I am willing to do anything it takes. If you ever need me I'm always there just email me.

Posted by khatereh (2012-01-28) 6108

Hi my name is Vanessa Tumanov! I am a Caucasian female who is 5.3 and 103 pounds. I have brown eyes and long brown hair. I'm from London Ontario and have a huge passion for acting and singing. Ever since I was a little kid I have alway made everything in my life dramatic. I have been acting and singing since I was ten years old I did tones of acting camps such as original kids and have sung in a competitive choir. I have been in every one of my school shows and take drama class each year. I know you get a lot of these and probably don't have time to look at them all but if you do have time to consider me the experience of being on criminal minds would be a gift.

Posted by Vanessa Tumanov (2012-01-26) 6095

Hi, my name is Will Davis but I go by Billy Tayler and I'm really hoping to be discovered very soon. I live in detroit, michigan and i feel like we have alot of talent here but it's hard to actually show anyone in high places. I just want a chance.

Posted by Billy Tayler (2011-12-31) 6001

Hi, I'm Jade Garcia. I'm 13, light brown hair, brown eyes and I'm 5'2. I started acting school at the age of 5 and i have been continuing to act off and on through the years. I'm a huge fan of this show and it would be a complete honor to be on this show. I love this show so much that when i grow up i want to be a Crime Scene Investigator.
I live in Los Angeles, CA and if you consider me for anything, just email me.(: thank you.

Posted by Jade Garcia (2011-12-28) 5984

Hello, My name is Tiffany, I'm 13 years old, I am plus size, but i dint care about that but most ppl do. I have black wavy-ish hair its not long but its a little past medium. I'm not experienced as an actress, but i would like to be one. My favortie show is Criminal Minds, and Matthew Gray Gubler is my Favorite actor. I have Hazel-blue eyes, and i am mostly a serious person. I'm white/Caucasian, and I'm 5' 6". I would very much like to start acting, plz let me know if theres anything els you would need to know.

Posted by Tiffany Mcnaughton (2011-12-28) 5982

I am a big, big fan of Criminal Minds. It´s my favorite show on television. I´m very happy that Paget Brewster and A.J. Cook are back on the show. I´m also very happy that Matthew Gray Gubler (my favorite), Thomas Gibson, Kristen Vagness, Shemar Moore and Joe Mantegna are still on the show.

Posted by Olivia Solis (2011-12-22) 5965

My name is Sophie, I am 13 and a true at heart actress. I have done every production my school has put on since sixth grade and I am educated in film. This show is the show that I stay home from parties to watch. I am 4'9" or so, Caucasian and have naturally brown curly hair. I have hazel eyes, and although I am petite I can act much older than I am. Or younger. Being an actress, especially in this cast, is a huge aspiration of mine. Thank you for reading.

Posted by Sophie Pelosi (2011-12-14) 5938

Hi, I am from Northern Indiana and just love T.V. shows such as Criminal Minds, the suspense is gratifying. I have been interested in acting on stage and on T.V. for a long time. I have been acting for as long as I can remember but never on camera. I am very pliable as an actress and will work until my part is perfect, whatever it may be. I am willing for any part, even if I'm a blurred figure in the background.

Posted by Lindsay (2011-12-09) 5919

Hi. My name is Megan. I am fascinated with becoming a profiler for the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I really love Criminal Minds and Paget Brewster. I have a little bit of acting experience with school. I am 4'11'', I have medium-length brown hair and dark brown eyes. I would love to be on this show. You can give me any role that you would like. I will be very flexible for any filming schedule and I will face any challenge you throw at me. I'm highly educated because of the school that I attend. I live in California, near Los Angeles. That would be an easy distance for me to travel. I am athletic and am enrolled in Karate classes. I am a third-degree brown belt, so I have a lot of experience with fighting. I am also nearly fluent in Spanish, if that helps. Please contact me if you would like me to be in an episode or even just a scene. I would love to play any part, as long as it is in Criminal Minds. Thank you for your time, and I hope you pick me for something.

Posted by Megan (2011-12-06) 5912

Hi i am 27yr old east indian female. I am 5'7. i have modeled,done some runway modelng some extra work and would like to take up notch with being in an episode of cruminal minds. I watch it all the time and think its just an amazing show.

Posted by Preeti (2011-11-13) 5776

Hello, my name is Savannah Lee. I'm from Texas, and I'm 17, turning 18 this December. I'm five foot six and a half, have long auburn hair, and I have brown eyes. I'm also half Asian, half Caucasian (my mother is Chinese, and my Father is Caucasian).
I can act, sing, dance, and fence. And I love all four of them. I've also taken college level Psychology during my junior year of high school. I pick up accents rather quickly. I'm also quite good at learning languages, and I have excellent pronunciation. And I really enjoy learning new things. So memorizing script and acting out scenes is quite easy for me.
For me Criminal Minds means a lot. I started watching when I was just getting out of eighth grade, and haven't stop since. It helped me through my classes, and helps me see things from different angles.
I love acting and really hope you will give me a chance. I love this show, and I have no problem with any role you can give me. Please give me the opportunity, to show you that I can do what ever you throw at me. And that I can be the best at what ever challenge I face.
I hope that you will consider me for a part in Criminal Minds.
Thank you so much,
Savannah Lee

Posted by Savannah Jia-Mei Lee (2011-11-09) 5759

Hi, my name is Bridget and I am 14. I am 5'2" (not that tall). I have seen every episode of Criminal Minds and I am a huge fan. It is my dream to meet the cast of the show and be in an episode. Criminal Minds has inspired me to become a federal agent when I am older. I really hope that I can meet the cast and be on an episode. Thank You. Please let me know about anything. Thank you again

Posted by Bridget Cassidy (2011-11-05) 5733

My name is Emely. Im 14. I love "Criminal Minds". And i love acting, it's my inspiration. I'll dedicate my time on being an extra or a role in this T.V show, also i love crime/murder t.v shows like "Ciminal MInds". If any offers you have for me. Contact me. Thank You.

