Welcome to the "90210" Message Board - the place to discuss anything and everything about "90210."
Feel free to discuss the show in general, the individual episodes, the cast and characters, and any other aspect of the show. Make Actingbiz.com your place for expressing your thoughts and communicating with others who share your common interests.
Hi! My name is Christina. I am 14 but I look 15-16. I have brown hair and hazel eyes. My height is 5'7''. I know that my height isn't a normally "acting height", but I have acted professionally for some artists and directors but nothing as big as TV. I would love to break into the business! Also, every year I attend a highly know acting school in Milwaukee for 2-3 weeks. So I have experience. I'm a hard worker, a fast learner and I'm a great performer. E-mail me if you’re interested or have any questions! Thanks so much!
Posted by Christina Kennedy (2012-04-19) 6425
Hi my name is jessica i love this show and i really want to act in 90210. I live in South Africa. So i hope you give me a chane to audition. thanks :)
Posted by jessica (2011-10-23) 5607
Hi my name is rutvik i love this show i am 13 years old and i really want to act in 90210. I live in Australia. So i hope you give me a chane to audition. thanks
Posted by Rutvik Bodas (2011-10-06) 5243
Hi im a 15 year old teenage girl. I have long dark brown hair, im tall and skinny, i have dark brown eyes, im tanned, beautiful and have been told i have lovely eyes. Im looking for a role on a hit TV show like this. I dont have an agent but i would really appreciate an audition! As i live in Australia it is hard for me to make a face-to-face audition but i would be more than happpy to tape my audition and mail it to you. If you like my video audition i would be happy to travel for an audition. Im a fun, outgoing person who loves to act and laugh alot. My friends and i are always coming up with our own little plays. I do drama at school. Im easy to get on with and i always give people the benefit of the doubt. Despite all this, if a character requires me to snap into bitchy mood then i am more than capable of doing that. So please email me! Contact me please!! I really want a part on a hit TV show, ive wanted it since i was a little girl. Email me?!
Posted by Jordan W (2011-02-16) 3798
Hey , My Name is Quentanett Tidwell. I Have Always Wanted To Act On This Show , I am a quick learner, Energetic And Willing to make change.
Pleases Give Me A Chance !!!!!
Posted by Quentanett Tidwell (2011-01-15) 3696
hi, im kelly and i would like to be on the show. i would do anything. i would rarly ever fool around, i would keep my mind mostly on what part i am working on. If you want me to do something,i`ll do it, no questions ask and no talking about it, i would just do it. im good at acting(a lot of people say), i can keep a serious face for a long time. im really good at it, you should see everyone thinks its cool. you can have a funny face and i wont laugh.If you choose me i will do anything.
Posted by kelly (2011-01-15) 3688
love Dixon and want to be in a scene with him!
Posted by nicki (2010-12-10) 3551
Hello, My name is Siham I want to take this role in 90210 as an opportunity to learn more about acting and to gain more experiance. I have been watching this episode for quite sometime now and I feel that this teen episode is for me.
Age : 19
weight : 9
Hair colour : dark brown
Eyes: hazel
Please contact me at this email. Thank you so much u wont regret it.
Posted by siham fadhil (2010-11-12) 3487
Hi my name is Neveen. I have been a fan of this show since the very first Episode! I am extremely interested in this to play a role on this show. I have commerical experience and modeling experience. I can also play a lot of different roles. I am 20 years old and love to act. Please email back, i would love to at least meet you in person.
Posted by Neveen Farah (2010-11-08) 3478
Hi my name is Helen. I have been a fan of this show since I can remember I loved the old cast and the new cast are awesome and make the show like the old days but more revived. Acting has been my dream since i used to do plays when I was in school. I know I have what it takes to become an actress and make it in Hollywood. I just need some direction in making my dream happen. It would be an honor to be on the show because it relates to all the teens that go through that in everyday life. If anyone reads this all I am asking is for a shot.
Posted by helen ghanem (2010-09-24) 3375
Hi i am Meshawna Garrett i like this show because it really relates to a teen age life style and the drama that gose on but now or days it more to it.I really hope someone looks at this because i really want to show my talents all my friends and family think im funny i like to act this has been my dream to become a actor since i was 6years old please if you think i could be a good actor please email me. thank you sign (Meshawna Garrett)
Posted by Meshawna Garrett (2010-07-22) 3238
Hi, My name is Tylisha and I am 16 years old. I love this show and and my dream is to act it would be really grateful if I had an opportunity to work on this show. It would be a dream come true. Also i'm from Oklahoma.