Posted by Emely (2011-11-03) 5717

Thanks for taking your time to read about me. My name is Katrina and I am 21 years old. I am 6'1", slender fit and currently have red hair (naturally blond) I have acting and modeling experience but am currently focusing on my education in the panhandle of Florida. Criminal Minds is by far my favorite show and I've been dreaming about being apart of an episode. If you are interested in hearing more about my abilities and are willing to give me more time please email me. I would be happy to send over pictures or audition for an role on the show. Thanks again for your time.

Posted by Katrina (2011-10-16) 5550

Hi, my name's Alyssa Neese. I'm almost 5'2", almost black hair (willing to dye whatever color desired), and very athletic. I am currently enrolled in a taekwondo class, if that's anything appealing. I'm fifteen years old, sixteen in December. I love the show Criminal Minds. It's been my obsession for months now. If I'm not accepted into the world of acting, I actually plan on pursuing the career of a behavioral analyst. I have brains and looks and a great personality. Down to earth, funny, and extremely adaptable. Truth be told, I've never done any acting before in my life and I'm not even in drama at my local high school. Wanted to, but... that's another story entirely. Anywho, I'd love to be in Criminal Minds, whether it be as an extra or a minor role. Anything to experience such a (wonderful) thing and figure out if this is really what I want to do with myself. I'm wonderful at speaking French (even though I've only had one year of the language!) and enjoy reading and writing. I live in Antlers, Oklahoma. Small town girl with great aspirations.

Thanks so much for checking this post out. c:

Posted by Alyssa Neese (2011-10-12) 5299

Hi there..I'm Darcy. I have never done anything like this before, so I hope I'm doing it right. I absolutely love Criminal Minds. I really get into the stories the characters go through. I cried when Haley died. It was so emotional. I love the chemistry between Morgan and Garcia. Absolutely endearing and humorous. :) It would be awesome to meet the cast, or even be in a scene. Thank you to the Criminal Minds BAU for such a wonderful show. ^_^

Posted by Darcy (2011-10-09) 5263

Criminal Minds is my favorite TV-show ever! I love it! I'd would be the highlight of my life if i could only once visit the set and get to know the actors, maybe also could run trough the scene. I'm nearly 18 and from Europe and would travel to America just for criminal minds :)

Posted by Hanna (2011-09-24) 5160

I'm 18 yrs old, and I have done some acting in highschool/middleschool/elementary. I would love the opportunity to meet the cast of criminal minds. I am currently in college, and I plan to become a FBI agent a few years after I graduate. It would be a honor to meet your cast. Your show really helped me want to fufill my life dream.

Posted by Samantha Bowers (2011-09-18) 5122

I love Criminal Minds. I really want to be in the show. I know that is a big choice but i know i can do it. I would like to have a part any part. I'm 14 and really would like to see if i can do this. If you can please contact me at my email.

Posted by Francisco (2011-09-10) 5083

I am 15 years old will be 16 in november i always wounted to go on criminal minds i have seen all of them i think and i LOVED so plz let me be on one of the episodes.

Posted by brittney (2011-09-09) 5079

Hi my name is Cody dang and I turned 15 today and am a huge fan of the criminal minds series and have wanted to be an actor with you for a vary long time so if you have an opening please contact me you have my email address and I am willing to work anywhere thank you

Posted by Cody dang (2011-09-04) 5047

Hello! My name is Caitlyn Davis. I am 15 years old. Depending on how I am dressed i can look anywhere from 13 to 17. Yes i actually have blonde har and grey blue eyes. I have been in plays and musicals within my highschool, middle school, elementarty school and youth program. I can be a serious actor and i would very much enjoy even being an extra. Thank you.

Posted by Caitlyn Davis (2011-08-30) 5022

Hi, my name is Emily. I am 15 years old. I have dark brown hair, I'm about 5 foot 9 inches tall, and I have hazel eyes. I live in Canton, Ohio and my family are huge Criminal Minds fans. I watch the show all the time and I can't wait for the next season to run! A big influence for me wanting to be an actress are Paget Brewster and Thomas Gibson. I have watched a few other shows and movies that they have been in and I think they are greats actors. I think everyone on the show is great and I can't wait to see what new changes are going to happen in the plot. Thank you for reading this.