Posted by Tylisha Murphy (2010-06-18) 3046
hi my name is gabriel solis im 19 yrs i wanna be an actor i was wondering if u guys have auitons for any role or special guest this is really my dream and always wanted to be on the 90210 cast i know im good i just wanna get a chance someday. please contact me at this email. thank you so much u wont regret it.
Posted by gabriel solis (2010-04-21) 2853
hey i love the show and i was wondering if you were looking for young teens.i'm fourteen but i definetely could play a character that is older then me.just give me a chance i know i could do a great job for u guys.thanks.
Posted by angel (2010-04-18) 2833
My name is shannagh i am 13 years old and i live in London.
My dream is to act and i am worth contacting as i can play any role.
I did a bit of modelling when i was 7 years old but unfortunatley i stopped when i moved to Scotland.
I now live in England and i have just turned 13 in March.
You may think im a little young but i look older than i actually am. Please email me i can send pictures just to prove to you.
And another thing is i do a little bit of dancing too i started dancing when i was 5.
Posted by Shannagh (2010-04-10) 2807
16 love this show want to in a go acting job to put me in the light im turning 17 5' 9''in june bigg thing is my dream god have a place for me in acting i see
Posted by angelo motley (2010-04-09) 2796
Hello My name is Curtis Ware. I would like the opportunity to do a casting call for you guys. I am 18 years old, Mixed Male, Black Hair, 5'10'', and athletic build. I have been in 5 years of football, 6 years of track, 5 years of basketball, 5 years of band, 1 year of choir, 1 year of speech where I have done dramatic Interpretation, Scripted Duo. I am currently working on my school play "Camelot" which we will perform on April 20-23 In Connersville, Indiana.
Posted by Curtis ware (2010-04-06) 2780
Hey i am a 15 year old actor with black hair , 5"1, and long black hair
Posted by Lydia (2010-03-01) 2645
I am hoping today will bring me a bit of look in pursuing my dream to be apart of this awesome show.
9th February 2010- 9/02/10
Coincidence I think not :P
Chow for now
Posted by Andrew David (2010-02-09) 2557
Hi. My name is Andrew Roberts i am 19 years old White Caucasian, I currently live in the UK but make several trips a year to California therefore would and could be available if any roles did come up. I am more interested in smaller roles such as extras, short speaking role to begin with, I think we would all love to be the leading man or women but to begin with to get myself up the ladder i would enjoy any small parts that become available to gain more experience and pursue the dream i have.
Posted by Andrew Roberts (2010-02-08) 2552
Hi my name is Nicole and iam 20 and i love your show and i really want to be a actress if you have any auditions or any roles for your show please let me know .
Posted by Nicole Smith (2010-01-15) 2472
hi my name is shaquilla o'neal iam 15 years old and an upcoming actress my friends and family keep telling me that i wont make it but i believe in myself so that's all that matters.it's hard having doors close in on you but i know someday somebody will see my talent,and how good iam.i hope your one of them i lkove 90210 and i would love to be apart of it so if you believe in me like i believe in myself contact me. thank you for you time and support and letting me tell you my story.
Posted by shaquilla o'neal (2010-01-07) 2444
i think being on 90210 would be a dream come true. i am 16 years old and i am about 5'5". i am a hard woker and i can be dramatic. i love the people on the show. it would be the best thing that would ever happen. i have brown hair and big eyes that usually change colors. I was in an acting class and a modeling class and i loved it. i am a huge fan of this show. if i were to be on this show it would be a dream come true. Pleaseeeeee. (:
Posted by alexa nelson (2009-11-17) 2297
I have been watching this show since season one and i love it. I live in ohio and would love the chance to be a part of the show or and episode of the show. thanks for your time
Posted by Alyssa (2009-11-16) 2291
Hi, my name is Jennie. I am Asian, 5'3, and 16. I have black hair and dark brown eyes. I love and have done acting for two years and I have a knack for dramas. I would love to be on the show.