Posted by Emily (2011-08-14) 4914

Hello my name is Ariel Filipovic , I am 14 years old. But can look up to 16. I have long brown hair, brown eyes, and amaround 5'8. And I weight 125 pounds. I have taken many acting classes as well , Criminal Minds is my favorite show as I have been practicing for that role for over 2 years. My hobbies are acting, dancing, gymnastics, spending times with friends, playing music as well as being outside. Acting is a very big passion of mine. I practice every day to improve and build up my skills. And if you would accept me into an episode of your show would be a great dream come true. Thank you for your time, big fan! :)

Posted by Ariel Filipovic (2011-07-28) 4831

hi my name is Nick, i am 20 years old from Toronto, Ontario have brown eyes, medium sized brown hair, tall, white, skinny body type and i am very interested in acting for the Criminal Minds television series. Most of the reason why i want to act is because of influences from actors/actresses that are already on screen. My biggest influences are Matthew Gray Gubler, Robert Downey Jr, Patrick Dempsey. I would love to get a chance to have a small role on an episode of Criminal Minds as a witness, or suspect being interviewed by the members of the BAU. Even if an extra position is available that would be great, but my main focus is getting my foot in the door of having an actual feel of being on the show as a character.

Posted by Nick (2011-07-18) 4764

Hey, My name is Tori. I have brown hair and brown eyes, Im 4'11. I live in ARKANSAS and i love criminal minds!!!! This show and My name is Earl has made me want to become an actress. When i was little as i recall I wrote little plays and storys to act out. I pretended to be Oprah and my family was my guest and I really want to be a actress. Even now days i go thru my clothes, put different things on and pretend to be the person made up. I dont have an agent or anything but im hoping if you pick me they might see the talent and contact me to be in movies!!!!!!!! My favorite people are Morgan,Reed and Garcia.<3 I reallllllllyyyyyyyy want to be an Actress and i realllllllllllllyyyyyyy want to be on your show. I will be happy with whatever role i get... an Extra, Main person or even a dead person!!!!! I dont care i just want to be an Actress................

Posted by Tori (2011-07-14) 4729

hi, my name is nicole i live in detroit michigan Criminal Minds is my favorite show in the entire world i am 5'2 with hazel eyes and brown hair i love to act and sing it would be the most amazing thing in the world if i could be on your show.

Posted by nicole (2011-07-09) 4698

hi, my name is elizabeth. i am a 15 year cheerleader at my highschool in texas. i have no experiance in acting besides being in church & school plays, but i would love to start. this is my favorite show & it would be an HONOR to be in here, even if' it's just an extra. i am 5'0, 105lbs, long brown hair, & green eyes.

Posted by Elizabeth Shay (2011-06-29) 4641

Hi, My name is Francesca and I am currently living in Phoenix AZ. My mother works in California, so we fly back and forth to visit her and other family. Meaning I would be available for any auditions. My hieght is 5'2, I have long brown hair, and brown eyes. Other than acting I have a big passion for singing. This would be a true honor to work on this cast. Thank you for your time.

Posted by Francesca (2011-06-28) 4625

My names AlexaRae. I'm 14 years old and live in Florida. I've been acting and singing since I was 4. I've done about 5-7 plays at Limelight Theater in St. Augustine since I was about 6 years old. I've been in the last 2 plays at my school, I was the lead role in both. I've done about 3 plays in middle and elementary school as well. I've taken singing lessons since I was 7 but stopped about 2 years ago. I am now looking for singing and acting lesson. I also sang at a restaurant in New York for free when I lived there. I've been in my schools choirs from about 3rd grade until now (just got out of 9th grade). It is my passion to sing and act in front of people and it is my dream to do it professionally. I'm a very dedicated actress and singer and would be so honored to be in any production with any role especially this one. Please get back to me if you have any question or comments. Thank you so much for your time.

Posted by AlexaRae (2011-06-26) 4608

Hello my name is Danielle Hauer I am 4"11". I watch your show all the time, I love it! my dream is to become an actress in a drama show just like yours, because I love mystery. All of my friends say I should be an actress, and I even have this thing about my name and for the career it says actress. I love to do different voices or be serious. I can stay in character for how ever long its needed. Please see this! And I hope you send me an email, thank you! I hope to be on your show one day! bye!

Posted by Danielle (2011-06-15) 4530

Hello, my name is Ashton. i am a 16 year old girl. I love Acting! I will always work hard, and I NEVER quit. I love Criminal Minds, and have watched almost every episode. It would be absolutly incredible if I got a role in your show. I act all the time, my friends suggested I should go into acting, and I have been trying to get a role in MANY different auditions even before that. My favorite character in your series is Spencer Reid. PLEASE contact me! IT WOULD BE AMAZING!!!

Posted by Ashton Wade (2011-06-08) 4491

Hi, I have watched Criminal Minds since it first aired. I watch the show even if its a rerun I am hooked. I'm 43 years old. I'm not your tipical perfect figured women. But not ugly lol. I dont think giving you what I look like is going to help you dont have a picture so I wont. What I can tell you is I am inspired nothing I want more is to act. To either make people laugh, cry, sit on the edge of there seat. When I was little I used to put on plays, sing, dance for my family. Of course my older sister told my mom to tell me to stop I was embaressing her. Well I didnt quit I am still doing it. I'm here not leaving so email me. Ya know your missing out on a good thing lol.

Posted by Wendy Gardiner (2011-06-01) 4462

my name is erik guzman i am 14 years old i am a hispanic i have dark brown eyes black hair almon brown skin i would like to be on your show so if you are intrested e-mail me i know am young but they allways told me to start youg to make a diffrence. thank you

Posted by erik guzman (2011-05-31) 4457

I am a 13 year old who loves criminal minds and would love to be in one of your shows, it would be an honor to work with your cast. I will do anything for the role. I am 5 f.8 with brown hair that has blond highlights that very in dark and light. It would be a dream come true to be on one of your shows and I can only hope for the best. I am a very good actress and have had a role in every play at school.Hope im chosen, thanks (i would do anything to have a role in the best tv series ever). Thanks for your consideration. Karina M.

Posted by Karina Mordus (2011-05-24) 4374

Hello to my favorite cast!
I am a 30 year old who loves your show! I have long, naturally curly, blonde hair which I straighten occasionally. I'm 5 9' with blue/green eye's and an average build. I've been told all my life by everyone, even complete stranger's, almost every day, that I look just like Drew Barrymore. I love mysteries and watch your show all week long. I really can't get enough. It would be such an honor to meet any of you and/or especially to appear on the show. Joining the team would be the best but even as an extra would be a dream come true. I am currently trying to break into the acting business which is very difficult where I live since it barley makes it on a map lol. There's not a lot of opportunity around here in that field. Who am I kidding? There's no opportunity around here in this field. But it has been my dream ever since I was able to dream to be an actress and I don't plan on giving up until I make my dream come true. If being on your show was how I end up getting my foot in the door it would be the greatest honor I would never forget. Please consider me for any role you might have available, I will do anything and travel anywhere to make it happen. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your consideration.
Very Truly Yours,

Posted by Elissa (2011-05-04) 4098

I am 13 years old, but I could be 15. I have watched every episode of criminal minds and I hope I can be in the bau one day. I am white and 5 foot tall. I could be a victim that was kidnapped or something.

Posted by Jackie (2011-04-20) 3981

im 14 years old but i could pass for a 16 year old. im a huge fan of criminal minds i watch it every time it comes on. i think i could be a good bad guy on the show because im into dark things movies and i have the face for it. i have some acting experience when i was younger. im 5'6 and im african american mixed with spanderian, asian, white, and indian

Posted by Keandra Safo (2011-04-16) 3970

I am a follower of criminal minds, I am 42 years old, work in the medical field and would like to guest on the show in that capacity. If that is a need, I am Caucasian, 5'7" and 135#, with dark brown hair and green/hazel eyes. Thank you for your consideration.
Mandi Michelle

Posted by Mandi Michelle (2011-04-04) 3923

Hello my name is Paola Salazar I am 16 years old. I am intrested in being a extra on the show Criminal Minds. I am mexican american I have brown eyes and brown hair.
I think it would be amazing to just be on the set of my favorite show. Dr. Reid is my favorite charter I think he is amazing.

Posted by paola salazar (2011-03-16) 3869

Hi! I love this show so does my mom we watch it all the time. Im intrested in acting and will audition for any part you need! Im half asian half white im 5'6 125 pounds long brownish blondish hair and hazel-gray eyes (depends on the lighting) if you guys ever need someone like this im your girl! Thanks! Oh and im 13 by the way :)

Posted by Maddie Lee (2011-03-08) 3841

Hey I'm Annie, I live in Oregon and I'm a Caucasian. I'm 14 years old and I'm 5'5 with medium shoulder length brown hair with hazel eyes. I would love to be an actor on criminal minds, and I even plan on taking acting all the way through high school and even during college. My favorite character is Dr. Reid, but Garcia looks a lot like my sister Kim. My dream is to be on criminal minds as someone who has to do with Dr. Reid (like a sister or cousin or friend something like that), though I know that my dream probable wont come true and I would still love to just be in criminal minds. Though I am 14 I look more 16 or 17. In school I helped film and act in a movie that some kids at school were doing, I also wrote a screen play for my media arts class. When serious I can look really mean or determined so a role as a killer or a victim would work, I can also be in a role as a smart person if that's also needed. I love the show criminal minds and I watch all the shows I can. I started writing a screenplay for criminal minds about Dr. Reid but I couldn't get into it because I don't know that much about crime scenes or profiling. I have an accent but I cover it up well but I can have a full on British accent if needed. If you need a person that fits what I said I would love to be in criminal minds.

Posted by Annie (2011-03-03) 3824

Hey. I'm amanda ventress. I live in thomaston ga. I'm 17 years old. I have shoulder link brown hair, averge made. Weight 117. I'm 5'5, wear glasses, have green/brown eyes. I'm a jr. in high school. I really would enjoy the chance to work on one of my favorite crime shows that I watch. I enjoy on how they solve cases and on how their lives come into some of the cases some times. I also like the fact that everyone is a team. They work really hard together and they are also like a family in many way. They push each other to their fullest. So I would love to either join the team or guest show on the show because I think it would be a very colorful and ones in a life time oppatonetey to do something like this. I do dream about begin an actress, I just wish in some cases I could get a chance. And with living in a samll town I really dont get many chances. So I could play almost any role and I can play any part. Such as a crazy person, or derang. In the hunt for a kill, or just a really smart person. Even a normal person. I would just really would love the chance to work on show like this.
Thank you- and have a great day