Posted by Jennie (2009-10-13) 2181
agents send me something
Posted by randy (2009-10-05) 2157
Hi, I'm nevin, and im 17 years old and im 5'6. I love to act, and had been acting for almost 2 years. Im good at it, and well....i just love it. I want to become someone rather than no one. I would love to do anything that will get me notice, because this is what i was born for, and that i want to wake every day telling myself i love my job.
dark brown hair / eyes
Posted by Nevin (2009-09-27) 2137
Hi my name is Brittanie Johnson. I am 14 yrs old and live in Buckeye, Arizona. I love 90210, my mom actually used to watch the old ones and she got me hooked on re-runs. But anyways I really love acting, I used to be very insecure about myself but watching this show has has shown me that I need to like myself as I am. I do think i am good at acting, deffinately not the best. I know I may sound like im bragging but that is totally not who i am. I am a person who just really loves to act, and will do alot to get there, but do it the right way, and I think you guys are the right way to go. Thank you so much for reading this, i hope i hear from u...
Posted by Brittanie Johnson (2009-09-20) 2107
I love 90210 and I cant wait for the new season. I would love to be on the show im 15 but I am very positive and have a good personality. I persevere and I have allot of determination im willing to work hard and acomplish whatever comes my way, I would love to get the chance to audion for the show.
Posted by jessica v. (2009-08-16) 1965
hey my name is randy im 10 and if you need a black young male im a starter at acting but im very good at it so agents hit me up and 90210 hit me up
Posted by randy (2009-08-11) 1941
Hi, I'm Erika. I'm 15 years old and I LOVE to watch 90210. I've become really passionate about acting. I really havn't really had experience with the acting biz except my school plays, but once I set my mind to someting that I'm crazy about, I give it all my time and effort and turn out to be a natural at it. I will soon be getting into acting lessons and my school's drama club to improve my acting. I'll take any role that is available and I promise you that I will make it worth your time. I will be delighted with whatever script you assign me with.I won't disappoint. Thank you so very much for taking you time to read my comment!
Posted by Erika Jazmin Ibarra (2009-08-10) 1929
Posted by ASHYIA RADCLIFF (2009-06-27) 1681
Hey its Jordan again when i said that i don't mind stirring up drama i meant i wouldn't mind playing a character who stirs up drama.
Posted by Jordan Martin (2009-06-27) 1679
Hi! My name is Jordan and I am 13 years old. I am from Tennessee but without the big noticeable country accent. I don't know if am a little young for a part on 90210 but if i'm not who knows i could play a being Dixon's half little sister that h has never known about ( long lost sister) or i could be girl who has skipped a couple grades who ended up being in high school early. I don't mind stirring some up some drama either. I wouldn't say that i absolutely love to act but i do like it because I get to experience being someone outside of myself for once but still being able to put a little of me into the character. If there is a part i could audition for please email me. Thanks
Posted by Jordan Martin (2009-06-26) 1675
90210 is like the biggest tv show i never miss and if in some case me to miss it ill recorde it it sounds sad but thats how much im into it im 13 so i could play a little sister but im 14 in 3 months. i can look older or younger.
Posted by jodi ecclestone (2009-05-31) 1518
Hi i am Jade i am a really good actor but i have never been givin the chance to act on tv and it would be my dream if i was givin the chance to audition so please email me.
Age : 13
weight : 8.5
Hair colour : brown
Any film will be good. Small part or big part.
Posted by Jade Young (2009-05-25) 1489
Hi my name is Alondra and I wanted to know if you guys were looking for anyone thats 17. I live in New Mexico so I dont really know anyone to contact about this.
Posted by Alondra (2009-05-14) 1450
hi im kennise and im thirteen and i was wondering if you had any parts for some episode im 5'2 and i wold love to play dixson"s long lost sister
Posted by kennise (2009-04-28) 1357
iam a 14 year old girl black african and i really want to become a and a singer
Posted by philomina (2009-04-16) 1311
hello my names jamal and i would love to be on 90210.. i even have my own character outline.... i was thinking i could be dixons long lost brother or an relation to him... i live in liverpool england but i can put on a great american accent... actually a person thought i was american when i done it, im 15 but i have been told i look alot older. so if it would be possible you can email me back. Thank You
Posted by jamal (2009-04-15) 1305
i love to act and 90210 is fab i love it
Posted by paula (2009-03-11) 1121
hihi im tori and my dream is to be a well known actress i would give up everything for an oppurtunity to become one. :D
Posted by victoria (2009-02-13) 1001
Hello.I am a girl who wants to be an acress. Acting is concentration, patience, professional, enjoyable, and having that extra something that makes you stand out.I am 16 years old and I would absolutely love to be apart of the cast on 90210. Thank you.