Posted by Amanda Ventress (2011-02-25) 3812

hi! i am 13yrs old and i love the show criminal minds. I've participated in a few plays but nothing serious. i would love to be on the show as a victim or something. I'm 5'2'' and a half, i live in CT and I'm told i am very wise for my age. well, you probably wont accept this, but i would feel stupid if i didn't say something. :) i have blue eyes and shortish blond hair. maby you might consider casting me. even being in the back round or something would be cool.

thanks anyway

kendyl harmeling

Posted by kendyl harmeling (2011-01-21) 3721

hi, my names kirstin and im fourteen years old. im very tall for my age, about five foot nine and a half inches. i have blonde hair about to my shoulders and blue eyes. my whole life i have wanted to be an actress and have some experience with plays and i was even filmed for an MTV commercial once. criminal minds is my favorite show of all time and i really respect every actor in the show, i think that they are amazing. i have an athletic build and have been told that i look a lot older, like seventeen or eighteen years old so i can play a wide range of parts. it would be my dream to be in criminal minds, even if that meant just an extra somewhere. i havent had a big break through anywhere so i know that it would be hard to case someone with little experience but many people have said that im a natural on staage or in front of the camera. any part would be amazing and just simply standing in the background or even a larger speaking role would make me super grateful. :)

Posted by kirstin (2010-12-30) 3610

Hi! I am 15 years old, on the shorter side with close to shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes. Criminal Minds has been my favorite show ever since I started watching it, my favorite character being Spencer Reid. I have been in plays for school and acting classes for 8 years some being more major roles while others being very minor roles. I have played characters ranging in variety form the operator from "Laugh In" and an orphan in my school's production of Annie to a grumpy general in "Mama I have to Dance" and an island girl in my acting class/dance studio's play "Shipwrecked". I absolutely LOVE acting and hope to become a famous actress when I grow up. It would be an honor to work with the GREAT cast of Criminal Minds, especially Matthew Gray Gubler who is one of my top three favorite actors tying for first place with Johnny Depp. Any part would be great, even an extra, I just really want to be part of my favorite show, in any way possible.

Posted by Maggie Darlington (2010-12-02) 3526

I absouluty love criminal minds more than anyone! escially derek morgan, fine! and garcia

Posted by Courtney hunt (2010-11-12) 3488

hi my name is Kaylin I'm 13 years old and I am a native american. I live in New Mexico. I have some experience in acting I've been in 3 stage plays at the local performing arts center and I've also been in front of a camera before too. I have brown eyes short black hair and a median size body. I have wanted to be an actress for as long as I could remember and criminal minds is my favorite show I really like Mathew Gray Gubler I'm a big fan of him. I don't expect to have a big part I wouldn't mind being a extra as long as I'm part of the show.

Posted by kaylin (2010-10-19) 3437

To Whom it May Concern:

My name is Kristin, I am a 21 year college student in the L.A area. I have medium length brown hair and green eyes. I would appreciate it if I was given an opportunity to be an extra in one of the filmings for Criminal Minds. I am, of course, a huge fan of the show. I love what the producers and creators have put together and would love to be a part of it. I am great with direction, responsible and up for new experiences. Thank you

Posted by Kristin (2010-10-17) 3435

I am 37 years old and would love to appear on criminal minds. I am interested in playing the killer. This is a role I know I will be terrific for. I enjoy watching criminal minds every week. I try to catch every episode, new and re-runs. Please cast me. Thank you.

Posted by yer (2010-10-13) 3431

Hey Yall! My name is Martha and I'm from Alabama. I'm really pretty and have a great bod. I would be a great extra on my favorite show criminal minds. Thanks

Posted by Martha Blanton (2010-09-15) 3364

hi my name is karen i´m 14 years, and i´m a girl sure about myself. I´ve worked on the plays of my school, i´m a good student.. i´m good to make the decisions necesary to grow inside my dream.. and that´s be an actress .i just need a chance. i don´t care if you give me the more little role. i will know how make it.. the best posible. criminal minds is the thing more earl to say she´s karen.. well, i´m open for everything. hi to everybody on the set of criminal minds. byebye. XO.

Posted by karen (2010-08-19) 3315

hi i am shawnie i would love to be a actress i live in las vegas i am 5'3 if you need some one for criminal minds i am here.

Posted by shawnie (2010-08-05) 3281

Hey, My name is Brooke and i am 16 years old, and my height is almost 5"9. I do not have experiance of acting but i would love to! I've always wanted to be an actress. I live in New Jersey. I have the personality to become one. Even if it's a small role i would love to play it!. I just really want this experience. I don't recieve a lot of chance for acting living in the this area and i hope i can get this wonderful chance.

Thank You


Posted by Brooke (2010-07-29) 3260

Hello, my name is Diana and i am turning 13 in 5 months. I have had some professional acting classes at John Robert Powers and have been in school plays, mainly musicals. I was also in my school chorus for 2 years. Criminal Minds is my favorite show and it has inspired me to become an FBI agent when i grow up if not an actress. I am really interested in being in the show wether it be a big or small role. Please give me and my acting a chance. It would be an unforgettable experience for me to play even the smallest role on Criminal Minds. My mother has lost hope in me becoming an actress or me starring in commercials, so i hope you could change that. Thank you i appreciate your time and concern.

Posted by Diana (2010-07-28) 3257

hi my name is summer, im 15 years old, caucasian, and 5'5 with chocolate brown hair and big brown eyes, i live in burleson texas (its right out of fort worth) im currently a sophmore at my high school, and ive done some acting and im soon going to enroll in modeling classes, im very driven in everything i do, and im willing to travel to any where that you need me, im also willing to do any part that is avaliable weither that is a guest role or extra, its definally on my bucket list to be on criminal minds i can do my own stunts if i need to.i think it would be a wondrful experience. i really hope you'll consider me for a part!

Posted by summer wright (2010-07-25) 3247

Hi my name is Kaileigh, I'm 15 years old and I would love to either meet the cast of Criminal Minds or be an extra in the show before I die. I have stage 4 melanoma that has spread to my liver, kidneys, stomach and gallblader. My doctor confirmed from an MRI that I also now have a non-operable brain tumor. My family and all my friends have written to the Make a Wish foundation with no response. Please help make the wish of a dying girl come true!

Posted by Kaileigh (2010-07-20) 3232

Hi my name is Morgan Mari Smith. I live in Hope Mills, NC. It's always been my dream to be an actor and I am good at it. Ilove the show criminal minds so i thought it would be a good idea to be a victim or evan a suspect or something. I can play the ages of a 14-16 year old. So if you ever need a co-star please do e-mail me. I am willing to travel.

Posted by morgan mari smith (2010-07-15) 3202

Hello, my name is Elise Gonzalez. It would be an honor to be on Criminal Minds because I watch the show almost every night with my grandfather. I am a 12 year old girl(though i look mature for my age) that lives in Palm Coast, Florida, which is close to Daytona Beach and Orlando. I believe I am very talented and, and I know there's something different about me that sets me apart from everyone else. I'm 5'4", Hispanic, Brown hair, Black eyes. Thank you for your consideration. It really would be an honor.

Posted by Elise Gonzalez (2010-07-02) 3110

hello, my name is Andrena,(an-jree-nuh) and i would love a chance at acting. i have always been the "dramatic one" in the family and i also do good imitations. i can memorize lines very easily. everyone says its amazing how quickly i can memorize a whole movie. im 14 years old, 5'8", and im kind of on the heavy side but im working on that. i live in lakewood, washington and watch this show whenever i get the chance. LOVE IT! however, what sucks is: i dont have cable so i dont really get to watch it as much as i'd like. but i would really appreciate any role at all. i want to at least be given a shot at this. i believe i could be good at this.

Posted by Andrena Juric (2010-06-26) 3082

Hi, my name is Pamela and I am 38 and have always been interested in acting and psychology and criminal minds is about both. I took dance for about 5 years and was an extra in "In the Heat of the Night" and was fascinated with the whole process and the behind the scenes of the whole experience.Also attended Barbizon Modelling School about a year. I know I am older but have alot of drive and passion for the business. I was in the Drama Club also in high school. I think it would be a fascinating opportunity and would love the experience. Thank you for your consideration.

Posted by Pamela Thompson (2010-06-16) 3040

Hi, my name is Jaqueline but you guy may call me jacky,i am 15 years old; i am 5'2, my natural hair is curly and brown but now i have a reddish orange colore still curly i straighten it up every now and then, i have brown eyes, i am hispanic light skined by the way i injoy meeting new people,i speak four languages english,spanish, french and some what sign language well that me, i also love learning new things.........

--- hope to get something some day

PS. can't denie i am a fan of criminal minds

Posted by Jaqueline Sanchez (2010-05-15) 2963

Hi my name is Anna i am 5'7 and 14 i have long brown hair and brown eyes I have always loved acting ever since I knew you could be on the T.V i wanted to be I am very dedicated to being a actress when I do get gigs I put all i have in too it I love criminal minds and would love to be on it. please consider me THANK YOU

Posted by Anna (2010-05-10) 2940

My name is Michelle, I'm 15 and I live in New Jersey. I'm 5'6" have brown eyes and short curly dark brown hair with blonde highlights, I'm Caucasian. I'm a huge fan of Criminal Minds and I'm absolutely in love with Spencer Reid/Matthew Gray Gubler. Being an extra on the show would be the best thing that could ever happen to me. I understand that this is a rare oppertunety and I don't want to waste it. I could play any role you need. Please contact me if you're interested.

Posted by Michelle B. Silverstein (2010-05-08) 2907

Hi im a 26 year old female. I look younger though. Im puerto rican, 5'3, and very interested in acting. I would love to be on criminal minds because its a fav. show of mine. I would play any role...