Posted by Elginae (2009-02-12) 996
my name is thijin bol am from Africa,i came like 3 years ago and i want to be a actress but i don't know anyone can help me.acting is some thing i have in my life i act at school and with my friends i just love it so much Please give me a shot and i will be the best actress u never seen.Thank you
Posted by thijin (2009-02-11) 992
Hi, how are you
my name is Matt and I love 90210, but I would love the opportunity to be on the show(extra, actual role, whatever). I am over 18 but am always told I look under 16, if I'm given a shot you wont be disappointed. I would appreciate your response. Thank You
Posted by MaK (2009-02-03) 964
Hi, my name is Karina and I'm 14 years old. I'm Caucasian, 5'3" and I've always wanted to be an actress. I live in Ottawa, ON. I have the looks and the personality to be an actress. I am willing to do whichever part is necessary, whether it be an extra or an actual role. I'll be happy with any role I'm given. I just really want to have this great experience and try being an actress. It's something that I think I have talent for and could deliver my part very well. I'm very outgoing and love camera's and I am very convincing on screen. Please give me a shot,
Posted by Karina H. (2009-01-03) 787
Hello there, will you all be holding any auditions for any female roles on 90210? I am I am over 18, but can play younger. Thank you for your time.
Posted by Vanessa (2008-11-19) 593
I been fan of this show Sept.2, I love it from the cast to the writers. I'm 16 and been a fan of acting since I can remeber. If I could get an audition on the show I would show it was worth your time.
Posted by Danzel Harris (2008-11-06) 527
Hello, I wanted to know if you guys are looking for 13 year olds or adults?
Posted by Dova-Symane (2008-09-25) 406
hey its tanner and i really want to be on this show ill do an audition just email me im thirteen and have alopt of talent. give me a chance and you wont be dissapointed
Posted by tanner (2008-09-24) 399
Become an Actor, Actress or Extra by joining the world's leading acting community. Find acting tips, casting calls & auditions, career networking tools, and SAG-AFTRA talent agents.
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2017 Series - Streaming on Amazon
In 1958 New York, Midge Maisel's life is on track: husband, kids, and elegant Yom Kippur dinners in their Upper West Side apartment. But when her life takes a surprise turn, she has to quickly decide what else she's good at - and going from housewife to stand-up comic is a wild choice to everyone but her.
Winner of 8 Emmy Awards. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is written and directed by Amy Sherman-Palladino (Gilmore Girls). Source Amazon
2011 Series - Streaming on Netflix
Still rebounding from a breakup, Jessica Day moves in with three single guys, all of whom are ready to help her understand the ways of the world. Zooey Deschanel stars as single schoolteacher Jessica Day, who moves in with three guys after having her heart broken by her latest beau.
Zooey Deschanel brings out her offbeat charm in this sitcom about a quirky teacher and three male roomies. Source Netflix
2016 Series - Streaming on Netflix
Due to an error, self-absorbed Eleanor Shellstrop arrives at the Good Place after her death. Determined to stay, she tries to become a better person. When Eleanor dies and winds up in an afterlife paradise reserved for only the most ethical people, she realizes she's been mistaken for somebody else. This wacky afterlife comedy won a Critics' Choice TV Award. Source Netflix
1997 (1h 56m) - Streaming on Netflix
Hired by a Russian politician to steal the formula for cold fusion, master thief Simon Templar falls for the scientist who has unlocked the secret.
Val Kilmer and Academy Award nominee Elisabeth Shue star in this globe-trotting romantic thriller. Source Netflix
2007 (1h 50m) - Streaming on Netflix
Stunt cyclist Johnny Blaze makes a bargain with the sinister Mephisto to save a loved one. Years later, Johnny gets the chance to reclaim his soul.
Nicolas Cage's hell-bound biker and this Marvel Comics adventure rode to the No. 1 spot at the box office. Source Netflix
1999 (2h 8m) - Streaming on Netflix
Greed, revenge, world domination: It's all in a day's work for James Bond, who's on a mission to protect an oil heiress from a notorious terrorist.
Pierce Brosnan's third foray as the iconic super-agent was the highest-grossing Bond movie of its time. Source Netflix
I just finished law school and I'm not afraid of reading, a lot. I enjoyed law but I would love to do something more! I am Canadian and, although she is much prettier, some say I share similar features with Shenae Grimes.
Send me an audition and find out for yourself!
Posted by Shanel (2019-08-01) 10107