Posted by Deborah Valentin (2010-04-04) 2774

My name is Taren Robinson. I a 20 years old female. I will be turning 21 in November. I am 5'5", I have medium length light brown/ dark blonde hair, and blue eyes. I have wanted to act for as long as I can remember. Though I don't have any experience, I have a great personality. I am a great listener, will do whatever you tell me to. I get along with anyone and everyone. I am a huge fan of the show and would love to be a part of it. I would take any part that you have available. I know that it's not easy getting into acting, and I am willing to do whatever it takes. It would be a dream come true if you would pick me. I was born in a small town called Alamogordo. It is in New Mexico. Now I live in Bristow, Oklahoma. It is another small town. I don't come from a high or even middle class family. We have to work long and hard just to make it by. So getting the chance to have even a small role in the show would mean the world to me. I have been praying for the chance to be an actress. I really hope that you will consider me for a part on the show.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Taren R. Robinson

Posted by Taren R. Robinson (2010-03-19) 2702

My name is Mikenzi Carter, age 14 around 5' 5 or 5'6. I have brown hair and live in Tennessee. I love to perform, and really want to be an actress. I have participated in the drama club at my school every year, and have been in a commercial for skyalert, now known as skyward, with Anderson County Schools. I have also been interviewed for that commercial, and it was on the news. Acting is defiantly one of my passions. I have noticed how everyone on the show has great chemistry and I would love to experience that. I think it would be great first experience, and an honor, to get to work with this cast.
Smile Daily :D

Posted by Mikenzi Carter (2010-03-15) 2692

i would really like to be on criminal minds and be a fbi

Posted by cole (2010-03-12) 2676

Hi. My name is Caressea and I am 16 years old. Im about 5'4. I would really love to be an actress on criminal minds. I do not mind at all if I am an extra or have an actual role. I am a huge fan of Criminal Minds and I would do anything to be aprt of the cast! Thank you!
(Reid Rocks!)

Posted by Caressea Lentino (2010-02-27) 2641

Hi, my name is Hope, i live in Portland, Oregon. I am 14 years old, and 5'1. I would love to be apart of your show, I have been in several plays and adore acting. I am nice, and beautiful in many people's eyes, and there have been people to ask me to model. I am wise for my years and it wound be life changing and acting is what I dream about at night. If I don't try I will regret that I never did, so it's worth a shot.

Go Reid!

Posted by Hope (2010-02-10) 2560

My name's Elizabeth and I would really like to act on a crime drama and I love this show very much and would like nothing more than to be on it. If you are looking for a young girl that could play anywhere from age 17 to 21 of mixed race then i'm your girl. I have been told i'm pretty so I figured I would give it a shot. Thanks a lot.

Posted by Lizzie (2010-02-09) 2559

Hey, my name is Melanie Washington i'm 11 years old going on 12 in a few weeks and acting has always been a dream for me since i was like 6. I can do many roles from dramatic to girly to shy to sporty to bad girl and a lot more. i haven't had a lot of expierence but if you give me a chance i know i can really blow you guys away. Thanks and hope to see you guys soon.

Posted by melanie washington (2010-02-07) 2545

My name is Tommy Robinson, I am turning 23 in a few days. I have always wanted to be an actor, whether it be T.V. or film. I've always dreamed of being as good as Johnny Depp. I can talk with Austrailian, British, and Southern accents, including a pretty good impression of Capt. Jack Sparrow. I do my own stunts, I would love to be giving the opportunity to show what I'm made of, and to live my dreams. Thank You.

Posted by Tommy Robinson (2010-02-04) 2541

My name is Austin Mockridge, acting is my profession. I am extremely good at being a criminal/angry when it comes to acting. When i get angry while acting i literally strike fear into peoples eyes even when they know im acting. My whole face changes figure unto the point where im unrecognizible. I promise you that you will find noone better at being an angry teen than I. Im 5' 7", very good looking. check out my pics on my space if you want. I live in bonanza oregon at the moment and im very intrested. thank you

Posted by Austin Mockridge (2010-01-28) 2513

Hello, my name is Gabriela, but Gaby for short. I am currently 14, but look up to 16. I can look and perform my age when needed. I am very mature for my age, and I am a serious actress. No, I do not have any proffesional acting experiences, but I've been in various plays. I have awsome acting skills, I'm always energetic, and have an excelent memory. I am working on being a proffesional actess, and being an extra on your show would be the most beautiful miracle and starter. I love 'Criminal Minds', thanx!

Posted by Gaby G. (2010-01-24) 2503

My name is Ashlyn and I am 16 years old. I'm about 5'8" and of average build. I have brown eyes and my hair is auburn colored and reaches just beyond my shoulders [it can be dyed any color if necessary]. I have been told that I look about 18 or so. Acting is one of my passions, in fact, I have been acting since I was about 7 or 8 years old! I have taken countless acting classes and have landed lead roles in almost every production I have auditioned for! Also, I am a very friendly person and my friends and family say that I would make a good actress. Criminal Minds is my absolute favorite show and beeing casted as a guest star, extra or whatever would make my dream as an aspiring acturess come true! I love the characters and how true the storyline is for a television show. Please consider me!

Posted by Ashlyn (2010-01-08) 2455

Hello, my name is Abby and I am 12 years old. I look about 15 or 16. I have light brown/dark blonde hair that is a few inches under my shoulder. It is wavy so It can be either curled or straightened. My eyes are golden brow with green flecks. I act, sing, dance, and swim. My sister and I both love Criminal Minds, especially Reid, Morgan, and Garcia. We are totally hooked on the show! I have taken acting classes before, about 8 or 9. I am continuing them after the holidays. For this year, I am being homeschooled, so I would most likely be able to travel to be on the show. It is my dream to be on Criminal Minds!


Posted by Abby (2009-12-22) 2387

Wats up! My name is A'shia. I'm 13, black female. I have medium length, slightly wavy, dark brown hair with dark brown eyes. I'm around 5'4". I live in Houston,TX. I would love to make my acting debut on Criminal Minds, which I know almost everything about the main characters. I would love to go after the careers of an actress, singer, director, scriptwriter, and sketch artist, but after watching criminal minds i wouldn't mind my backup plan being a criminalogist. It's a great honor to be considered for a role no matter how small.
Thanks a lot!

Posted by A'shia Rose (2009-12-09) 2367

Hello, my name is Terry. I live in midtown Manhattan. I am a very intense looking shaved head, psychotic looking 39 year old man. I am looking for work as an Actor. I am a former English Teahcher-well spoken great voice can do accents well.. I am 5'11" blue eyes, intense, angry looking. normal build. My looks can be compared to Anthony Hopkins, Anthony Perkins. I can play any psycotic crazy looking part. I need work.. If anyone knows of any parts in NYC please le me know. Thanks.

Posted by Terry (2009-11-23) 2327

I heard from a friend that there were casting calls, I am 14 years old acting is something I am very capable of. One of the main reasons I would love to be on your show is because I have a passion for CSI, and wish to be a forensic scientist when im older. I am very tall for my age, 5'9, and don't really look my age, i have brown wavy hair, and hazel eyes.

I hope you will consider me to be on your show!
It would be a great honor!

Thank you.

Posted by Emily (2009-11-23) 2324

My name is Liz. I am a 13 year old Caucasian female. I have silverish blue eyes, deep brown straight hair, which is currently short, but I am working on growing it out. My height is 5'8". I have been a fan of Criminal Minds since the first day it aired. I am also a HUGE Matthew Gray Gubler and Shemar Moore fan. I have wanted to be an actress ever since I can remember and after watching Criminal Minds, I want to get into Criminal Justice.

Posted by Liz (2009-11-01) 2238

I am 23 years old and I have always wanted to go into acting whether its becoming an extra, a large role or a role with only one line. I have taken a few acting, theater and film classes. It is something that I am very serious about and it is something that I have always wanted to do since I was little. I would love the opportunity to show what I can do. I am very hard working and I am open to any guidence and advice. Thank you.

Posted by Lauren S. (2009-10-28) 2221

i am the best actor in my city of cleveland, Ohio. i hope you will pick me for a role on my favorite show i play a real good crazy killer or a real good cop either one you wont be dissapointed hope you give me a chance please give me a chance i have a wife and kidshope to make it on your show thank you.

Posted by Tyrone Williams (2009-10-23) 2204

Hello my name is Kacey. I am 25 yrs old, I have long brown hair and brown eyes. I am 5'7" tall and I weigh 155 lbs, I have a hourglass figure and slightly athletic. I live in Newport News, VA.
I have never done any real acting but I am interested in starting. The only acting I have done is in plays in church, and that was several years ago. I hope to be considered.

Posted by Kacey (2009-09-27) 2142

My name is Valentina. Im 21 years old and 6'2 with dark brown hair and bluish/greenish eyes. I live in Lexington,KY but was born in Belarus.I dont really have much acting experience but I have been in stage plays when I was younger and in an independent film called "Nightmare Fuel" as an extra. Im willing to do whatever it takes if given an opportunity to be on this show. I can memorize lines easily and am not camera shy (have a great personality).
Thanks so much,

Posted by Valentina (2009-09-08) 2060

I am currently a Criminal Justice Major. I'm going to school to become a Crime Scene Investigator. I've had a passion for being a actress since I was a child. Given a chance to cast in this show, would be a dream come true.

Posted by Rolanda Herring (2009-08-13) 1952

Hello. I'm Marlowe, 17, 5'4, caucasian. I have wanted to act for as long as I can remember. I watch a movie once and I can recite whole scenes. I would love to be in Criminal Minds. I'm a huge fan of Matthew Gray Gubler so this would actually be a dream come true for me.

Thank you for this opportunity

Posted by Marlowe (2009-07-25) 1834

Hi, My name is Ashley Erickson. I'm a major fan of Criminal Minds. I would be honored more than anything in the world just to be on this show. I have been acting for almost 5 years now. I have been in many plays, musicals, dances, and performances. Acting is my life and I am guarenteed to always love it and to be loyal to it at any time. I am 12 years old, yes I know, "young". But I would do anything you wanted me to on the show, Thank you so much! -Ashley Katherine Erickson.

Posted by Ashley E. (2009-06-21) 1626

hi my name is tara i live in victoria australia, im tall i love to watch crimanl minds its mine and mum mums fav show i have wanted to be an actress foor sooo long

Posted by tara (2009-02-23) 1048

Hi, my name is Karina and I'm 14 years old. I'm Caucasian, 5'3" and I've always wanted to be an actress. I live in Ottawa, ON. I have the looks and the personality to be an actress. I am willing to do whichever part is necessary, whether it be an extra or an actual role. I'll be happy with any role I'm given. I just really want to have this great experience and try being an actress. It's something that I think I have talent for and could deliver my part very well. I'm very outgoing and love camera's and I am very convincing on screen. Please give me a shot,



Posted by Karina H. (2009-01-03) 789

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